Basement ventilation: varieties and methods of arrangement.

The basement, as an underground room, must have a good ventilation system. It is worth noting if pickles, canned food or vegetables are stored in the basement, in no case should excess moisture be allowed, as this, in combination with stagnant air, causes rotting of products. If you start to air, thereby creating a draft, this, on the contrary, will contribute to the drying out of vegetables. What to do? The answer is obvious: well-organized basement ventilation will create the perfect balance of humidity and temperature.

It should be said that the ventilation of the basement must be equipped even when there are no stocks of vegetables in it. The absence of a ventilation system leads to much more serious problems than rotting and drying of root crops. Now we are talking about premature decay directly at home or in individual parts, for example, floors. In addition, if the ventilation of the basement is not equipped, then dampness may appear in the house.

Of course, you can resort to the use of progressive means by installing electrical ventilation. However, this method of dealing with dampness requires some investment. More affordable is a system that is based on the natural circulation of air flows.

If we talk about country houses, where the basements have a small area and height, then it is possible to provide some openings in the basement of the foundation (air vents or outlets). In the warm season they can be kept open, and when the cold is approaching, they are just tightly closed. Such home ventilation systems are the simplest.

However, for basements that have a large area and height, such measures are usually not enough. To create a favorable climate in such basements, household ventilation is required, which is often called supply and exhaust.

Consider ways to equip this system.

  1. The natural way. It is based on the difference in temperature conditions of the air entering from the outside and inside the basement.
  2. Forced way . Based on the operation of the fan (electric), which is mounted in the ventilation pipe.

As for the natural way, the ventilation of the basement is equipped by installing 2 pipes, namely: exhaust and supply. These pipes must be located in different corners of the basement at different levels. Note that the opening of the exhaust pipe, which takes the air out, must be placed directly below the ceiling. The supply pipe serves for the intake of fresh air inside, so it should be located in the lower part of the basement, at a distance of 0.5 meters from the floor. Sashes are placed inside the pipes, which are designed to adjust the intensity of air circulation, and the ends of the pipes should be covered with mini-covers.

Note that the creation of this ventilation system does not require a large investment, which is an advantage. However, a significant drawback should be noted, which is that when the temperature inside the basement and outside becomes the same, air exchange ceases.

In order for the basement ventilation to function regardless of weather conditions, an improved exhaust pipe should be used, which assumes the presence of a built-in fan. Thus, this fan will force the air out of the room, thereby ensuring the flow of fresh air into the basement through the supply pipe. This system is capable of supporting air exchange during those periods of the year when the natural method cannot work due to weather conditions.


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