Decorative derain: planting and care

Almost ideal plant for a garden or city squares, can grow on any soil and in any climatic conditions. Derain, planting and care of which is reduced to regular watering and, possibly, loosening of the soil, belongs to the Kizilovye family and can please not only with beautiful flowering, but also with bright berries. However, one must remember that not all varieties are edible or healthy for humans.

derain landing and care

The location of the plant can be both bright sunny places and light partial shade. Plots without lighting are not very suitable, since the plant will give pale flowers and the berries will not ripen. Frost and polluted city air, the shrubbery white or any other species will tolerate perfectly without losing its decorative effect. Solid varieties, especially light ones, like the eastern side of the plot with light partial shade. The north side is suitable only for specially bred decorative species, for example offspring turf, whose leaves have an amazing pure green color. So you can plant and derain white. Landing is desirable from the leeward side, but not in a remote corner, where there is no air movement.

The soil is chosen as a usual fertile garden, but necessarily moist, that is, sandy types of soil are not suitable. Derain, planting and care of which requires only regular watering, is growing on clay soil, but it should be slightly diluted with peat to prevent acidification of the roots. Shrubs require a large amount of nutrients, therefore, high-quality organic matter, fresh humus or compost are added to the planting hole. If the groundwater is located high on the site, it is worth making a reliable drainage.

derain white landing

Transplantation can be carried out at any convenient time of the year: in spring, summer or autumn. However, you should avoid especially arid days that derain does not like so much. Planting and care depend on the initial state of the plant. If the roots were slightly dried up - the seedling should be put in ordinary fresh water for 2-3 hours. Shrub shoots are trimmed by about one third of the maximum length to the root, this will provide good rooting and rapid growth of new branches. The age of the seedling should not exceed 4 years, otherwise it will be difficult to form the desired shape of the plant in the future. The distance between the holes is maintained at 30-50 cm, so that the weaker or disadvantageously located derain does not die. Planting and care includes the obligatory pruning of excess branches, but only from the second year of vegetation in one place.

shrub derain white

The plant can be propagated using traditional cuttings or vegetatively, and the first 10-15 days of June are considered ideal for this. Watering the derain should be two or three times a month, 2 buckets per plant, if it is a dry summer, you can reduce the interval between these procedures to one week. Fertilize bushes with mineral top dressing, according to the instructions, and make compost with high-quality humus in the summer, in the amount of 5 kg around one trunk. Loosen the soil only for the purpose of getting rid of weeds, to a depth of 7 cm, and rarely with a strong compaction of the soil. Old branches must be removed by sector every spring and autumn so that the derain does not lose attractiveness and the berries are not chopped. No winter shelter is required for the plant.


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