Hemlock spotted (it is speckled) - a poisonous plant! Use with caution ...

Hemlock spotted - a biennial medicinal plant, with a stem reaching a height of 60 to 180 cm, with a whitish spindle-shaped root. Its leaves resemble carrot leaves, and the flowers are similar to parsley flowers. The flowering time of the plant is June-July, the ripening of seeds is August-September, the collection time is from May to September. Hemlock grows, usually like a weed: in vacant lots, in crops, gardens and parks, landfills, at fences, along bushes along rivers, edges, wooded slopes. When rubbing the fruit of the plant, an unpleasant mouse odor appears, which can cause severe headache.

The plant is extremely toxic (especially fruits). In ancient Greece, hemlock was used as the β€œofficial” poison. They poisoned those who were sentenced to death. It is believed that the ancient Greek philosopher Socrates was, in due time, poisoned with the hemlock poison. Despite the toxicity, it belongs to a very valuable medicinal plants. Its main advantage is an amazing antitumor effect. Malignant tumors, with prolonged use, dramatically slow down growth, and benign can completely dissolve.

Hemlock plant often used in folk medicine (popularly also called speckled hemlock). Knowing about its strongest toxicity, it is used very carefully, in drops, in small doses, in the form of alcohol tincture. Tincture is used for diseases of the genitourinary system, digestive organs, anemia, nocturnal ejaculation, persistent painful cough, urinary retention. Together with the anti-cancer effect, the plant has soothing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anticonvulsant properties.

Preparations from the roots, seeds and herbs of the hemlock are used as an internal and external remedy for nervous and female diseases. With gout and rheumatism, poultices are made from fresh leaves: first they are poured with boiling water, and then they are applied to the sore spot, previously wrapped in gauze.

Spotted hemlock - a potent immunostimulant that activates the body's defenses. It is not used for preventive purposes: it helps when the disease has already attacked and the immune system is greatly weakened. In case of an overdose, the plant becomes the strongest poison, so you need to take it with great care and certainly under the supervision of a doctor.

In medicine, leaves, fruits (seeds) and flowers are used. The collection of raw materials should be carried out with extreme caution: with gloves, a mask and always on the side of the wind, since hemlock spotted is a powerful etheronos. Do not allow children to collect, do not taste and thoroughly wash hands and face with soap and water under running water after collection. Ready raw materials should always be stored separately from other medicinal plants.

All parts of the hemlock speckled poisonous! They contain alkaloids, the most poisonous of which is konyin. Especially a lot of it (up to 1%) is found in unripe fruits. In cases of mild poisoning, upset stomach, burning in the throat and mouth, nausea, salivation, vomiting, and diarrhea occur. In contact with skin, hemlock juice causes dermatitis.

In case of dangerous poisoning, ascending paralysis is noted . The limbs become heavier, patients complain of a cooling of the body, increasing choking, loss of skin sensitivity. A rapid heartbeat begins , exhalation is difficult, an irregular pulse, dilated pupils are observed. The face turns pale, speech is disturbed, swallowing is difficult, and hearing and vision impairment sets in. If help is not provided on time, loss of consciousness occurs and death may occur due to respiratory arrest.

When taking hemlock drugs, the dosage should be strictly observed! With the slightest deterioration in well-being, immediately stop taking the drug and take a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate with milk for 3 days. While taking a hemlock, it is advisable to follow a vegetarian diet and reduce the consumption of sugar and salt.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7421/

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