Pink lichen in a child: treatment gives good results

The appearance of a rough spot on the skin may indicate that it is pink lichen.

pink lichen in a child treatment
In a child, a dermatologist should treat this disease. Although this type of lichen is considered non-hazardous, non-contagious and even sometimes passes by itself, a specialist should be diagnosed, excluding other types of dermatological diseases.

Pink lichen in children: symptoms

Often the child does not make any complaints, because the stain does not itch and does not hurt. Parents mistakenly believe that this is an allergic reaction. However, after about a week, smaller spots in diameter appear on the skin. By the way, they can be located far from the plaque that arose first. Subsequent rashes tend to itch slightly.

Basically, this disease affects people from 10 to 40 years old. Other age categories are much less likely to encounter a similar problem. Why? Doctors cannot give a clear answer to this question. It is difficult to determine the causes of a disease such as pink lichen in a child, the treatment of which is, as a rule, without causing particular difficulties.

pink lichen in children symptoms
Doctors noted that very rarely, symptoms similar to a common cold can occur several days before the first plaque. The spot has a color from pale pink to purple (depending on skin color). It mainly appears in the body area or on the hips. Other parts of the body are no exception. But such cases were noted extremely rarely. It is worth adding that the incidence of lichen is becoming more frequent in the spring and autumn. What pink lichen looks like (photo) in children, all parents should know. This facilitates timely access to a dermatologist.

pink lichen photo in children
Pink lichen in a child: treatment

As you know, the right treatment should begin with a diagnosis. It is carried out by a dermatologist by visual assessment of rashes. To confirm the diagnosis and exclude other types of diseases, a scraping is done from the affected areas. This must be done necessarily, since pink lichen is similar to ringworm, psoriasis, or eczema.

After making a diagnosis, a specialist prescribes treatment, which will depend on the number of rashes. If the spots cause itching, then the doctor prescribes medications in the form of ointments or syrup, which have a calming effect - antihistamines.

As a rule, pink lichen in a child, his treatment and diagnosis do not cause difficulties for experienced specialists. However, the healing process may take several months. For therapeutic purposes, use the influence of light rays on the skin. In spring or summer it is recommended to take sunbathing. And in the cold season, the doctor conducts sessions of exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the affected areas. Such procedures are carried out strictly under the supervision of a specialist.

The exact causes of pink lichen are still not known. Presumably, at risk are people with weakened immunity, who have suffered severe infectious diseases or undergone hypothermia. Take care of yourself and your children!


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