The most interesting facts about jellyfish. Jellyfish: interesting facts, types, structure and features

Many of those who rested on the sea came across jellyfish. This helped to realize the fact that they cannot be called ordinary and harmless creatures. Consider some interesting facts about jellyfish.

What is the science of jellyfish known to?

Interesting facts about jellyfish

Researchers estimate that jellyfish exist for about 650 million years. They are found in all layers of each of the oceans. Different types of jellyfish live in both salt and fresh water. Their primitive nervous system, which is located on the epidermis, allows you to perceive only odors and light. The jellyfish nerves help them discover another organism by touch. These "animal-breeding", in fact, do not have a brain and sense organs. They do not have a developed respiratory system, but breathe through the thin skin, which absorbs oxygen directly from the water.

Exploring interesting facts about jellyfish, scientists noticed that these creatures are able to positively affect people who are stressed. For example, in Japan they are engaged in breeding jellyfish in special aquariums. Their smooth and measured movements act as a sedative. Although such a pleasure is expensive and gives additional chores, in general it is justified.

Jellyfish are more than 90 percent water. The venom of their tentacles is used as a raw material for drugs that regulate blood pressure, and for the treatment of respiratory diseases.

Medusa Portuguese boat: interesting facts and observations

Physalia jellyfish interesting facts

"Portuguese boat" it was called by some sailors of the XVIII century, who liked to talk to others about a jellyfish floating like a Portuguese warship of the Middle Ages. In fact, her body is very similar to this ship.

Its official name is physicalia, but it is not one organism. It is a colony of jellyfish and polyps in different modifications that interact very closely, and therefore look like one creature. The poison of some types of physalis is deadly to humans. Most often, the habitats of a Portuguese boat are limited to the subtropical parts of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, as well as the northern bays of the Atlantic Ocean. In more rare cases, they are carried away by currents into the waters of the Caribbean and Mediterranean Seas, to the shores of France and Great Britain, to the Hawaiian Islands and the Japanese archipelago.

These jellyfish often swim in huge groups of several thousand individuals in warm waters. A transparent and shiny jellyfish body rises about 15 centimeters above the water and moves along a chaotic trajectory regardless of wind. Those individuals that swim near the coast are often thrown by powerful winds to land. In the warm season, physalia floats away from the coast, it moves downstream towards one of the poles of the earth.

Distinctive features of the physalis

Jellyfish interesting facts

Other interesting facts about jellyfish of this type relate to their unique features. Physalium is one of two biological species that can glow in red. Another Portuguese warship uses its own air bag filled with nitrogen, carbon dioxide and oxygen as a sail. If a storm is approaching, a jellyfish releases a bubble and goes under water. Near her tentacles, small perches like to swim, who do not feel a toxic environment, have serious protection against enemies, as well as particles of food. Perch are attracted by other fish, which become food for these invertebrates. Here is such a symbiosis.

There are a considerable number of species known today as physalians. In the Mediterranean alone, researchers found about 20 species of Portuguese boat.

Physalia jellyfish, interesting facts about reproduction

Interesting facts about jellyfish

It is not known exactly how this jellyfish reproduces. However, scientific studies have shown that they reproduce asexually, and in each colony there are polyps that are responsible for reproduction. In fact, it is they who create the new colonies. Portuguese boats are distinguished by the fact that they can reproduce continuously, so in the waters of the oceans and seas the number of nascent jellyfish is growing.

Another common version of the propagation of physalia suggests that, dying, the jellyfish leaves behind some organisms that show sexual characteristics, after which new individuals form. This theory has not yet been proven.

About the tentacles of a portuguese boat

Jellyfish portuguese boat interesting facts

Regarding the tentacles of jellyfish, interesting facts are that their device is unique. The limbs of jellyfish are equipped with a large number of capsules containing poison, the composition of which is similar to the poisonous substance of a cobra. Each of these small capsules is a hollow twisted tube with thin hairs. If contact occurs between the tentacles and the fish, the fish will die due to a stinging mechanism. When a person receives a burn from this jellyfish, he experiences severe pain, he will manifest a febrile state, difficulty breathing.

Interesting facts about jellyfish do not end there. The tentacles of these invertebrates can reach 30 meters in length. In addition, a person who is engaged in swimming, enjoying the process itself, will not always be able to see a bright blue-red bubble on the water and realize the danger that threatens him.

Medusa Irukanji: interesting facts about the danger posed by her

Medusa Irukanji interesting facts

This small jellyfish that lives off the coast of Australia produces toxic substances that are stronger than cobra venom. There are 10 species of Irukanji, 3 of which are deadly. The bite is almost not palpable, but its consequences are a powerful heart attack, which in some cases can result in a painful death. And all this can happen in just 20 minutes. Since these invertebrates are too small and almost invisible, it is easy for them to penetrate any barrage network that is designed for large creatures that are dangerous for swimmers and vacationers.

There are still some interesting facts about jellyfish of this species. Since fishermen often fell ill with a strange disease after each trip to the sea, they realized that the reason for this was contact with some inhabitant of the sea. The jellyfish was named after the Irukanji tribe. Over time, thanks to Dr. Barnes, it was finally possible to establish that the cause of the disease is contact with jellyfish. Although its dimensions are quite small, but the tentacles reach a length of 1 meter. The pain from the bite is so strong that it makes you bend in half, accompanied by severe sweating and vomiting, the legs tremble greatly.


Although these invertebrate organisms are difficult to see in the water, regardless of their size, you should not be careless and inattentive while swimming in the sea, walking along the shore - for the sake of your health. Many types of jellyfish are dangerous to human health and life.

However, they also perform useful functions in their habitats; they are used in medicine as raw materials for drugs. And who knows, maybe humanity will be able to get even more benefits from jellyfish.


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