What if a cat sneezes?

Sneezing and runny nose can occur in a cat for various reasons. This condition indicates a clearly unhealthy condition of the animal, so it needs to be given special attention during this period in order to find out the causes of the disease and eliminate them.

If the cat sneezes irregularly, maybe a speck has got into her nose, and this is not a reason to contact the veterinarian. If sneezing occurs constantly, then you need to determine: is it an allergic reaction or a cold.

If a cat sneezes due to allergies

An allergy in a cat differs from a cold in that in this case it does not have a fever and a lethargic state. In addition, if a cold has not been treated, then a cough is added to it, which also helps to distinguish between these diseases.

In the case of an allergy, you need to determine which allergen caused sneezing. This can be house dust or a tick, as well as pungent smells of chemicals. There is also a food allergy, but it usually appears as a skin rash.

Antihistamines and elimination of contact with the allergen are prescribed for treatment.

Colds in Cats: Symptoms

Cats are very sensitive to drafts and hypothermia. Therefore, if you suddenly change the temperature, for example, take a domestic cat, accustomed to heat, to frost, then it can get sick.

The first sign of a cold will be general weakness, a lethargic state and a long sleep. Since many owners do not pay enough attention to the typical behavior and habits of a cat, they will not be able to notice a cold from her right away. Therefore, more often the disease is detected when the cat sneezes, coughs, a runny nose manifests itself.

During this period, the animal rises in temperature, and his eyes are half-open, which indicates fatigue.

What to do with a catโ€™s common cold?

First of all, you need to give the animal peace. Move his house to a warm place, away from drafts.

Nutrition during this period should be enhanced, and the components should be saturated with vitamins, especially C.

Avoid the cat drinking cold water or milk. Room temperature of the liquid is the best option, because cats should not be given a warm drink.

In order not to develop any complications in the form of pneumonia, bronchitis and other diseases, you need to show the cat to the veterinarian so that he prescribes medications. Treatment with folk remedies is inappropriate here, because the bacteria are quite viable, and to conduct experiments on animals in the form of treatment with decoctions (which do not kill viruses and bacteria) is dangerous for his life and is fraught with the development of allergies.

Colds in Cats: Medication

The veterinarian, first of all, should offer a multi-component treatment, which is aimed at getting rid of pathogens, removing inflammatory processes and strengthening immunity.

When a cat sneezes, it can be a more serious illness than the common cold - cat flu, which is caused by the rhinotracheitis virus (feline herpes) and calicivirus. They contribute to irritation of the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, which causes constant sneezing.

These viruses can be very harmful, so be sure to consult your veterinarian with a sneezing cat.

If the sick animal has not been treated for a long time, hoping for its own recovery, then in this case the veterinarian will prescribe not only antiviral, but also antibacterial drugs to eliminate the likelihood of complications.

Along with this, the animal is prescribed immunostimulating drugs and multivitamins to make it easier for the body to regain strength.

The owner is required to help the cat maintain hygiene: rinse her eyes and wipe her nose with sterile cotton pads. This should not be done if the doctor does not advise bothering her again and believes that she will cope with this task herself.

Some veterinarians offer to vaccinate animals against cat flu. However, this should not be done if the cat is prone to frequent colds, since during vaccination there is a risk of developing the disease with weakened immunity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7427/

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