Nutrition and development of the child at 7 months. Physical and mental development

Young children are developing so fast that we adults are surprised every day by their achievements and developed skills. Yesterday, the baby said the first word, today he learned to fold the pyramid, tomorrow he will crawl out of the children's room into the kitchen. If up to six months the child lived according to one regimen, then the nutrition and development of the child at 7 months already changes significantly depending on the physiological characteristics of the body of the peanut and its acquired skills.

Weight and height

Despite the fact that the child has grown a little, he still needs your care, affection and support. The kid becomes so interesting that you want to watch him tirelessly. Energetic and inquisitive, he makes next successes in mental development. But do not forget about other indicators that invariably remain important for a baby of this age.

baby nutrition and development at 7 months
The weight of the child at 7 months, as before, should be within the physiological norm. Calculate it is not difficult. To do this, you need to summarize: three circles of the shoulder of the child and one at a time - the upper portion of the thigh and the largest part of the lower leg. Subtract growth in centimeters from the result. If the figure is equal to 19-21 cm, then your crumbs have accumulated a sufficient amount of subcutaneous fat. At the same time, the weight of the child at 7 months increases to 8-9 kg - this applies to boys. Girls gain approximately 7.5 to 8.5 kg. The growth of male peanuts at the same time reaches 67–69 centimeters, babies - 64–67 cm.


What does your baby already know at this age? Firstly, at 7 months, the child must learn the simplest skills: he confidently sits without support and is able, holding on to the handrails of the crib, to rise to his feet. He begins to master the technique of crawling, although some very nimble little ones are already traveling with might and main around their parental apartment. Secondly, if you actively engage with the child, he will be able to imitate the sounds he hears daily. And you will be pleased with the first simple syllables and even short monosyllables.

In parting, the baby knows how to wave a pen. He expresses his emotions and desires with the help of facial expressions. He enjoys playing the simplest role-playing games such as "goodies." The child carefully sorted out the toys, shifted them from one handle to another, examined with curiosity and tasted it. It is useless to forbid him to nibble something, and it is not necessary. At seven months, children learn the world not only through sight and hearing, but also on the basis of taste and tactile sensations. Therefore, carefully wash a couple of "non-hazardous" toys and give the child to be torn to pieces.

Problem number 1: the baby is not sitting

Many young mothers are very worried about this. Should I worry if the baby (7 months) is not sitting on its own? Doctors say that all the kids are individual: some six months calmly take an upright position, others need a little more time for this. Therefore, do not panic, but help the child quickly master a new technique for him. For example, often seat him on your lap or in a special child seat. At first, the baby will only sit with the support, but after a while you will see how it tears its back from it.

baby weight at 7 months
On the street, try to walk in a stroller. Of course, if the baby falls asleep, the back should be lowered, but when he is awake, always lift it. The kid will not only learn to take an upright position, but will also enjoy the new landscapes and people's faces that open to his gaze. In addition, if the child (7 months) is not sitting, you should inform the pediatrician about this. He will prescribe a massage that will strengthen the spinal muscles of the baby and help you solve the problem.

Problem number 2: the baby does not creep

Another nuisance that worried mothers often encounter. If the orthopedic surgeon does not detect developmental abnormalities, but at the same time the baby (7 months) does not crawl, then do not force things, but just show the baby how to move on the floor. To do this, invite a baby who has already mastered this technique to visit. Children often copy the behavior of their peers, so a good example will be very helpful. Yes, you yourself can get on all fours and crawl: it will be a very fun activity for both adults and a small member of your family.

Do not be lazy and create a comfortable environment for crawling: the floor should not be cold, slippery and dirty. Do not forget about comfortable clothing that does not hinder the baby’s movement, does not interfere with him and does not rub his delicate skin. In order for your son or daughter to quickly figure out how to reach an inaccessible toy, put it on the other side of the room and call the baby. Children are very smart: the baby will quickly understand what is required of him. If the child (7 months) does not crawl, more often do gymnastics with him, refuse walkers - this will also significantly speed up the process.

Other problems at this age

Firstly, the child begins to act up and refuse to eat. And this is not surprising: your child grows up, he has his own taste preferences: for example, he absorbs porridge with milk in huge quantities, but vegetable soup, no matter how you try, cannot be pushed into it. Do not be upset. You can try mixing carrots and beets that are hateful for crumbs with your favorite treats: meat, fish, potatoes. If you are lucky, the baby will not feel the presence of “unwanted guests” in the plate. Otherwise, you will have to buy mashed potatoes in a jar in the store (perhaps the baby will like it more) or abandon such a product for a while. Forcing a baby is not recommended.

7 month baby regimen
Secondly, many parents worry that their daughter doesn’t make even the slightest sound. Doctors always reassure about this: sooner or later he will speak. Yes, and how - then the mouth will not be closed. So wait and enjoy the silence in the house. If it is completely unbearable, often talk with the baby, carefully pronounce words to him, read and describe objects that come into hand. This will provoke a surge in speech activity of the baby. But at the same time, remember that a baby (7 months) is still small enough and cannot always justify your "oratorical" hopes.


Feeding a baby at 7 months remains breastfeeding, but already partially. By this period, you need to expand the diet and make it more diverse, nutritious and tasty. After six months, give fruit juices and mashed potatoes a try. Introduce them gradually, by trial and error, in order to avoid stress on a fragile stomach and not cause an allergic reaction of the young body.

If the pediatrician gives the go-ahead, you can safely replace one breast-feeding with a dish of grated vegetables or milk porridge. The diet should also contain chicken yolk, cottage cheese and kefir, boiled lean meat of poultry or veal, fish. With the latter you need to be as careful as possible: it can contain small dangerous bones and be allergenic to your child. If the baby for some reason is not a baby, the artificial feeding of the child (7 months), based on adapted mixtures, requires a faster transition from milk to the adult version. Therefore, doctors recommend giving complementary foods to the baby a month earlier.


Your baby has grown up and matured significantly. Therefore, the regimen of a child of 7 months should be built in such a way that no more than 1/3 of the day is allocated for rest. The child sleeps twice about an hour and a half, ideally in the fresh air: on the street, balcony or at least with the window open. Do not be afraid to catch a crumb. If the weather is inclement weather, dress it warmer, protect it from drafts, and let it peacefully enjoy color dreams. Time and duration are individual in each case, they depend on your plans, silence around and emotions experienced by the child. If you strictly follow the regime, then the baby will fall asleep at the same time. Just like waking up. As for night rest, it should last about 11-12 hours.

baby 7 months does not creep
Avoid active games before putting your baby to bed: he will be too excited that will result in whims, crying, languid falling asleep and restless sleep. It is better to read the book to the baby or make a massage. Keep an eye on the air temperature: it should be between 18-22 degrees, otherwise the child will be uncomfortable.


After six months, your little miracle may begin to develop an adult bath. He will like it very much. If the baby is already sitting confidently, he will play with pleasure before the procedure with rubber animals and cars that will swim in the water. Do not forget to hold the baby by the back, he is still too small to cope without your help. Any unsuccessful turn of the body can lead to the baby slipping, losing balance and swallowing water.

Often parents, in order to avoid incidents, buy their son or daughter special bathing appliances - circles. They will not allow the crumbs to roll over in the water and drown. To make the baby comfortable sitting, lay a mat under his ass: it will be as soft, comfortable and warm as possible. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. Water temperature should not be lower than 22 º and not higher than 28 º. The nutrition and development of a child at 7 months always has individual characteristics for each individual case. The same rule applies to swimming: sometimes children like hot or cooler water. Adjust, but do not overdo it, so as not to freeze or burn the crumbs.


Take your baby in a stroller into the light as often as possible. If the window is a warm season, then in the fresh air you can spend almost the whole day: the child eagerly sleeps in a stroller or is awake, looking at the surrounding unknown world. When it is winter outside, you should walk twice a day: before lunch and in the late afternoon. Do not forget to cover it with a woolen blanket and smear exposed skin on the face with a special cream that protects delicate skin from the negative effects of cold air.

7 months baby is not sitting
Doctors recommend walking under any climatic conditions, with the exception of windy weather and severe frost (below minus 10 º). In the heat, adjust the time of walks so that they fall on the early morning and late evening, when the temperature drops, and the sultry sun hides behind the horizon. If you do not know what to feed the baby (7 months) during the promenade, then consult a pediatrician. Most likely, he will recommend taking something that does not deteriorate with him to the street. For example, a jar of factory-made mashed potatoes, a fresh banana, or tea biscuits.


The nutrition and development of a baby at 7 months is partially different from the regimen that you followed from birth. If the diet is replenished every week with new types of complementary foods, then daily wakefulness - cognitive developmental games. Do not limit the freedom of the baby: let him crawl freely around the room. Only before that, prepare the room: in the morning, clean the carpet, do a wet cleaning of the parquet or laminate. Believe me, if even the smallest speck remains on the floor, it will immediately fall into your mouth to your little one. Children at this age are extremely inquisitive and pull in their mouths everything that meets their path.

baby 7 months
Keep all dangerous and small objects away from small eyes and hands. Tie the shelves with elastic bands - soon your traveler will get to their contents. When you need to go to the kitchen, put the child in a safe playpen. As for toys, they must be appropriate for the age of the baby. Beware of bright Chinese trinkets, defective or defective goods. Cars and dolls should not be made of small parts that are easy to pick up. Limit yourself to solid rattles, plush animals without a long pile, rubber and plastic crafts made from good material.

The dangers that lie in wait

They are not only associated with toys, but also with other household items with which the baby is in contact. First of all, this is his clothes. All ties, bows, buttons, ruffles and ribbons are best eliminated. Believe me, if they are not sewn to the conscience, then they will be immediately torn off and swallowed. When it is a pity to spoil a branded blouse or panties, it is better to put them on the farthest shelf. Do not wear synthetic clothes on the baby and continue to wash his underwear and clothes by hand using baby powder.

No mobile phones, remotes from the TV should not be in the reach of the baby. Of course, children are very fond of them having fun, but they are teeming with bacteria, so do not let them into their hands. The 7-month-old baby regimen is filled with active games and useful pastimes. Therefore, when the peanut is awake, make sure that it is not injured: lift all the tablecloths and curtains, hide the cords, needles and medicines, put on special protective devices on the sharp corners of the furniture and sockets.

Useful Tips

The nutrition and development of a child at 7 months old must be controlled by a pediatrician. Every month, do not forget to visit the local doctor for a routine weighing, examination and vaccination. Follow medical recommendations for sleeping and walking. Do not forget that in addition to care, the baby needs your love: hug him, say affectionate words, but do not lisp. With a child you need to communicate on an equal footing, so he develops faster.

artificial feeding of the child of 7 months
Do not quarrel with your husband and other family members in the presence of a child. Children at this age are very vulnerable: any scream or angry word can injure the child's psyche. At 7 months, the baby should already clearly understand what is possible and what is not. Do not give slack: if the game with mother’s beads is prohibited, then let it remain in any situation. Disease crumbs, his bad mood or crying should not unsettle and force to change the decision. It is better for parents to initially agree and develop a general education scheme for the heir, strictly adhering to its rules and criteria.


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