Do-it-yourself brick stoves for summer cottages: design options, designs and construction

If you are an avid summer resident, then before the onset of the summer season, you should definitely think about creating comfort and coziness in a country house. Although electric heaters are compact and easy to operate, they are a source of costs. But if you build a brick oven for a summer residence, then you can admire the fruit of your labors, heat the premises in the house, and also save energy. In addition, with the help of such devices it is possible to cook delicious food. You can spend warm family evenings around the stove. The device can become a real decoration of the interior.

Seat selection

brick kiln designs

Before you build an oven, you must choose a place for it. Installation must be carried out in such a way as to provide the most efficient housing heating. If the device is installed for heating air, it is optimal to mount in the wall of adjacent rooms. But if you need a stove for cooking, it is better to install the design closer to the kitchen.

Next to the stove should be a wall through which you can bring the chimney to the street. It is important to note that the device will have a fairly impressive weight, so it requires a concrete base underneath. If the cottage has a wooden floor, then it will be necessary to remove the coating and fill the base. But if you have a concrete surface, you can lay directly on the floor.

What is important to consider when planning an oven

When familiarizing yourself with brick oven designs, you should consider some of the nuances. For example, for tall structures with their own chimney or for a device with 500 bricks or more, a separate foundation is needed that is not connected with the base of the building, even if the design and construction are carried out together.

A wide and low hob, as well as a heating plate on the floor, can be installed without a foundation, making only thermal insulation. The flooring under the shield is supported by additional lags.

Cutting the chimney must not come into contact with the ceiling beams. The distance from the cut to the floor beams should be the same. A brick stove will have a chimney that should protrude 500 mm or more above the roof ridge. These two elements must be 1,500 mm apart.

However, it is important to consider exceptions. So, if the stove is made of 1,000 bricks or less, and the foundation of the house is tape, then the base of the heater can be built at the intersection or T-shaped connection of tapes under the inner walls.

The distance from the foundation of the furnace to other tapes of the foundation of the house should be 1.2 m. 1,500 bricks will be required for the smallest brick oven to give. Therefore, the Russian stove should be built on a separate foundation. However, there are exceptions here too - a small Russian stove can be built on a wooden patronage of timber. The dimensions of the lumber should be 150 x 150 mm.

Foundation construction

brick stoves for summer cottages

Brick stoves for summer cottages are usually installed on foundations, which can be concrete or stone. Before pouring the mortar, it is necessary to prepare the formwork, thanks to which you can achieve a flat surface. Along the perimeter of a dug pit, wooden slats should be laid, which are fixed with strong reinforcement.

For the foundation, it is better to use high-quality material. For this, concrete of the M-250 brand is perfect. Since the base will be located inside the house, it will not undergo external influences. After pouring the mixture, let it dry and harden. Then you can begin the main construction.

More about foundation technology

At the first stage of the foundation device, it is necessary to dig a pit. To do this, you must go deeper into the ground below the freezing line of the ground. The size of the pit should be 10 cm larger on each side. This is necessary to exclude the influence of soil movements. At the bottom, 15 cm of sand is poured, which should be filled with water. Once the fluid is gone, the sand is poured again to the desired level. He is again watered with water. As soon as the moisture is gone, a brick fight or stone is laid at the bottom. The thickness of the layer should be 20 cm. The substrate is compacted and covered with another layer of sand, which is again filled with water. This procedure must be repeated several times until the sand stops settling.

After that, 10 cm of crushed stone is poured, which is well compacted. Then you can proceed with the installation of formwork. Between the lateral parts of the foundation and the boards should remain 10 cm of free space, inside there is a reinforcing cage. The construction of a brick kiln in the next step involves the pouring of concrete. Its height should be 15 cm lower than the surface of the soil. As soon as the concrete hardens, you can get rid of the formwork by applying several layers of tar on the sides. Coarse sand or fine gravel should be poured into the resulting free space.

About waterproofing and pouring

When laying the roofing material, it is attached to the formwork with a stapler. The solution is prepared from particles of cement, five parts of crushed stone and 3 parts of pure sand. Crushed stone should first be freed from impurities. All components are mixed in a convenient container. As soon as you can get a homogeneous mass, you can start adding water.

The mixture is constantly mixed, while gradually adding water until you can get a consistency of thick sour cream. On this we can assume that the solution is ready. It is poured into the formwork. Work is best done in one day, otherwise you will get several layers, which during operation can crack.

Reinforced concrete slab on pile supports

The foundation for the furnace may include the installation of a reinforced concrete slab located on pile supports. The thickness of the base in this case varies from 15 to 20 cm. Which type of foundation to choose will depend on what is the depth of soil freezing in the region.

If the site is clayey soil with high groundwater, it is better to choose a foundation for the stove in the form of a plate. The structure should be built separately from the main foundation, the gap between these nodes is 5 cm. This will exclude the dependence of one base on the shrinkage of another.

Foundation on stilts

In order to establish the base on piles, it is necessary to remove the plant soil layer by 25 cm. With the help of a drill, recesses are made in the soil. Their diameter should be 20 cm. Crushed stone is poured onto the bottom of the pit, which is well compacted.

A ruberoid twisted into a sleeve should be inserted into the wells. The holes in the next step are poured with concrete mortar. If polyethylene or asbestos pipes are available, you can insert them into the holes, and after 10 days, fill the foundation.

Furnace order

foundation for the furnace

If you do not have enough experience, you can use a ready-made order. According to her, the first two rows are laid out in a solid line. When installing the 3rd row, it is necessary to implement a camera device, which is then covered with gravel connected by clay mortar. It is installed underneath, distributing heat through the furnace.

When you start laying the next row, you can build a blower chamber. A grill is laid on top, which will protrude the bottom of the combustion chamber. The order of the brick furnace in the 12th and 13th rows provides for the installation of a cast-iron floor covering the combustion chamber. The oven is placed five rows above the floor. Between the combustion chamber and the cabinet can be placed chimneys. Be sure to provide for plugs and cleanings.

Furnace construction

do-it-yourself brick oven

A brick stove for a summer residence must be separated from the foundation with a layer of waterproofing. For this, roofing material is used. Before proceeding with construction, a solution should be prepared. It is better if it is temperature-resistant, this will extend the life of the structure, and the erection process will be convenient and simple.

The first row of bricks is laid out using fireclay products. They will not be exposed to temperature in this part of the structure. At the bottom of the stove should have an ash pan, so the high temperatures of this part are not terrible. Fireclay bricks are not used for cladding, as they have an unsightly appearance.

Having laid the first row, you can install the blower door. It is fixed with steel wire. In addition to it, you can use welded metal structures or studs. When mounting the second row, you must consider the area of ​​the ash chamber. The bottom is covered with a steel 3 mm sheet. With it, you can remove trash from the ash pan.

Laying out a brick furnace for a summer residence, at the stage of the third row you must install an internal steel frame. The height of the ash pan will be adjusted at will. But this parameter is determined by the height of the door, to which you need to add two rows from the top. The middle part is the most difficult stage of installation. At this level, it is necessary to form a firebox. In it, burning firewood with coal will produce heat, heating the air.

A steel frame must be installed in the middle of the furnace. If it is possible to make grooves in the masonry, then this step is not mandatory. To do this, for a number of masonry, you should set up the markup where the installation of grates will be. With the help of a grinder, grooves are cut out. As soon as the grates are installed, it is necessary to lay two more rows, after which you can begin to form the rear compartment for the chimney. Work at this stage requires special attention, because the row tab will determine the size and height of the chamber for burning wood. This compartment can be small, medium or large.

Work on the hob

brick oven construction

A brick oven design may include a hob. Its dimensions will determine the parameters of the entire structure. As soon as the device is laid out, in the upper row it is necessary to make grooves in the grinder. They set a steel corner, which has the shape of a rectangle. Its shape should repeat the size of the hob.

At the next stage, the mold is installed, it is necessary to use a temperature-resistant mortar, which was used when laying bricks. Once the solution has hardened, you can install a cast-iron stove on top.

Furnish Options

oven brick order

If you are thinking about how to finish a brick stove in the country, then for starters you can consider one of the traditional methods of cladding - plaster. Before applying it, to prevent cracking due to high temperatures, the base is covered with a netting attached to the dowels.

Further, the surface can be coated with plaster. If this type of stove does not suit you, then you can lay a tile on top. For cladding, aluminum strips with holes are often used, which are installed in the vertical seams of the brickwork. At the next stage, the T-profile is fixed to these strips, and bolts must be used.

Between the aluminum corners all the same ceramic tiles are laid. You can also use clinker made from heterogeneous types of clays, to which dyes, energy melters and chamotte are added.

Terracotta is suitable for majolica, which does not have a glaze and has high strength. Its base is highly porous, and its shape is round. In order to make the simplest brick stove for summer residence more attractive, you can use the majolica for decoration, which is a tile covered with glaze. On its surface you can see a picture.

Use of tiles for decoration

Brick stoves on wood quite often trimmed with tiles. The row installation should start from the corner. The material is pre-wetted in water. The solution is placed under a ceramic box (rump). Then, holding adjacent elements, a solution is laid between the rumps.

The tiles are fastened with annealed wire pins. Its diameter should be 4 mm. The pins should be inserted into the holes on the shelves of the box. Between themselves, these elements are fixed with a 2 mm wire. The edges of the ceramic boxes are fastened with clamps, which are metal mounting brackets. The size of the seams between the tiles should not be more than 2 mm. You can wipe the seams with alabaster.

Brick lining

wood-fired stoves

The brick oven can be faced. The decor is carried out with the appropriate brick. It is forbidden to build the structure itself from such products, because the maximum temperature that they can undergo is 650 Β° C. In order to prevent the effects of high temperatures emanating from refractory bricks on the decorative clinker, which collapses under such influence, it is necessary to lay a layer of thermal insulation. Its thickness should be 5 mm or more.

Do-it-yourself brick oven is finished with facing material with special accuracy. The seams should be smooth, otherwise the structure will not be so attractive. In order to make the finished structure clean, you can glue the front side of the finish with masking tape. As soon as the last row is laid, all that remains is to remove the adhesive tape, which will allow you to get a neat surface.


The heat capacity of the brick exceeds the heat capacity of the metal several times. This suggests that the brick oven will retain heat longer than steel. Today you can hear the opinion that metal furnaces have a higher efficiency. But practice shows that brick stoves with a multi-channel chimney system consume fuel more economically and continue to give off heat for a long time when the wood in the stove has already burned out.


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