Pushkin State Museum, Prechistenka: description, history, interesting facts and reviews

One of the very fascinating and exciting sights of the capital is the A. Pushkin State Museum on Prechistenka in Moscow. Its abbreviated name is GMF. The museum was founded in the typical noble estate of the Khrushchev-Seleznev family, which the new owner rebuilt several years after the Moscow fire in 1812 according to the project of architects A. Grigoriev and D. Gilardi. In 1814, war veteran Warrant Officer A. Khrushchev bought a dilapidated estate and built a large and spacious Empire-style beautiful mansion with snow-white columns, exquisite stucco molding on the facades, a large number of service buildings and spacious terraces. Adjacent to it is a cozy picturesque garden and garden pavilions. The new owner turned out to be a very hospitable person and therefore he often spent balls and had dinner parties. It was rumored that Pushkin himself had come here more than once.

Pushkin's office

State Pushkin Museum on Prechistenka

The mansion over time, having replaced several owners at the beginning of the 20th century, then became an orphanage for them. Seleznevs. This name was given in honor of the last owners of the estate. After the Great October Revolution of 1917, it had a Toy Museum, and then a Literary Museum, which they wanted to devote to the work of Vladimir Mayakovsky. But the date of its discovery coincided with the start of World War II. And the project simply could not be implemented. In the postwar years, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was located in the mansion, but then the building was again returned to the Literary Museum. In 1949, an anniversary exhibition was announced on the 150th anniversary of the birth of great talent and a genius of all time - A.S. Pushkin. To do this, the mansion’s premises were carefully examined and restored.

On October 5, 1957, a decree was issued on the organization on this site of a permanent museum dedicated to the life and work of the world famous poet. Three years later, an independent organization was formed here. Presentation of the first exhibition on the birthday of the poet took place on June 6, 1961. It was created from the acquisition of museum funds. Many exhibits associated with the name of Pushkin were simply donated. These include books, manuscripts, prints, paintings, dishes, furniture, etc. The first director of the museum from 1920 to 2000 was A. Crane.

Pushkin and his contemporaries

Museum Organization

The main focus of the GMP was the museumification of Pushkin places. In 1972, a memorial museum was established on Arbat, 53. Here, in January 1931, Pushkin rented an apartment on the second floor and equipped it specifically in order to settle in it with Natalia Goncharova after the wedding.

On the rights of the GMP department, exhibition halls were also opened in house number 55 on Arbat (on the corner of Money Lane).

In the GMP are stored 165 thousand rare exhibits, including fine art objects of Korovin, Bryullov, Tropinin, Kiprensky, Bakst, Petrov-Vodkin and others.

Exhibitions in the Pushkin Museum on Prechistenka are held constantly, along with this, literary readings, concert programs, conferences and seminars are held. The museum has a special focus on working with a children's audience, where interactive programs, theater projects and New Year's parties are conducted.

Alexander Pushkin

St. Prechistenka. Pushkin museum

And now you can again return to the famous Khrushchev-Seleznev mansion, where today there is a permanent exhibition called "Pushkin and his era." It is housed in fifteen rooms. It was opened in 1997 for the 200th anniversary of the poet and the 850th anniversary of Moscow. The entire exposition devoted to this event was built on the basis of a biographical principle, which tells how A.S. Pushkin lived and worked on his works. She will tell about his contemporaries, about the cult and life of the Pushkin era of the beginning of the XVIII century.

The Pushkin Museum in Moscow on Prechistenka is the first museum dedicated to Pushkin’s work in the capital, which is visited annually by up to 300 thousand people. There are 15 halls open for visitors.

museum exhibits

The first hall. Prologue

In the first hall of the Pushkin Museum on Prechistenka, the exhibition is dedicated to the 18th century, at the end of which Alexander Sergeyevich was born (June 6, 1799). There are portraits of royal people, statesmen, commanders, thinkers and poets of that time. Life-time editions of such famous representatives of literature of that time as G. Derzhavin, M. Lomonosov, A. Sumarokov, N. Karamzin, D. Fonvizin are on display.

Second hall

This hall is dedicated to the main historical and cultural events that took place in the first third of the XIX century during the Pushkin era. The showcases in the hall display exposition materials characterizing the literary and socio-political atmosphere of the beginning of the 19th century: relics of the Napoleonic war of 1812, a whole selection of documents about the Decembrists, old books with autographs of their contemporary authors Pushkin and, in fact, his original autograph - the most valuable museum exhibit, as well as documentary chronicles of the era.

In the halls of the Pushkin Museum on Prechistenka the music of that time sounds. In the very center of the hall is a sculpture of Pushkin by A. Trebenev. You can also see the portrait of the poet lithographed by G. Gippius along with portraits of his contemporaries.

Other halls

In the third, fourth and fifth halls there is an exposition telling about the childhood of the future genius of literature, held in Moscow. Portraits of parents, his family, friends and acquaintances are displayed here, as well as household items, books from the beginning of the 19th century, furniture and objects of decorative and applied art that allow the visitor to best imagine the situation in the Pushkin’s house.

In the sixth hall is the entrance hall of the Khrushchev-Seleznevs, located under a wooden staircase. She leads to the suite of front rooms.

The seventh hall is furnished so that you can feel yourself at the ball. This hall opens the front rooms of the mansion. Everything here tells about the young poet’s stay in Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum (1811-1817), about the poet’s life in St. Petersburg (1817-1820), about his references to the South (1820-1824) and Mikhailovskaya (1824- 1826).

Pushkin's room

The eighth and ninth halls

In the eighth hall is the largest living room. Her decor is dedicated to the famous novel in poems "Eugene Onegin." Pushkin worked on it from 1823 to 1831. It shows the realities of that era through household items, books, portraits, views of Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Russian village. The exposition reflects the history of those times when the novel was created, and how the contemporaries of the poet perceived it.

The theme of the ninth hall is dedicated to the return of Pushkin to Moscow. All these years (from 1826 to 1831) he wandered. It shows his circle of contacts in Moscow and St. Petersburg, a trip to Arzrum and the Tver region, a rather long and dreary stay in Boldino in 1830, Pushkin's wedding, the marriage of sister Olga Sergeyevna and his return to Tsarskoye Selo in 1831.

Pushkin and Natalie

Tenth and eleventh hall

In the tenth hall there is an exposition on the work “The Queen of Spades”. Pushkin wrote it in 1833 in Boldino. The exhibition hall is divided into two parts. One of them represents the world of the countess, who personifies the Russian aristocracy since the time of Empress Catherine II, opposed to the world of the hero German, the image of a new man, a native of bourgeois reality.

In the eleventh hall there is an exhibition reflecting the theme of The Bronze Horseman, where the main images are Petersburg and Peter I. The publishing destiny of the poem was rather complicated, and this will also be shown in the moments.

Twelfth and thirteenth halls

In other spacious rooms will be shown the journey of Pushkin, which he made in 1833 to the places of popular uprisings, the leader of which was the Cossack Emelyan Pugachev. The poet visited Orenburg, Simbirsk, Kazan and the Volga region. Engravings of the 18th century, presented by contemporary artists of Pushkin, show these places along with the everyday life of the poor people of that time.

Engravings of the portrait of Emelyan Pugachev of the late 19th and early 19th centuries are especially highlighted in the exhibition.

Fourteenth, fifteenth halls. Advance hall

These halls are final, and they are decorated according to the work “The Captain's Daughter” (1834-1836), where the theme of the popular rebellion of 1773-1775 continues. The last exposition is dedicated to the last years of the poet's life (1831-1837). The whole composition of the two halls is the world of its heroes - a simple people who find themselves in a turbulent whirlpool of the Pugachev war.

The main hall became closing, it stores portraits of the poet’s Petersburg environment, his books, documents, personal items, letters of his last days, autographs of the last poems, a posthumous mask and a portrait of A.S. Pushkin.

And at the end is the entrance hall, where there is an old grandfather clock and a model of the monument to A. Pushkin by sculptor A. Opekushin.

Tales of Pushkin


On Prechistenka, 12, in the Pushkin Museum on the ground floor of the estate there is another exposition occupying two halls. The first is a museum, where everyday objects of a simple peasant, ancient luboks and illustrations for Pushkin's tales, made by graphic artists, illustrators V. Konashevich, T. Mavrina, V. Milashevsky, are located. In the second room, a modern interactive exhibition opens, opening the Pushkin world of fairy tales.

Many people are interested in what metro station Prechistenka 12/2 (Pushkin Museum) is located and how to get to this place.

On foot or by public transport you need to go to the Kropotkinskaya metro station. If you go by car, then you can get to the museum along the Boulevard Ring, turn onto Gogolevsky Boulevard and there - to Prechistenka. Or along the Garden Ring, turning from Zubovsky Boulevard to Prechistenka.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E745/

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