Solar lamps for home and garden

The idea of ​​energy supply from solar storage cells has long been mastered by manufacturers in different segments. The concept of full house maintenance due to free electricity is not yet widespread, however, individual consumer modules with low energy requirements may well interact with an alternative current source. The simplest forms of implementation of such systems are demonstrated by solar-powered lamps intended for domestic use.

solar powered lamps

Benefits of Solar Powered Lamps

Like most consumers of solar energy, such devices involve minimal maintenance costs. Of course, maintenance, installation and repair will require standard investments by the standards of home lighting, but the cost of electricity is minimized. Another advantage is complete independence from the central energy supply network. Depending on the power of the battery, solar-powered lamps can work even in cloudy weather for several days or even months without external sources of current. Eliminating the need to connect to an outlet causes another plus - in the form of increasing the level of electrical and fire safety. Otherwise, lamps of this type are not much different from conventional devices. They get the same cases with original design solutions, automated control systems and elements of additional functionality.

Device and principle of operation

solar led lamps

For a deeper understanding of the advantages, features, as well as certain disadvantages of such lighting equipment, it is worthwhile to examine in more detail its operating principle and technical device. So, the lamp is installed in the lamp from which the communications connected to the battery come. This can be a flashlight, a searchlight, a spotlight, a suspension element or a home solar-powered table lamp - the main thing is the internal structure. Such lamps are based only on LED LED elements, the base of which is a semiconductor board with crystals. In the process of consumption of the received solar energy, the diodes emit light, which can be adjusted at the output by diffusers, reflectors and other optical elements. As for the batteries themselves, they are provided with panels on photosensitive elements - photosensors that respond to rays. The energy accumulated during daylight hours in low-power models is given in the evening and at night.

Types of devices

solar lamp for garden

Mostly solar lamps are divided into home and garden. In this segment, this is a fundamental classification, which largely determines the differences in the operational characteristics of devices. Initially, the concept of solar-powered lighting was focused specifically on street models. This is due to the fact that the luminaire could be provided with a battery and photosensitive photo panels in a single structural form factor without unnecessary communications. In fact, an energetically self-sufficient device was obtained. Later, solar-powered LED lamps appeared, photosensitive elements for which are most often located on the roof. That is, it becomes necessary to lay the energy transmission channel to the converter, and then to the battery pack and to the direct consumer in the form of a lamp.

Design features of garden lamps

On the one hand, street lamps powered by solar energy simplify the technological organization of operation, and on the other hand, they require a high degree of protection against external influences. The main material for garden devices of this type is durable plastic. It is lightweight, practical in care and allows you to implement any design decisions. Not out of use and metal. Usually, aluminum and steel alloys with protective coatings from corrosion processes are used for cases. Also, a solar lamp is often provided with glass shades. Again, for decorative purposes, drawings, patterns and mosaics can be depicted on scattering surfaces to allow experimentation with the play of light. Like traditional garden lamps, solar models are provided with protection against external influences of a class not lower than IP44. It provides moisture insulation, shockproof construction and dust protection.

solar powered street lamps


Complex solutions of such lighting technology are offered by few manufacturers. One of the most popular in the domestic segment is the company FERON. In its line you can find original models for the garden with placers of small lamps powered by a solar battery. Both in terms of reliability with a high protection class and the characteristics of light radiation, this product is considered one of the best in this category. Similar solar-powered lamps are produced by Camelion, relying on garden models with an original design. In the domestic segment of manufacturers, the companies ERA, COSMOS and Miraculous Garden are engaged in similar developments.

Selection tips

It is necessary to take into account both electrical characteristics and stylistic features of the lamps. As for the first, the main operational indicator will be the operating time at full charge. Usually it is 40-50 hours, but there may be other indicators. In many respects, this value will depend on the number of consumer lamps. Usually in garden composite lamps, lamp sets can be changed, thereby regulating the load on the battery. If you choose a solar lamp for giving, it is advisable to give preference to low-power and practical models. They last longer on a single charge, but at the same time provide optimized dissipation while minimizing energy costs. In terms of design qualities, the choice should be made taking into account the place of application - of course, it is desirable to organically fit lighting equipment both in style and in functional performance.

Installation methods

solar lamp

There are two approaches to installing such lamps. The first involves suspension, and the second - installation directly into the ground. When hanging, you should find a reliable structure or a vertical surface on which it will be possible to reliably install the complete mounting accessories. This mounting option is suitable for facade lights, garlands, overhead models with a flat sidewall, as well as for fixtures with chains and eyelets, designed just for decorative suspension. Solar-powered lamps are installed in the ground, which are initially equipped with an appropriate rod. The simplest devices of this type simply stick into the soil of the selected area. Such models are known in the market as landscape and lawn. The design of the lamp is characterized by a flat and wide base, which allows you to reliably fix the casing in the ground without additional devices.

Recommendations for landscape lighting

solar lamp

It is not necessary to invite a designer to organize a modern, stylistically original and functional lighting of a garden using solar panels. Following some tips, you can solve this problem yourself. As a basic solution, it is recommended to use the layout of ground lights around the perimeter of the lawn and garden paths. For lawn areas and flower beds this will be a decorative frame with light, and for paths it will be a very practical option for lighting the territory. In functional areas, it is advisable to place street lamps on solar panels of a suspended type. It can be arbors, summer kitchens, zones with pools and reservoirs. Do not forget about decorative architectural structures. For them, manufacturers specifically provide compact and spotlight systems that also run on solar energy.


solar powered table lamp

From the point of view of decorative qualities and performance, the transition to lighting technology powered by solar panels is not always justified. Indeed, in these qualities traditional devices lose a little, and sometimes they have advantages over analogs using alternative energy. Nevertheless, solar-powered lighting lamps are beneficial in terms of energy efficiency and safety level. So far, the introduction of such devices in a single order can really seem uncomfortable and troublesome. But on the other hand, such equipment can be considered as the first step to the idea of ​​a house, which will be fully provided with solar energy with all its advantages.


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