Random - what is it?

If you want to learn all about randomness, then you do not have to be a gamer, as many believe. The fact is that this concept is more likely to apply to computers in general, rather than specifically to computer games. This term is used very often, so you definitely need to know what it means, how it can manifest itself and how it will affect the game or any program that is subject to it. In fact, random is a generally accepted term that was taken from English, but it has its own analogue in Russian. What is this analogue and what does this term mean in general, you will learn later.

What is random?

random it

Many gamers and ordinary users, having first encountered this term, immediately ask the question - what is it? How can this affect them? In fact, random is something that affects absolutely everyone almost constantly. As mentioned earlier, in the Russian language there is an analogue to this term - it is "randomness", "random". Thus, we can conclude that random is some random events that occur in the game or in the program, they do not have a programmed time or activation order, that is, their appearance is simply impossible to predict. With the help of randomization, a lot of things are generated in computer games, and with it the process becomes much more interesting - for example, in Minecraft, each world is randomly generated, obeying randomness, so that each new game will be unique, unlike the previous ones. However, the pros and cons of this action will be discussed later, so far you have already understood that random ones are some random events and actions that are generated without regularity.

Random shooting

random dota

In some cases, random can be interpreted in other ways that do not quite fit the standard definition. For example, in shooters random - this is random shooting, random shots. Naturally, in some games there is a random presence in several manifestations at once. For example, you may get random weapons from dead enemies, but you can also conduct random fire. However, you need to be more careful when you start such an event, because in multiplayer games for random shooting they often try to hide the use of cheat. And then you can be banned for the usual random. What many people already know about Warface is the fact that this shooter has very tight cheat control, and if you often fire randomly, you can be banned even if you did not use the cheat.

Korean random

random in games what is it

We should also talk about Korean randomness in games. What it is? Everything is quite simple, itโ€™s called not the most pleasant random for users, building full sequences. Simply put, Korean random is the activation of random events in a row for a long time or, conversely, their complete absence. Unfortunately, this is not a failure, not a cheat, not a bug - this is a common accident, which brings annoyance to many, as it kills the interest from the game. After all, if you drop constantly, which should fall once every half an hour, you will too quickly collect the necessary materials, money or weapons. And if there is no drop at all, it will be even worse, since you will not be able to pump normally. In many multiplayer games, there is a similar randomness - "Dota", "Lineage", "World of Warcraft" and so on. Naturally, developers try to avoid this and constantly try to improve random number generators responsible for randomization in games, but this does not always work.

The advantages of randomness

random what is it in warface

I came to take a closer look at what random and good brings to computer games. "Dota", "Contra" and many other most popular projects of our time use randomly quite often, so you are unlikely to be surprised that it can add a lot of interesting and useful things to the game. For example, randomization allows you to develop your character in a more multifaceted way, without moving along a previously planned path for him. Also in the game appears variety, an element of surprise, so that you can get the most out of the game.

Cons of randomness

The main drawback of randomness is the fact that you can not control the gameplay in full. You can maximize your hero level, do everything just perfectly, but random can only offer you bad dealings, which is why your efforts will go to waste. So many gamers donโ€™t really like when there are too many random games in games - and they definitely donโ€™t play โ€œbagelsโ€, a genre of games in which everything is built on a random house. Each level there is randomly generated, like all weapons and monsters on it, so if you want to see the perfect manifestation of randomness in a computer game, then you need the Rogue-like genre, which is literally filled with randomness.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7405/

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