Armed forces of Turkey and Russia: a comparison. The ratio of the Armed forces of Russia and Turkey

In recent years, in Russia, Turkey has become associated primarily with cheap resorts. However, the image of a country that carelessly lives only in the tourism industry is not entirely true. The Turkish armed forces correspond to the status of a regional power that has its strategic interests in the Middle East and the Black Sea.

Number of armies

The economic stability of the 2000s allowed Russia to increase military spending. In 2014, the military budget of the Russian Federation amounted to 84 billion dollars. 146 million people live in Russia. At the same time, 770 thousand officers and soldiers serve in the country. In addition, the state has a two millionth human reserve. According to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, the spring draft of 2015 brought 275 thousand conscripts into the army.

The Turkish armed forces look a bit more modest for demographic and economic reasons. The country has a defense budget of $ 22 billion. The population of the republic is 80 million people. At the same time, the army includes 500 thousand troops, and about 370 thousand are in reserve. The armed forces of Turkey are basically composed of conscripts.

size and composition of the Turkish armed forces

Black Sea Fleet

It makes sense to analyze the strategic correlation of the armed forces of Russia and Turkey primarily in the field of the fleet. Countries have no land borders. But between them lies the Black Sea, which had previously been an arena of conflict between the two powers.

This water area is of great strategic importance. Russia has a Black Sea Fleet, which is based in Sevastopol. In the ship’s composition, a special position is occupied by the Moscow missile cruiser, which, among other things, in 2015 carried out missions off the Syrian coast, where the Russian military base is located. The ship still remains powerful, although it is not so new (launched in 1982, back in Soviet times).

Moscow has anti-ship weapons, including Vulkan missile launchers. They have a range of a thousand kilometers and, if desired, can "reach" to the Turkish coast. Another Russian ship of the first rank on the Black Sea is the Kerch. However, it is still older than Moscow and is currently under repair. The maritime ratio of the armed forces of the Russian Federation and Turkey will not do without mentioning the Russian landing ships. They can not only transport personnel, but also help them with their own weapons.

The Turkish armed forces against Russia can take advantage of the fact that the rest of its fleet is scattered over distant waters. Tearing into several parts reduces the speed and efficiency of interaction. Russia, in addition to the Black Sea, has three more fleets, as well as a separate fleet in the Caspian Sea. All of them, except for the Pacific group, can be transferred to the south to help. In Syria, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, the Russian Federation has a military base. It can become an important transit point.

Submarines and small vessels

Until recently, only one diesel submarine Alrosa remained in the Black Sea Fleet. In recent years, the Russian leadership has done everything to make this ship not the only one on the southern borders of the Russian Federation. The construction of a new series of Varshavyanka submarines is already underway. Six of them should be in service in 2017. On November 28, 2013, the first submarine of this modern series (Novorossiysk) was launched. It has unique weapons and the latest technology. Of course, such a combat unit affects the ratio of the Armed Forces of Russia and Turkey.

Analyzing the condition of the Black Sea Fleet, one cannot but mention the watchdogs - these are “Okay”, “Shrewd” and “Inquisitive”. Today, six more modern frigates are being built and tested. In total, the fleet has 47 ships, most of which are auxiliary and small vessels.

For a long time in monarchist Russia, the fix idea was a plan for capturing the straits. The Bosphorus and Dardanelles are the only arteries from the Black to the Mediterranean Sea. These strategic geographical locations are controlled by Turkey. Therefore, the Black Sea Fleet of Russia is located in a closed area, which reduces its maneuverability.

Armed forces of Turkey against Russia

Turkish fleet

The Turkish Armed Forces have both significant advantages and serious disadvantages. The fleet of this country is modern and balanced, but it does not have such large ships as, for example, the Russian missile cruiser Moscow. The Turks have excellent technical support in the form of assistance from NATO allies. The republic has been a member of this association for many years and uses modern Western military technologies.

What else are the naval Armed Forces of Turkey and Russia related to? Comparison cannot but mention submarines. Ankara has fourteen diesel-electric submarines. These ships were bought in Germany. Most of them were built in the 2000s. Turkish submarines possess not only torpedo weapons, but also anti-ship missiles. Small size and noiselessness make them dangerous opponents for any army.

The number of Turkish armed forces at sea is reduced to more than two hundred ships, a significant part of which are light ships. Impact force are frigates. Ada class corvettes also stand out. They have stealth technology and carry "Harpoons" - high-quality anti-ship weapons. Turkey has many ports in both the Black and the Mediterranean. This geographical advantage makes the country's fleet operational and maneuverable.

Summing up, we can say that the main advantage of the fleet of this country are frigates and submarines. There are also disadvantages in the form of the absence of large ships.

Russian Aerospace Forces

To compare the Armed forces of Russia and Turkey, you also need to look at the aerospace forces of the Russian Federation. Today they are one of the largest in the world and remain the pride of the entire army. A significant increase in aviation in recent years has done its job. Russia is now the second most powerful aerospace force in the world.

The most effective is long-range aviation. Its strategic basis is the Tu-160 bombers. These cars can rise to a height of 22 kilometers. They have modern and modernized weapons. Turkish air defense systems against such aircraft are powerless. Tu-160s allow Russian aviation to deliver strategic attacks anywhere, without fear of effective retaliatory fire.

The professionalism of the pilots also affects. Military education regularly receives subsidies and financial injections. They allow for the conduct of exercises and other activities necessary for the personnel to gain the necessary experience in peacetime. On average, Russian pilots have 100 flight hours per year, which remains a high international indicator. In total, Russian aviation has 1,400 combat vehicles. About a hundred of them appeared in service over the past year, which eloquently speaks of the modernity of the aerospace forces.

Russian aviation tested its combat effectiveness in 2015-2016. In autumn, an operation began against Islamists and ISIS terrorists in Syria. It was attended mainly by bombers that hit targets on the ground. Important infrastructure facilities belonging to the radicals were bombarded. The operation lasted several months and ended at the end of March 2016. The pilots gained invaluable combat experience. Many of them were awarded state orders and medals. The technique was also tested. Russian-made aircraft have demonstrated their precision and efficiency.

the ratio of the armed forces of Russia and Turkey

Russian air defense

Russia has a military air base in Syria. Recently, one of the most powerful air defense systems in the world arrived in Hmeimim. The S-400 can simultaneously attack up to 35 targets at the highest speeds. The fire range of the installation is 250 km, height - 27 km. One such complex can cause an unmanned zone in a large space. Even the simultaneous attack of a full-fledged aviation regiment of this air defense is not terrible.

An important part of Russian air defense is the Rubella complex. It is necessary for electronic warfare with the enemy. The complex began to enter the army only in 2012 and is one of the most modern elements of all the domestic Armed Forces. Information about him is mostly classified, which only strengthens rumors about the importance of the complex in battle. The composition of the Turkish Armed Forces does not have such installations. Rubella can hit enemy radars at 300 kilometers.

Turkish Air Force

The basis of Turkish aviation are F-16 fighters. In total, Ankara has more than two hundred such machines. They were purchased from the United States and have modern technical support. Fighters have air-to-air missiles. The training of Turkish pilots is no worse than that of their Russian colleagues. However, the rest of the country's air fleet is already noticeably outdated. In total, Turkey has 350 aircraft. Most of them are Phantoms, which are noticeably inferior to competing machines in their basic characteristics.

The weakest point in Turkey, of course, is the air defense system. The army has mainly anti-aircraft guns of the 60s and 70s of production. These complexes are noticeably outdated. At the same time, Turkey can not agree with partners on the supply of modern technology. For example, a deal with China that could help replace an air defense system failed unexpectedly.

Therefore, in the event of air strikes, the Turkish Armed Forces themselves will be the only defense against bombers and fighters. F-16 photos are now featured in many media outlets analyzing Ankara’s military readiness.

the ratio of the armed forces of Russia and Turkey

Russian Army

In 2008, a radical military reform began in Russia. It was organized after the headquarters analyzed the results of another war in the Caucasus. The administrative system has been updated. The old chain of counties and buildings has undergone structural changes. The number of exercises has increased, allowing to give the necessary experience to the military personnel.

The basis of the ground forces consists of 3 tank brigades, 30 motorized rifle and several special-purpose brigades. They are supported by artillery units. They are armed with more than two thousand combat installations.

The Kantemirov and Taman divisions remain elite. The armed forces of Turkey and Russia differ from each other in the ratio of contract soldiers and conscripts. In Russia, reforms and increased funding have made military service more popular and prestigious. Thanks to this, more recently, the number of contract soldiers exceeded the number of recruits.

Passed reforms in the Airborne Forces. Now this formation includes 4 divisions, a special regiment and an assault brigade. The mobile rapid reaction forces needed for special operations have increased.

The technical equipment of the Russian army continues to increase. In service are 2,500 tanks. Basically, these are T-72 cars and their modifications. Although this series is outdated by age, thanks to modernization, the models have improved their characteristics (communication, surveillance, fire control). The army has more than 17 thousand armored combat vehicles. Among them are new products, including the BMP-3.

Armed forces of Turkey and Russia

Turkish Ground Forces

The fact that the Turkish military budget is smaller than the Russian one was reflected most of all in the ground forces. The army retains some archaic character in organization and structure. This is due to the fact that the ground forces remain less prestigious and popular than, for example, the navy or aviation.

What is the difference between the Armed forces of Turkey and Russia? Comparison in structure shows that Ankara has less power on earth than Moscow. The Turks have at their disposal a tank division, several tank brigades, two artillery brigades. There are forces in the army for special operations. These are five highly professional teams. They are the most elite units in their country. Turkish special forces have significant experience. His fighters regularly participate in special operations in Kurdistan.

The technical equipment of the ground forces is variegated and heterogeneous, which, of course, does not benefit efficiency. For example, the republic has 2,500 tanks. But only 300 of them are modern German Leopard-2 cars. The rest of the park consists of outdated models that need modernization to deal with a strong enemy. The tank troops have real veterans gathered back in the 50s and fought in the hot spots of the Cold War.

Compare the armed forces of Russia and Turkey


A qualitative comparison of the composition of the Armed Forces of Turkey and Russia would not be complete if we did not compare the combat experience of the armies of the two powers. The RF Armed Forces have more than enough of it. The last full-scale operation of the Russian Armed Forces was the war in South Ossetia. Then the army had to face the resistance of various parts. These were air defense systems, aviation, artillery, etc.

Do not forget about the two Chechen campaigns in the Caucasus. In addition, after the onset of peace, special forces often had to participate in counter-terrorism operations. Therefore, Russian troops have tremendous experience in terms of responding promptly to threats to national security. And although more than 15 years have passed since the time of Chechnya, many of the military who have visited the front and fought against the radicals and Islamists are now generals or senior officers. Their knowledge and skills are invaluable to the Russian army.

The size of the Armed Forces of Turkey is 500 thousand troops. At the same time, special-purpose brigades constantly participate in a sluggish conflict in the east of their country, where riots of Kurdish partisans periodically break out. At the same time, the effectiveness of Turkish measures in this case is contentious. For several decades, the regular army has not been able to get rid of the "Kurdish problem."

In 2008, troops even raided Iraq. In the north of this country also has its own Kurdistan. The operation ended in nothing. After several days of fighting, the army left Iraq, and the rebel attacks in eastern Turkey continued.

Comparison of the composition of the armed forces of Turkey and Russia

Difficult relationship

Today, the main focus of tension between the two countries exists because of the situation in Syria. When in November 2015, a Turkish F-16 shot down a Russian plane, which killed a pilot, a diplomatic scandal erupted. The reason for the strike was called a violation of the border near Syria.

After that, a “trade" war and sanctions began. The Russians were forbidden to go on holiday to Turkey, which markedly changed the entire tourist market. And although now there is no talk of an open armed confrontation between the two countries, tensions remain.

Whatever the size and composition of the Turkish Armed Forces, Ankara always has a trump card in the event of a hypothetical conflict. These are the Bosporus and Dardanelles. Their closure will lead to the isolation of the Black Sea Fleet of Russia. The domestic Armed Forces have a military base in Syria. If the straits are blocked, it will become inaccessible.


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