Cheese festival at VDNH-2017: participants, reviews

The cheese festival at VDNH in 2017 was held for the fifth time. Every year he attracts more and more attention. However, not everyone managed to visit there. From our article you will learn what is happening at this large-scale event.

cheese festival

A bit about cheese

Cheese is one of the most popular products. He has many varieties, and everyone finds his admirer. Lovers of gourmet blue cheese do not understand lovers of simple processed cheeses. But there are no comrades for the taste and color, so no one should be judged by their own standards.

Experts say that cheese is very healthy. It contains many vitamins, trace elements and minerals that work well on the nervous system and metabolism. Thanks to zinc, phosphorus, magnesium and calcium, a person is in excellent physical shape. He has a good dream and excellent sexual activity. However, people who are overweight, cheese in large quantities is contraindicated. Only four slices of fat cheese in the body trigger the production of the hormone calcitriol, which is responsible for the growth of adipose tissue. Therefore, you need to eat it in moderation. But in it there are no harmful carbohydrates and dangerous sugar. True, there is cholesterol, because of which cheese is often combined with dry white wine. It is believed that noble alcohol dissolves cholesterol plaques in the vessels.

cheese festival at vdn 2017


A feast of taste - this is how we can describe the holiday we are describing. It takes place at VDNH, the main exhibition site of our country. The annual holding of this event is becoming a good tradition. For those who are interested in where the Cheese Festival in Russia takes place, we answer - the location is chosen perfectly. This is the largest exhibition venue in the country, as well as one of the most visited places in the capital. More than 25 million people come here every year. Here 90 regular industry exhibitions are held, in which about seventy countries of the world participate.

In 2015, VDNH was recognized as the best public space in the country. Numerous visitors appreciated the convenience, spectacular design, a wide range of services, a transparent pricing policy and good service. The organization of events of international and national scale is always carried out at the highest level. Therefore, the holiday we are describing is organized precisely at VDNH. It has a special atmosphere that appeal to a wide audience.

vdh house crafts

Organizers and participants

Masters from Moscow, Kazan and Kostroma appear at the Cheese Festival. Cheesemakers from Tula, Yaroslavl, Smolensk, Kaluga, Lipetsk and Vladimir regions are also present here. Gorny Altai and Adygea also take part in the event. A holiday for cheese lovers is organized with the support of Olga Shevchuk School of Cheesemaking. This establishment specializes in creating cheese-making courses at home. The enthusiasm and burning eyes of students speak for themselves. It helps to create real masterpieces from milk, lactic acid cultures and various fillers. Reviews of the Cheese Festival show that anyone can learn how to cook it. This means that everyone has a chance to feel like a cheese maker.

cheese festival in Moscow


The cheese festival takes place over three days. During this time, guests of the event can try and buy many varieties of this hearty dairy product. In addition, they have the opportunity to participate in entertaining master classes. At the end of the festival, participants will find out which cheese this time will be recognized as the best in Russia. The competition involves goods from eleven regions of the country, so the public has plenty to choose from.

Everything is relative. This means that only at the festival you can understand the great variety of domestic cheeses and determine which one you want to give preference to. In the presence of classic names - Camembert, Gouda, Gorgonzola. In addition, there are exclusive varieties with spicy toppings such as cumin, paprika and garlic. Those who wish can appreciate the white and smoked products from Adygea and Kabardino-Balkaria, as well as roquefort with blue mold, which is especially popular. For a change, you can treat yourself to drunk goat and cow cheeses with the addition of wine.

where is the cheese festival

Master classes

The Cheese Festival is always interesting. For example, in November 2017, a special guest of the event was a recognized master of his craft - specialist Paul Thomas. He teaches cheese making in the UK. And now he had a chance to hold a master class at the “House of Crafts” at VDNH. It was intended for sellers and buyers of cheese. Based on the results of the training, they should have become real experts in determining the quality of a dairy product. The main indicators are taste and smell. Having understood the subtlety of cheese maker, you can sell goods more efficiently.

A lot of important information can be gathered from Olesya Shevchuk's master classes. She is considered one of the most experienced specialists in Russia. Beginners catch every word of it, because it is worth its weight in gold. At the VDNH Cheese Festival in 2017, Olesya showed how to make soft Italian primo sala with the addition of olives. This option is ideal for beginners. It cooks quickly, ripens for a short time and is instantly eaten.

The secrets of making fragrant camembert used to be considered a secret behind seven seals. Now connoisseurs can learn the subtle nuances of creating this French delicacy. For example, in the oven it is revealed in a completely new way. The whole cooking process, the best recipes for additives, a fascinating tasting - all this awaited those who gathered in 2017 at the Cheese Festival in Moscow.

cheese festival reviews

Main event

The participants of the event are always looking forward to the main event - the contest "The Best Cheese of Russia". All day, independent experts and an international jury evaluate anonymous dairy products prepared by domestic cheese makers. The competition takes place in ten different categories. In the evening, a solemn rewarding of the winners is organized. Further, the best copies are offered to everyone. To make the most fragrant and delicious cheese in Russia is very prestigious and honorable. Therefore, serious passions boil at the competition. It’s all the more interesting for the audience to watch this intense competition where the best compete with the best.


Be sure to visit the Cheese Festival in Moscow. This will help you to stock up on pleasant and tasty impressions for a long time. True fans of their craft gather here. They will present you their best products. Everyone will be able to choose what is to their liking. The French say food without cheese is like a day without sun. It is very easy to believe in this, having found yourself at a holiday dedicated to this magnificent delicacy.


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