What is a state land cadastre

State Land Cadastre
The State Land Cadastre is a grouped collection of information about all land plots located on the territory of the Russian Federation. So, the essence of the cadastre is to receive, evaluate and store information regarding any land. Each individual site receives its own cadastral number or identifier when evaluating it. Thanks to this, it is possible to adequately assess the quantity and quality of land, as well as the possibility of their use. All information is stored in documentary form or on electronic media. The State Land Cadastre solves several important tasks:

  • economic assessment of the land, fixing its market value;
  • solving land conservation problems in the Russian Federation;
  • solving problems in the field of improving soil quality;
  • substantiation of established land tariffs;
  • execution of all transactions with real estate, including legal registration of rights to land plots ;
  • management of all levels of the country's land resources .

Land registry is
The land cadastre of the Russian Federation is necessary for both the state and private individuals or entrepreneurs. For an adequate assessment of land plots, landowners often use precisely the information recorded in the state land cadastre. Since his assessment is objective and independent. And when disputes arise that are resolved by court, it is precisely this information that serves as reliable information that does not require additional verification.

All land on the territory of the Russian Federation is in someone else's jurisdiction or ownership. There are several categories of land :

  • federal property of the Russian Federation;
  • municipal property ;
  • private ownership;
  • property of constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Land cadastre of the Russian Federation
In order to transfer a land plot from one property to another, it is necessary to apply with intercession to the state authorities of the Russian Federation, depending on the category of the land plot. The document must indicate the already assigned cadastral number of the plot, the reason for the transfer, the category in which the required land is currently fixed. After that, you must make a decision on the transfer or refuse legally. Legal grounds for refusal include:

  • an existing ban on the transfer of land or a restriction;
  • sound conclusion of environmental impact assessment (negative);
  • identification of discrepancies in the data recorded in the territorial planning documents on the purpose of the land plot.

Since the documentary justification of actions in the field of land transfer has many gaps and shortcomings, this issue remains very difficult. Judicial intervention is often required to resolve disputes. But Russian legislation is constantly working to improve regulations and create new programs in this area. So all the issues that the state land cadastre includes are under constant development. And since its inception, tremendous work has already been done.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7480/

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