Paphiopedilum orchids: home care, cultivation features and reviews

In the world there is an unimaginable number of flowers that amaze with their beauty. Some grow only in the wild, others are planted by flower growers in the flowerbeds in the spring, and some look out of the windows of the apartments.

One of the most beautiful and unique indoor plants are Paphiopedilum orchids. In our country they are better known under the name "Venus slipper". Now flower shops abound with various hybrids of this variety. What breeders are capable of in order to surprise the buyer and attract his attention. But true connoisseurs of orchids experience delight and pleasure when they observe this type of so-called mix orchid.

Plant description

If you decide to purchase a plant such as the Paphiopedilum orchid (Venus slipper), then you can easily determine its appearance from the photo. It is not more difficult to care for him than for any other plants from this family. By the way, "Paphiopedilum" refers to the orchid family. However, from the total mass this subspecies helps to distinguish its special form, which resembles a female shoe. It is thanks to the outlines that the flower got its second name.

Paphiopedilum orchids bloom all year round. This happens due to the fact that the ground part of the plant does not have the ability to die off in the winter, but remains green throughout the year. The leaves can have decorative patterns and drawings of a marble type or just a decorative color. In shape, they can also vary from oval to belt-shaped. The sheet may have a leathery texture or be juicy and soft. It depends on the conditions in which the plant grew.

Paphiopedilum orchid: home care

This plant, like all representatives of its family, is very demanding and capricious. He needs to pay maximum attention to be able to enjoy bright and colorful blooms. Paphiopedilum orchid, the care of which is not only watering and fertilizing, does not impose special requirements except for lighting. It can perfectly be in partial shade, putting it on the windowsill is not necessary. If some of your pets should certainly be in direct sunlight, then this plant will suit absolutely any place that you give it to him in your house .

paphiopedilum orchids

Paphiopedilum orchid , home care of which is no different from caring for other types of orchids, is sensitive to ambient temperature. That is why this indicator in the room should be kept constant and regularly monitored. If it is very hot, then your plant may even die.

Temperature and lighting

The optimum summer temperatures for the Paphiopedilum orchid are plus 23-28 degrees, and in winter the temperature regime can fluctuate between plus 18-23 degrees. For cold-resistant varieties with wide and dark leaves, these figures may be slightly lower. However, you must constantly remember that the temperature at night should always be 3-5 degrees lower than during the day. With a decrease in temperature to +4 degrees and below plants die .

Paphiopedilum orchid home care

As for light, the Paphiopedilum orchids are quite shade-tolerant, but they feel best in good diffused lighting. Direct sunlight does not tolerate well. To flowering normally during the winter, it is recommended to install special lamps to organize additional illumination.

Rothschild Paphiopedilum Orchid

Currently, this variety is gaining popularity among lovers of indoor flowers. It is a fairly large orchid, the height of which can reach 40-60 cm. The leaves are bright green, however, in bright light, they acquire a yellowish tint .

paphiopedilum orchid care

Of particular interest are flowers, which can reach a diameter of 30-45 centimeters. Flowering occurs almost simultaneously and lasts quite a long time. The flowers have a delicate shade, covered with dark spots. This gives them additional decorativeness and sophistication. Orchid "Paphiopedilum", the price of which is fully justified and acceptable (about 1000-2000 rubles), is capable of delivering great joy to its owner. Also, this plant will be a great gift.

Watering and humidification

Paphiopedilum orchids are moisture-loving flowers; they cannot tolerate drying of the soil. However, waterlogging can also be bad. When the plant goes through the stage of active growth, watering should be maximum, and after flowering it can well be reduced. It should be watered with clean water at room temperature, which should also be soft. When watering, you must avoid getting moisture directly on the leaves and the outlet. Ideal would be such a method of watering as placing the pot in a pan with water.

orchid papiopedilum venus slipper

It is important to monitor air humidity, which should be at least 70-80%. However, spraying the plant is in no case recommended. In order to increase the humidity in the room, you can use a special humidifier.

Soil selection and top dressing

The main soil requirement for the Paphiopedilum orchid is that it must retain moisture well. Often, pine bark, sphagnum and charcoal can be included in the composition of the soil. The soil should be light and fluffy enough.

orchid papiopedilum rothschild

Feeding orchids should be done at least once a month, and during the flowering period it is recommended to carry out this procedure twice. Mineral fertilizers specially designed for this can be used, but the recommended proportions are best halved. Paphiopedilum does not tolerate excess salts in the soil. In order to avoid this, you can water the flower with distilled water, and next time add mineral fertilizers.

Plant transplant

Transplanting the Paphiopedilum orchid is a delicate matter, as it transfers this procedure very hard. That is why this is done in the spring and not more than once every two to three years. If the soil has not yet begun to decompose, then you can wait. The pot must be taken quite wide, but not shallow. Everything must be done carefully and accurately, without damaging the roots. After transplanting, the plant is not watered for 3-4 days.


It is best to propagate orchids of this species by dividing the bush during transplantation. To do this, on each dividend should be left no less than three rosettes with roots. If the number of delenki is reduced, then they can take root for a very long time, and flowering will come soon. After the plant has been planted, it is not watered for a couple of weeks. The temperature in the room should not exceed 22 degrees.

Diseases and Pests

Like any houseplant, Paphiopedilum can be susceptible to disease and affected by pests. Most often, spider mites, scale insects or mealybugs attack the flower. If you notice something suspicious (for example, small insects), it is better to rinse the orchid under a warm shower and wipe it with a gauze swab. If the pests greatly hit your pet, then insecticides will come to the rescue.

Paphiopedilum orchid transplant

A spider mite is prone to suck plant juice. To get rid of it or to take preventive measures, you need to wipe the flower with alcohol or a soap solution. With a severe lesion, a 0.1% karbofos solution helps well.

In order to avoid damage by fungal and viral diseases during transplantation, it is necessary to observe sterility and not to allow excessive soil moisture. Subject to these safety measures, your green friend will be healthy and will appreciate the abundant flowering.

paphiopedilum orchid Price

Everyone who has this or that kind of orchid has at least once encountered its pests and diseases. However, at the first manifestation of the disease, one should not panic, and immediately take measures for prevention and treatment. If everything is done on time and correctly, then in the near future there will not be a trace of trouble, and the flower will continue to develop further to the delight of the owners.


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