Cat blankets after sterilization

The pet product industry is constantly gaining momentum. New products appear. Today you will not be surprised at the sight of a dog in diapers or a sphinx in a woolen suit. Diapers for a dog’s toilet are already familiar. Cat blankets should not be surprising either. This device is not only used for convenience, but is often a vital item for pussies.

What are blankets

Among all the variety of accessories for pets, cat blankets are of great interest. It seems that pussy is an animal that is adapted to any living conditions and always behaves independently. In the modern world, this applies only to ordinary animals, for which the homeland is a northern country. Most thoroughbred cats and pussies can no longer survive on their own, they require help. Hence the interest in various blankets.

fur coat for phoenix
  • Not all breeds calmly endure the harsh climate. Sphinxes, immigrants from hot Egypt, it is difficult to survive the winter without an extra coat. Naturally, warm blankets appeared.
  • Sphinxes without hair have increased sweating. Not every housewife may like abandoned stains on furniture. It is worth putting a pet in a home dressing gown and the problem is solved.
  • Fans of a walk with the ward on the street are well aware of how long she then washed. Especially if it was raining. Raincoat solves the problem.
sterilized cat
  • Finally, the most difficult case when an operation was performed with a dissection of the abdominal cavity. Cat blanket after sterilization is simply vital. The animal, trying to heal itself, violates the postoperative suture. And it can end fatally.

Postoperative care

Unfortunately, sterilization of cats, a necessary measure, is associated with high costs. Even with a high rate of wound healing, it takes some time to tighten the suture.

after operation

The cat has a very strong wound licking instinct. So they treat themselves. But a fresh seam is very easy to damage. Everyone understands the consequences of the discrepancy in the postoperative suture. It is worth doing everything to protect your pet. Specialists have long developed postoperative blankets. In a big city, acquiring it is relatively easy. Almost every major veterinary clinic has a veterinary supplies store. Immediately after completion of the operation, you will be helped to choose a postoperative blanket for cats.

What to do in a small town

Small towns are another thing; it may be more difficult to find the right thing there. Pet shops pay little attention to medical supplies, and there may not be specialized veterinary outlets.

We have to take everything into our own hands - for a cat, postoperative blanket to sew independently. There is no particular difficulty in this. Even with a little sewing experience, you can handle it. The main thing is a little accuracy and love for your pet. All the necessary information can be found later in the article.

Getting ready for work

Any tailor begins his work by taking measurements. In our case, it is important to know:

  • The distance from the base of the tail to the neck.
  • The length of the abdomen between the hind and front legs.
  • The diameter of the tail, and together with it and each paw separately.
  • Cat chest volume.

After taking measurements, you can begin to calculate the amount of necessary material for blankets. The cat should feel comfortable in it. Clothing should not interfere with going to the toilet and constrain movements. Be sure to think about how to tie a blanket to the cat. The animal is quite mobile, the thing must be held securely.

How much material is needed

The cat is a small animal and at home there will always be the right piece of cloth for the preparation of the bandage. You can use your old things and give them a new life. You need to sew 2 to 3 bandages immediately. The first blanket for a cat after sterilization will almost certainly get dirty in the blood, and it will need to be changed.

Each bandage should consist of three layers of fabric.

  • The top should be strong enough so that the cat does not tear it apart as soon as possible. The second requirement is that it must not leak moisture. Under a blanket, the cat's body should remain dry. And, of course, every housewife wants a beautiful thing.
do it yourself
  • The purpose of the middle layer is to warm the stomach. Therefore, the fabric is chosen so that it protects well from the cold and is at the same time soft. The flexibility of pussies is well known to everyone, and the thick, stiff fabric will not allow them to behave naturally.
  • Finally, the layer adjacent to the stomach should be made of soft and soft material. Flannel or knitwear is perfect. Especially, from worn things that are repeatedly erased.

Product pattern

In order for the cat blanket to sit well, it is worth paying attention to the pattern. It is impossible to sew a thing neatly without first constructing a pattern.

  • This could be a simple triangle-shaped option with a tail hole.
  • It can have a more complex shape in the form of a cross with holes for the forepaws and Velcro coverage around the body.
  • An even more complicated option is when holes are made under each foot. A hole for the head is provided separately. This design implies the presence of intersecting ties, from the hind legs to the front, to tie a blanket to the cat. How to sew them does not matter much.

Which pattern option is selected depends on the tailor. A pattern made on paper is transferred to the fabric. The upper and lower layer with a mirror reflection, so that the wrong side looked inside blankets. First, the top layer and the thermal lining are sewn together. Then the bottom layer is sewn to the wrong side. The seams are processed manually to make them softer.

Band Clasps

As fasteners, you should use Velcro or ties. Ties and ribbons are selected along the length so that it is convenient to mount the blanket without restricting the cat's movements. At the same time, the length of the free ends is made for tying blankets to the cat as small as possible so that they do not pinch the hair.

postoperative period

Please note that the buttons for the bandage are usually not used. There is a high risk that the cat may unfasten them when moving.

Postoperative period

After the operation, until the anesthesia has departed, tying up a blanket for a cat will not be difficult. Another thing is when the cat has finally regained consciousness. In this situation, risks are possible. In order not to damage the surgical suture, one must be extremely careful. Do not use brute force. Only affection and persuasion. After the first fitting, the animal will no longer violently resist and it will be possible to calmly change the dirty blanket for a clean one.

It is important to follow the fastening sequence. The first to tie a pair of laces from the head and gradually move towards the tail. The last four laces are tied with a cross. After the procedure is completed, make sure that the ties do not pull the body. There should be little freedom. It is important to leave the anus and the urination channel open so that the pet can freely go to the toilet.

If it is necessary to process the surgical suture, it is not necessary to remove the entire blanket; it is enough to untie several knots.

pussy plays

A cat is an animal on which everything heals quickly. Obviously, your pet will quickly recover. Already on the seventh day after sterilization, cats are removed with blankets. When this happens, carefully examine the seam again. If there are no complications, your pet is ready for an active life again.


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