Children's riddles for children 4-5 years old. Riddle for children 4-5 years old

Children's puzzles for children 4-5 years old help kids think logically, develop speech and show imagination. Plus, this kind of folklore is gymnastics for thinking, ingenuity and quick wit. In the article you will find puzzles that will be interesting to children of the middle group.

Mysteries about animals

We offer riddles for children 4-5 years old with answers that will help parents not to get confused and promptly prompt the right option.

1. Bites, barks loudly and does not let strangers into the house. (Dog).

children's riddles for children 4-5 years old

2. In summer, this animal is gray, and in winter it is only white. (Hare).

3. Sleeps in the den in winter, asks for honey in spring. (Bear).

4. A red, fluffy tail, but completely shameless and very very cunning. (A fox).

5. Strong and he walks loudly, instead of a nose wears a trunk. (Elephant).

6. A red-haired, furry jump on trees and a lope, and he knows a lot about nuts. (Squirrel).

7. โ€œKukarekuโ€ - early in the morning he sings, calls everyone to work. (Cock).

8. This animal sleeps in the den in winter, sometimes even snores. When he wakes up, he will begin to roar. What is his name? Well, of course ... (bear).

9. It is very easy to find out. This spotted animal is very tall. (Giraffe).

10. The flippers on the legs are red, these birds are completely harmless. (Ducks).

Each riddle for children 4-5 years old should be with a hidden minimum clue. After all, at this age, kids only learn how to solve. If the baby cannot guess, do not scold him for it. After all, you can discourage him from thinking logically and fantasizing.

Riddles about fruits and vegetables

Toddlers must develop in different directions. Therefore, make children's puzzles for children 4-5 years old on different topics. Including about vegetables and fruits.

riddle for children 4-5 years old

1. This berry is red, sugar, and its caftan is green and velvet. (Watermelon).

2. A small berry, first green, then red, tasty and sweet. (Cherry).

3. Autumn is bitter, sweet in winter. Very useful red berry. (Viburnum).

4. Three sisters are green in the summer. In the fall, one sister is red, the other is white, and the third is black. (Currant).

5. She wears an orange uniform, sits on a branch like a commander. If you rip it unripe, your stomach hurts, and if you ripe, it will convince you to eat. (Apricot).

6. Pull the green tail, we get the red nose out of the ground. (Carrot).

7. A thick green bush grows. If you dig a little bit, it suddenly appears ... (potato).

8. The old grandfather is dressed in a thick coat. Those who undress him shed tears very bitterly. (Bow).

Children's puzzles for children 4-5 years old should be accessible to understanding. After all, kids are just beginning to understand the meaning of such a game. First of all, interest the child. Before the game, show him pictures, tell a little fairy tale, history, etc. about vegetables and fruits.

About tools

The child must know how a person works and what items he needs to work. This can be a hammer for hammering nails, a needle for sewing, a watering can for irrigation and much more. That is why children's riddles are made up. For children 4-5 years old, it is important to know the objects that a person encounters regularly throughout life.

1. This old woman with one ear runs through the fabric boldly. She pulls a web across the canvas and can create beautiful paintings. (Needle).

2. She got down to business and boldly sang a song: "Iโ€™m running and running along the tree, I canโ€™t stop." (Saw).

3. This is a bold gardener, not afraid of anything. He bent his nose a little and quickly watered the flowers. (Watering can).

4. They have big teeth. They never whine, do not hurt how they walk on the ground, all the garbage will immediately gather. (Rake).

5. He boldly hammer a nail into the wall. (Hammer).

riddles for children 4 to 5 years old with answers

6. We are friends and a couple with the janitor, together we walk around and we will remove snow everywhere. (Shovel).

Riddles help children to pay attention to some details that they had not noticed before. The horizons of the kids expand, they begin to show more interest in the surrounding objects. However, do not forget that puzzles must be matched to age.

Winter riddles

For children 4-5 years old, games should be not only interesting, but also informative. After all, kids have already passed into preschool age, when you need to focus on learning and development. We bring to your attention winter puzzles for children 4-5 years old.

1. Snowstorm and bad weather, there was a lot of snow. Take the sled and forward, we will run soon to the ice. (Winter).

2. A lot fell from the sky, everything covered with white. (Snow).

3. Lush white stars from the sky fly to us. They lay down in the park, in the courtyard for fun kids. (Snowflakes).

4. Gather a big lump from the snow, put it on the edge. We stick to his nose, bucket, and maybe ears. We will give him a big beautiful broom in his hand. Let it stand until the frost. He is unaccustomed to heat, because this (snowman) is ordinary.

winter puzzles for children 4 to 5 years old

These winter puzzles are needed so that the child knows that not only in the summer is fun and good. In winter, you can also find a lot of entertainment that is liked not only by children, but also by adults.


Puzzles can be made to children from the age of three. Older children can easily recognize animals, plants, professions and much more. However, do not forget that sometimes children need to be encouraged to think. That is, the guys should not be prompted, but made clear to the logic, help the imagination, etc.

A riddle for children 4-5 years old teaches to develop attention, think logically, show imagination and imagination. When a child plays such games, his speech develops very well, thanks to which the baby begins to express his opinion more correctly.


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