How to fill out an application for RVP: application form, filing, sample

After receiving a quota or choosing a basis, a foreigner will have to figure out how to fill out an application for a temporary residence permit so as not to return to the OMVD OBM countless times and quickly obtain a status for further residence and employment in the Russian Federation.

Some migrants, in order to save their time, turn to companies that assist in collecting and filling out documents. It should be understood that persons who provide their services to a migrant do not work in authorized bodies, and therefore cannot guarantee the delivery of documents the first time without additional corrections from the inspector. Despite the fact that employees of intermediary companies work near OMVD OMV and know how to fill out an application for RVP, since they are often involved in this and are aware of many nuances, it is not necessary to contact them.

Why does a migrant RWP?

RVP registration procedure

To stay in the Russian Federation for more than ninety days for six months, a migrant needs the status of a temporary resident or permanent resident, that is, a resident of the country. For a permanent stay, a patent is also suitable, which is traditionally issued by foreigners for the purpose of employment in a particular area with a particular employer (since the permissible period of employment after obtaining a patent is two months, after the patent is canceled).

A temporary residence permit will allow a foreigner to stay in the country for more than ninety days, officially work, use the services of free medicine when applying for a policy, and obtain a visa to travel abroad without returning to his homeland.

To become a citizen of the Russian Federation, a migrant draws up a temporary residence permit, after - a residence permit, after five years of permanent residence in the country, a foreigner has the right to apply for citizenship. Accordingly, RVP is the first step towards becoming a citizen of the Russian Federation.

RVP registration procedure

decision to issue RWP

The status of a temporary resident is obtained in two ways: by quota or out of quota in the presence of one of the available grounds. A full list of grounds is contained in Federal Law No. 115 “On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens” dated July 25, 2002.

The presence of a reason, that is, a good reason to stay in the Russian Federation, allows a foreigner to obtain the right to apply for a PRT without a quota. That is, if the applicant has a reason, he does not need a quota.

The basis is considered marriage with a citizen of the Russian Federation, birth in the Russian Federation or in the RSFSR, the presence of disabled parents with Russian citizenship, etc.

In order to get the status of a temporary resident in the Russian Federation according to the quota, you will additionally have to figure out how to fill out an application for a quota for RVP, since it differs from the main application for the status itself.

Quota is the right to apply for a RVP. The government of the Russian Federation annually allocates a limited number of quotas for each region and region to control migration flows.

Types of RVP applications

The method of issuing the RVP determines the type of application required. There are only two types of applications on the way to RVP: on the quota and on the status of temporary resident. Other types of applications will be required for registration at the place of residence or for migration registration, which are also necessary before or after receipt of the RVP.

RVP Application 1 page

How to fill out an application for marriage in a marriage if there is only a regular application for a permit? Use this type of application, since the forms do not change depending on the basis. In the order of obtaining a marriage permit, only the list of mandatory documents and the period of compulsory residence with a RVP are changed to obtain the following status.

How to fill out an application for quota of RVP on the model of an application for issuance of RVP? Since these are two different documents, and in each region they issue different quota application forms , a sample application for RWP will not help a foreigner.

Where to apply for RVP?

The application is accepted and considered in the department of internal affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs or at the MMTS in Moscow (for those who live in Moscow or in the Moscow Region). Here you can get a short consultation on how to correctly fill out an application for the RVP, familiarize yourself with the recommendations at the stand, and ask inspectors questions of interest regarding the applicant's disputed situation.

requirements for the applicant

Passports for affixing a stamp on RVP are also accepted at the OMVD OBM.

Application forms and samples

Clean application forms for RVP can be downloaded on the official website of the Main Department of Internal Affairs of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the region in which the foreigner resides. Communication with the region is important in order to correctly indicate the name of the body to which the applicant applies. If the application is printed on a computer, it is impossible to add the name of the authority when visiting it.

Sample application 1 page

How to fill out an application for RVP according to the model without contacting the OMVD OMV? Take advantage of several samples or ready-made statements of those who have already filed documents in the region of the foreigner's stay. The region is also important because each department reserves the right to amend its application requirements. For example, in one region, work experience over the past five years is indicated in chronological order, while in another it will be required in descending order.

It seems that such requirements are insignificant, however, it is very difficult to think about how to write in order to print in several copies and hand over to the inspector the one he likes best.

quota application

The simplest completed application forms for RVP are displayed on stands in the office itself. Often, their presence does not help foreigners in any way, since the country from which the migrant arrived does not converge, respectively, all documents have different designations, or the applicants have a number of questions, because they have a special situation and you need to know exactly how to indicate it in the application .

What to write about in a statement?

filling rules

How to fill out an application for RVP correctly and without corrections:

  • Answer only the question that is being asked. A foreigner is not required to have a detailed biography with details about the life of each relative. The statement is necessary in order to create a general idea of ​​a migrant as a law-abiding citizen, to learn about his education, work experience, prospects in the Russian Federation, availability of housing, relatives and the purpose of moving to the Russian Federation.
  • To answer specifically in the case, to avoid common or evasive answers, like “I don’t know,” “I don’t remember,” “maybe.”
  • Avoid abbreviations and abbreviations, since they are difficult to decipher and understand in principle.
  • Indicate only true information in the application. If possible, inspectors will double-check the data. A lie can be found out accidentally and through the fault of the applicant himself, if in the application for the quota, on the RVP and / or on the residence permit different data are indicated that the foreigner accidentally, for example, forgets.
  • Correctly indicate passport and personal data. It will be very difficult to correct the error in the issued RVP or residence permit (you will have to re-submit the application, wait until it is examined, additionally come to the department).
  • Translate personal data into English using online transliteration, and not on your own.
  • Indicate the English TIN, and not the one that the applicant received in his homeland (if there is a Russian one).
  • Be prepared to immediately ask the inspector a question of interest and correct the statement on the day of the request so as not to return here again.

RVP application for a child

How to fill out an application for RVP for a child? Information about the minor offspring is indicated in the statements of both mother and father in a special column. To obtain permission for the child, parents fill out and submit another type of application designed specifically for the minor. The application is filled out on behalf of the child. At the same time, OMVD OVM officers understand that the parents filled out the document.

RVP application for a child

Duration of consideration

The application and the package of documents for the RVP are considered within 60 days for foreigners who arrived from countries without a visa, and 180 days for foreigners who arrived on a visa.

The time it took for the applicant to correct the application is not included in the total time for consideration of documents. Accordingly, a period of two months will begin only when the inspector accepts the application and the package of documents is final.

The medical certificate of absence of HIV is valid for three months. This means that it will be necessary to correct and submit the application for RVP as soon as possible.

The receipt of state duty payment is valid until the end of the calendar year. If the applicant has not submitted documents to the RVP before the end of the year, the state fee can be returned.

review period

RVP online application

Applications for a quota, RVP and residence permit shall be accepted personally at the OMVD OBM or in the presence of a power of attorney certified by a notary. Sending an application by e-mail to a management inspector is impossible and illegal. The State Services portal also does not accept applications from migrants.


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