"Batman: Arkham City": walkthrough

Batman: Arkham City is a direct plot continuation of the previous Arkham Hospital. The events of the game tell about the creation of a new special prison for especially dangerous prisoners of Gotham. Now they live on the vast territory of urban slums, which is under the constant guard of an armed detachment of mercenaries and under the strict supervision of Batman himself.

At Arkham City, users should once again return to the dangerous streets of gloomy Gotham City. Together with the Dark Knight, Catwoman, and other allies, they will have to fight one of the most memorable villains of the DC universe. In this dangerous adventure, you can only rely on your own strengths and the full passage of the game "Batman: Arkham City", which has collected the most useful tips and advice on the game. With it, users can easily go through particularly difficult levels.

It is worth noting that in addition to text guides, there are video passages of the game. The following series can be noted among the most popular let’s plays on the Russian-language YouTube: The passage of the game Batman Arkham City with Kyubayt, with Kuplinov, with Gideon, etc.

Catwoman and the Dark Knight: The Beginning of the Game

After the introductory video, we are immediately offered to play for Celine Kyle. We are attacked by two-faced bandits, with whom the first battle in Arkham City begins. After the victory, we go towards the safe and press the space bar.

Further, the passage of the game "Batman: Arkham City" takes us to Bruce Wayne. He was handcuffed, so we must help him free himself. We swing the chair on which we are sitting, after which we carry out a counterattack on the guard and select the chip from him. Our next goal is the gate. You can go to them through "line A". Silently we follow two guards and we fight with prisoners.

After that we climb the hill and contact Alfred. A new fight begins with the Penguin and his bandits. As soon as we win, we immediately go our way to the roofs. We move along the ledge towards the Ace Chemicals building, then take on the appearance of Batman and try to break into the wave of negotiations between mercenaries from the Tiger.

We save Celine Kyle and interrogate the Joker

Inside the building, Two-Face arranged a court hearing. Using the hints of the Bet equipment, we reach the goal (we also do not forget to fight a couple of bandits along the way). Already inside we rise to the very top, deal with the guard and jump into the thick of the enemies.

Passage of the game "Batman: Arkham City"

After a spectacular fight with a crowd of opponents, we will concentrate on our detective skills. We scan the room and collect all the necessary ballistic data (on glass and on the floor).

We go to the church, in which we are again met by thugs and bandits, however, this time under the leadership of Harley Quinn. Inside the building you need to use a smoke grenade to climb up. From there we see that the enemies are holding several civilians hostage. To save them, we will have to deal with four guards. Scan the abandoned sniper rifles and set the Joker radio signal.

The passage of "Batman: Arkham City" continues, and we follow the sensor. The signal should lead our hero to the North Docks, where the Sionis Industries steel mill is located. Use the pipe to get inside. At the exit from the "basement" we are waiting for a gang of Jokers, so we can easily deal with it.

If you select the left door and get through the window, you can perform a small mini-task to save the doctor. The reward in this case will be a useful gadget. Next, we hold the way to the loading sector, where we shoot at the generator - it will activate a crane that will break all signs. Another gang of thugs will come to noise. The best tactic here will be an electric attack of a huge clown - he will scatter everyone else and be left alone. We go upstairs and find ourselves in the Joker’s office.

Passage of the game "Batman: Arkham City": the rescue of Frieze

We use the signal from the temperature sensor to find the location of the coldest point in the city. We get to the police station, at the entrance of which again a small company awaits us. Inside, behind a locked door, lies a dead guard - he has the chip we need, which must catch a new signal (the door opens with an electric discharge). We pass on and meet with the armed guard. Only one needs to be left alive - we will interrogate him after the fight.

Now we need to use an encryption sequencer to gain access to the panel and break the door. We find ourselves outside and go to the museum, after hacking another lock at the entrance. Inside the museum there is a gate that opens and closes at the signal of the motion sensor. We jump into the right window and begin work on hacking the sensor.

In the next installment of the Batman: Arkham City game to save Frieze, we will have to destroy several jammers. Two devices are located outside, on the roof of the museum, and the third - in the subway. Along the way, we deal with all the opponents that are on our way. As soon as the last transmitter is destroyed, you can safely return to the museum.

Hack the gate again to continue the passage of “Batman: Arkham City”. Mr. Freeze is not the only one who needs salvation. Together with him, several more Gotham City police officers are held hostage by the Penguin. By the way, freeing the first cop, you can get a useful code. We go down to the lower floor and stumble upon the grate. You can get around it with the help of a betarang, directing it towards the button. Time for another fight, during which an aggressive clown under the Titan will try to stop us. It is worth taking advantage of the opportunity and jump on the clown from above - in this way, managing it, we can quickly deal with other opponents.

Complete Walkthrough Batman: Arkham City

Again, use the controlled betarang to activate the button, and break another lock. We will use the elevator and, before reaching the upper floors, we will blow up one of the walls. We will find ourselves in the hall, where we still have to save a couple of police officers. The rest of the cops are locked in neighboring rooms, so feel free to go to their rescue. Nearby we will find our main goal in this chapter - Mr. Freeze. To get to him, Batman will have to break open the gates, destroy the wall and fight the mini-boss.

The Dark Knight vs. Penguin

We continue the passage of the game "Batman: Arkham City". The frieze is saved, so we will search his suit and find the key with which you can turn off the Ice Cannon security system. As a bonus, get a new gadget.

The next goal is the Iceberg Lounge. Inside we are waiting for a long-awaited meeting with the Penguin. Deactivation of the gun is possible only at close range, so feel free to come closer to the villain. We try to avoid getting ice jets into Batman - for this we perform rifts between arched shelters, moving towards the bridge. Already in place, deactivate the Ice Cannon.

After this, a fight begins with Solomon Grandi. As a feed, he uses electricity from three power sources located on the "arena". You can destroy them with a gel. The whole battle consists of the following actions: Batman breaks down power sources, runs up to Solomon and tries to inflict several blows to him, simultaneously dodging electric balls. After that, we complete the part of the passage of “Batman: Arkham City” with the Penguin.

In pursuit of Ra'c al-Ghul and a sample of his blood

On Ra's al-Ghul, we must be led out by the bloody trail left by the killer. We perform fingerprint scanning and follow the signal. Unfortunately, the bloody trail is lost on the roofs, so let's try to collect evidence from the killer’s bandages. This time we manage to establish a clear signal and mark it with a beacon. The pursuit leads Batman to a stranger girl - we will use a counter-attack to mark her with a special bug.

In the process of surveillance, the Dark Knight finds himself on the "Joker Jolly Island". We will use the sewer system and go around a number of obstacles in order to reach the final goal. Along the way, we will be met by several groups of armed opponents that Batman will have to deal with. We pass the subway and finally climb the streets of the night Gotham City. We fight with the clowns of the Joker and save the hostage. We follow further to the locked gate, through which the gun will help us.

In the next part of the passage of the game "Batman: Arkham City" we have to scan some of the mechanical guards in order to collect information from them. We explore the following locations: several stands, a street, part of the roof and the territory of the ruined houses. We restore the collected video data.

The resulting video reveals the location of the secret entrance. Inside the shelter we make our way forward until we reach the huge gate. Next, chase Thalia and drink the contents of the cup.

We begin to soar in the air and climb onto a block, catching on it with a Batman hook. The main thing in this task is not to touch anything, otherwise the mission will be considered failed. We fight with enemies, after which we head to the very center of the vortex. We continue to move between the boulders, from time to time dealing with emerging opponents. After we rise to the very top, Talia will speak with us.

Walkthrough Batman: Arkham City: Steel Mill

We will fight Ra's al-Ghul, who by this time managed to take his enlarged form. It would be wiser to first deal with the army, and only then with the main boss. We shoot at Ra's al-Ghul with electric shots, dodging along the way from his retaliatory attacks. At the end of the battle we conduct a counter-attack.

Work on the medicine

The next chapter begins with the interrogation of Quincy Sharpe, who will share information with us regarding Hugo Strange. After that, we will return to the city streets using the metro (we choose the same path that we followed earlier). Having dealt with the gate, we go upstairs and go to see the mayor.

On the way we again intersect with Mr. Freeze. The passage of “Batman: Arkham City” takes us to the Gotham Police Laboratory, where we give a sample of blood received from Ra's al-Ghoul. In order to quickly deal with Frieze, you can use one of two tactics:

  1. We work with environmental elements (wall magnets, demolished walls, etc.).
  2. We work with gadgets (Frieze technology) and hit on the back.

We deliver to Mr. Freeze the final blow (to be sure) and take the test tube with the medicine from him. In the finals, as usual, Batman gets a new gadget.

A new meeting with the Joker

Do not forget about additional tasks during the passage of “Batman: Arkham City”. This time we will go to the fallen helicopter, from the crash site of which it is necessary to save the reporter. Upon arrival, several snipers will be waiting for us, so we will deal with them as soon as possible (they stand out from the rest with sights).

After completing an additional task, you can return to the plot. We’re going to the steel mill that we already know, but this time we’ll use the main door, not the sewers, to enter. Before us is the water runoff, which must be crossed. We arm ourselves with a bat-claw and climb onto the raft - this way we can move with the stream and avoid falling into traps. After the drain, we get into the ventilation system, and after it - into the next room. On the way, do not forget to deal with local guards and save some poor man from certain death. Having broken through the next wall, we again climb onto the raft and sail further. Very soon, a locked iron door should appear in front of us. You can open it through the shield, which is cut off from Batman by electricity. But this is not a problem for the Dark Knight, because he has in stock enough controllable betarangs.

We get to the right passage through the artificially created ice floe and crack the protection of the next panel. Behind us, the noise of a fallen bridge will be heard - we’ll go over it to the next location and meet with the doctor.

We continue our movement around the plant in search of the Joker. By the way, along the way we will also meet related Harley Quinn. In almost every room, enemies will be waiting for us, so do not be shy to show everything that Batman is capable of. In a room with mines and a sniper, it is better to take the following tactics: first go up and get to the conveyor, and then attack the sniper from the back.

We keep the way to the office, which is located on the upper floors of the plant. On the way, we will visit the mine and the loading bay, where we will be met by a couple of clown bandits and several snipers. All opponents at this stage are quite light, so we deal with them using standard Batman techniques and move on.

Walkthrough Batman: Arkham City: The Joker

In the office we are met by the Joker and his servants, so first we beat the first, and only then we proceed to the rest. We use the same tactics as with the previous clown under the “Titan”.

The passage of "Batman: Arkham City" at the steel mill can be considered completed.

Stop the "Protocol 10"

We scan each Tiger mercenary helicopter (they can be hooked) until we find the necessary program. We process the received information using a batcomputer, after which we will have access to the Observation Tower.

We go along the coordinates towards the Tower. Inside we are faced with standard tasks: breaking the castle, breaking through the gate, knocking out a few guards. After Hugo turns against Batman, a whole crowd of opponents will gather, half of whom carry firearms. If you use a smoke bomb, then the bandits will immediately begin to shoot - so the choice is up to the player.

Next, we jump into the sewer hatch and go down through another hole. We will use a rope to get to the huge room with the gargoyles, after which a nurse will come to meet us. After a little fight with the guards, we go up to the upper floor by a previously hacked elevator. As soon as he stops, we get out through a special sunroof located on the roof.

At the top of Batman are waiting for the next opponents who set up an ambush - we cut them down and move on. After the hacked gate, we must climb the ledge to continue our path to the antenna (it is on a large pipe). From there we release the batcruck towards the highest visible point and begin to climb up. Finally, to get inside the tower, you need to break into the elevator control panel, go down, and then climb into the ventilation hatch.

The mad professor is guarded by a whole crowd of armed enemies. You can deal with them with a stealth: we hide on balconies or gargoyles and from time to time we attack enemies, cutting them down one by one.

End of main campaign: final battle

The main storyline of the passage of the game "Batman: Arkham City" is coming to an end. The beacon signal leads us to the theater building, surrounded by several snipers. We get rid of all opponents. to calmly go inside.

At the theater, Clayface (better known to the Russian player as Clay Man) is waiting for us, with whom the final battle will be. We throw ice bombs at him, not forgetting to dodge enemy attacks. As soon as the Clayface begins to roll in our direction, we immediately stand at the dynamite. The whole battle is divided into several stages, each of which continues until the boss expends the entire health scale. After the Clayface loses its power, Batman must climb on top of him and cut him into several parts with his sword. Sooner or later, our enemy will acquire his own clay army - we destroy it and continue to throw bombs. We repeat this tactic until the very end.

The story of Selina Kyle

This chapter is about Catwoman and the passage of Batman: Arkham City on her behalf. We already talked about the first episode from the campaign at the beginning of our story guide. The gameplay for Celine Kyle is included in the main game, however, it is practically not connected with the main story.

Walkthrough Batman: Arkham City: Mr. Freeze

We take away the safe, which we gained access to after defeating the two-faced cutthroats, hiding a valuable flash card. We take it and move on to the next chapter.

Next we need to get into shelter. On the spot, bandits are already waiting for us - we will deal with them, use the ability of "thieves' vision" and leave through the window. From the shelter we take away all the necessary elements of equipment.

We keep our way towards the hotel where Poison Ivy lives. Playing as a Catwoman, do not forget from time to time to use the "thieves' vision" - so we can see a lot of useful details and tips. Inside the hotel is the main door, located near the bridge. We pass through it and meet with several guys who fell under the influence of the poisonous ivy dope. We quickly cut them down and head towards the upper floors. Next to Pamella, we are waiting for another clash with drugged opponents. The main difference from the previous fight is that now we also have to dodge weed shells.

After the episode in Ivy’s den, you can go to the confiscated warehouse. Next to the sewers, we are waiting for a small action scene with aggressive locals, after which you can go down to the ground. Once below, we head towards the observation room.

The passage to the Strange vault is locked, so we begin the search for three cards. The crowd of guards sooner or later should scatter on different sides - we are waiting for this moment. Tip: It’s best to take advantage of thieves' vision and observe targets from the ceiling. When the area below is cleared, you can go down for maps. You can steal them with the help of stealth, that is, without a battle with the guards. Finally, we approach the computer and insert the received cards into it - the passage to the storage is unlocked.

Now you can take part in several battles. First we climb up and from there we deal with all the mercenaries of the Tiger. Then we go inside the store and take the safe. As soon as we open it, another crowd of enemies will attack us immediately. We show them who still has the advantage in this situation, and with a calm soul we take the diplomat away. Once on the street, Catwoman should choose one of two options for further action:

  1. Go to Gotham City (in this case, Batman dies).
  2. Return to Arkham City (Batman will be saved).

The second option is necessary for the development of the plot, so even after the player decides to leave Arkham, the game will return to the time of the last choice. As for our Selina Kyle, she simply cannot leave Batman in the face of certain death. Go to Arkham City!

So we come to the last episode of the game for Catwoman. After returning home, we are suddenly attacked by cutthroats of Two-Face - we quickly deal with them and go to the museum. Another fight with the guards, after which we go up to the upper floors (along the same path as Batman). At the very end of the level we have to fight with Two-Faced. He will wait for us with the company, but we advise you to focus attacks only on him. We defeat the final boss and watch the video.

Side quests

Batman Cat Walkthrough: Arkham City

Passing additional tasks in “Batman: Arkham City” is an exciting side effect, which includes meeting with a variety of characters from the DC universe. Of course, it’s not necessary to carry them out, and any player can calmly concentrate on the main storylines. However, the additional passage of “Batman Arkham City” will give as much as ten hours of unforgettable pleasure, so we strongly recommend that our readers try at least one side quest.

The developers tried to include as many new characters as possible, coming directly from the pages of DC comics. There are Deadshot, and Hash, and Bane, and the Riddler, and many others. We will tell you more about several sidequests.

Enigma conundrum

To begin the passage of the riddles of the Riddler in “Batman: Arkham City”, you can after the medical team has given the appropriate signal. The main task of the side quest is to find and save several hostages. Of course, none other than Riddler grabbed them. In the final puzzles in Batman: Arkham City, the player can receive a special Trophy. Similar rewards are given at the end of each side quest.

Hostages are hidden throughout the city. In order to get to their location, the player will have to explore the streets of Arkham City in search of mini-trophies. Each find opens access to special riddles left by Riddler himself. Hostages can only be released after Batman solves all the riddles of the Riddler.

Passage "Batman: Arkham City" is fraught with many secrets. For example, Riddler’s informants can “help” Batman in search of trophies - each of them is displayed on the city map with a green mark. Riddles lead to shelters with puzzles. If you clear all the shelters, you can get to the Riddler.

Shot in the Dark ("Shot in the Dark")

Access to the next side quest opens after completing the mission at the Combine. In Shot in the Dark, the player will have to go in search of the notorious Deadshot. The fact is that the sniper begins to leave a chain of corpses behind him, which attracts the attention of the Dark Knight. The first victim is a political prisoner - he dies right during a conversation with Batman. We will examine with the help of the detective regime a bullet stuck in a pipe right at the crime scene. As a result, we get the coordinates of the trajectory that will lead us to the Industrial Area and to the abandoned sleeve. There is no doubt: murder is the work of Deadshot. We follow the new tips until we find the second victim (location - Park near the Church). We continue our investigation and will soon find another corpse.

In the finale of Shot in the Dark, we’ll have a chance to save the last victim. Exactly three minutes will be given to prevent a shot.

Riddles of the Mystery

Heart of Ice

Unlike a mission with a Deadshot, this side quest can be obtained after the first visit to the Combine. The goal is to search for Mr. Frieze's wife, Nora. We learn that the bandits of the Joker abducted her, and set off on the trail. First, let's go to the place where Nora was captured - a building located not far from the industrial area. After that, we sail on a boat to the docks and find a suspicious wall (apparently, it can be destroyed). We will use the explosion of cold to create an ice block. We climb on it and apply a spray gel. Behind the wall, several bandits are waiting for us to guard Frieze’s wife - we stun them, and then save the hostage. We return Nora to her husband and get a special trophy.

Arkham Assault ("Assault on Arkham")

The last additional quest from the full passage of “Batman: Arkham City” is available in certain locations at any time. The targets for salvation are hostages and prisoners caught in the clutches of local thugs. There is no final trophy for this side quest, however, the player can get good combat experience and personal satisfaction from a good cause.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7404/

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