How to teach a child to speak: exercises and techniques. Talking alphabet for children

Quite often, parents are faced with the problem of the development of speech in the child. First of all, it is necessary to determine the reasons why the baby still does not pronounce a word or sentence. You should not focus only on development standards, all children are different. How to teach a child to speak: alone or with the help of a specialist, is up to parents only.

Speech development. Myths and Facts

You can hear diverse opinions among mothers and relatives about how a child should develop properly. Of course, among them there is useful information that should be paid attention to, and simply outdated views.

Baby says

Speech delay can be associated with such factors:

  1. The course of pregnancy or childbirth. The problem may arise due to infectious or endocrine diseases in the mother. It is possible that there was a birth injury, which can also negatively affect the development of the child.
  2. Fine motor skills. Some experts associate speech development with hand movements at the level of the cerebral cortex. So, playing with small objects can positively affect speech areas.
  3. Sometimes the reason that the child speaks poorly may be a nipple. The sucking process negatively affects the desire to know the world.


  1. Speech defects are not treatable. This is not so, modern medicine is quite well developed. You can overcome stuttering and other problems not only in children, but also in adults.
  2. The boys begin to talk later. The development of speech is not dependent on gender.

Symptoms of psycho-speech development

ZPRD can manifest itself at an early age. If it is associated with congenital features.

When does the baby start talking? And is it worth worrying ahead of time? Symptoms of delayed psycho-speech development:

  1. The child is 4 months old: does not respond to gestures and does not smile in response.
  2. From 8-9 months: no babble.
  3. At 1 year: the baby is very calm and practically does not make sounds.
  4. At 1.5 years: does not pronounce elementary words (mom, dad, give). The baby does not understand when he is called or asked for something.
  5. 2 years: owns a very small set of words and does not repeat new ones.
  6. 2.5 years: uses no more than 20 words in a conversation, does not know how to make sentences. There is no understanding of where which part of the body is.
  7. From 3 years: cannot independently make a proposal. The child speaks little or very quickly and “swallows” the endings.

In addition to the above symptoms, crumbs can often have an open mouth and severe salivation. Such children can be aggressive, inattentive and hyperactive.

If there is a delay

If you notice some abnormalities or developmental delay in a child, measures should be taken. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that each baby develops individually, and a slight deviation from the norm can not always be considered critical.

How to teach a child to speak? Great help in this matter are able to provide:

  1. Regular communication with the baby. Try to talk about everything around. But do not turn everything into a monologue. Be sure to pause to make it clear to the little student that you expect an answer from him.
  2. The help of a specialist. The psychologist, speech therapist and neuropathologist, based on the results of the examination, will not only be able to say whether there are problems, but will also advise effective methods and exercises at home.

The main thing is to remember that if a child has a lag, then you need to start immediately dealing with it. Up to 3 years, you can get an excellent result.

Popular speech development techniques for young children

Every mother wants to know how to teach her child to speak. Many read literature on this subject, the rest are written to experienced specialists. Each of the methods gives its own results. There is one common mistake when mom uses only one training option. Each baby is individual, and the method must be selected that which most like the crumbs.

The game of "Ladushki"

The most popular training options:

  1. Auditory contact. The constant repetition of phrases such as "hello," "how are you," "good night," etc.
  2. Visualization of items. Showing the picture, you need to describe all the small details and features associated with it.
  3. The combination of visual and auditory method. A great alternative for this method is the talking alphabet for children. The baby, by clicking on the selected button, will learn to repeat letters and words.
  4. Team training. Classes in development centers contribute to the rapid process of speech development. Firstly, professional educators train this skill, and secondly, children quickly gain new knowledge in a group.

The above methods have proven themselves well, but it is better to use them together, so the result will be achieved much faster.

Improving Speech for Young Children

What if the child does not speak at 2 years old? This age is the most optimal time period for active perception through books and videos. Of course, the enthusiasm for modern electronics for the baby is not a good alternative, since often it affects development not in the best way.

Recommendations that will help to have a positive impact on improving speech in young children:

  1. Constant conversations with the baby, voicing their actions and showing interest in his studies.
  2. Regular reading of fairy tales, children's encyclopedias. This approach gives an excellent start to the formation of vocabulary.
  3. You can’t lisp or distort words. The kid should hear a clear and correct pronunciation, so that later the crumb does not have to retrain.
  4. Try to ask various questions as often as possible. Children who still cannot speak or make sounds exclusively will be involved in the dialogue process. And daily training of such a plan in a couple of weeks will show good results.
  5. If the baby can speak, but does it extremely rarely, you need to try to develop the skill of a monologue. You can ask to tell what he sees around him or to suggest coming up with a fascinating story invented by you.

How to teach a child to speak in 1 year? Even no qualified specialist knows the right approach to an individual baby, but regular classes and exercises give an excellent effect.

The use of speaking alphabet for children

Not all children absorb material the same way. Sometimes educators have to answer the same questions several times. The speaking alphabet for children is able to fill in the gaps and without fatigue to “answer” to frequently asked questions by babies.

Electronic posters with letters are recommended not only by the Ministry of Education, but also by psychologists and speech therapists.

Learning with the help of an “electronic teacher” is of interest combined with the game. The baby can independently click on the selected button, which allows you to hear the sound, letter and verse. This alphabet is ideal at home and helps to prepare the child for the garden or school curriculum.

Exercises and Articulation Gymnastics

The main goal of the exercises is aimed at training the articulatory organs and the correct pronunciation of sounds:

  1. From a paper napkin you need to cut out a snowflake, then put the crumbs on the palm of your hand and ask to blow it off from your hand.
  2. Thin paper is taken and a butterfly is cut, which is subsequently tied to a string. The child clings to a thread and blows on a butterfly, which begins to flutter.
  3. We fill the bathroom with water and put on the surface a boat made of paper. The baby must set the ship in motion with his breath.
Games in the bathroom

Games using poems that use lips are also great gymnastics. Such exercises work well when the question arises of how to teach a child to speak at 1 year old.

Games promoting motor skills

The development of fine motor skills is very important for brain activity. Children often like to sort through something in their pens, especially objects, each of which gives a different sensation.

Motor development

Motor development games:

  1. From dense fabric, you need to make several bags, in each of which to place a different cereal (buckwheat, peas, rice and beans). Under the supervision of the baby should feel and sort through the contents.
  2. Pour crops into a bowl. The kid will launch pens into the mixture and stir different cereals.
  3. Drawing on a decoy with a finger.
  4. Feeding the birds on the street.

The list of games that develop motor skills is very long. Therefore, you should not limit yourself to only special toys, when you can find a lot of interesting things from improvised means.

Speech therapy games and self-massage

A parent or teacher shows a crumb of the movement that needs to be repeated, thus achieving the process of self-massage:

"The frogs woke up, stretched out and smiled.

Arched backs

Beautiful, like reeds.

Patted the hands, stamped the legs,

Tap on the palm of your hand a little.

The frogs will say: Kwa! Let's have fun, friends! "

If the child does not speak at 2 years old, then it is necessary to engage in the development of his speech regularly, using several techniques and exercises.

Active activities

Active games with rhymes are very interesting for children after a year, and it must be borne in mind that they will have to be allocated a certain time:

  1. The toy hid. Take the bunny or bear and put it in a place that is hidden from the eyes of the baby. The baby will immediately begin to search with interest for the missing item.
  2. Throw pebbles into the sea or puddle. The correct capture of small parts is developed, which also has a positive effect on fine motor skills.
  3. Hike to the zoo and practice animal sounds.
  4. Walking on the stairs, combined with the count of steps (one, two, three, etc.).
In zoo

If to add verses or songs to outdoor games, it will be generally wonderful. No child will be indifferent to such training in an exciting process.


The repetition of individual sounds and syllables allows you to act correctly, even if the child does not want to speak. Funny rhymes lure the little one into the game, and the kids cannot resist what is very interesting to them. The following is one of the poems.

Bird Courtyard

Our hens in the window - "Ko-ko-ko!" yes "Ko-ko-ko!"

Following the ducks are “Quack-quack-quack!”, “Quack-quack-quack!”

So the ghouls flew - “Gu-gu-gu!”, “Gu-gu-gu!”

With the help of such poems, the child speaks in syllables. Now it's up to you to learn how to pronounce words completely.

You can also train vowel sounds. Using this method, we also teach children to speak letters:

  • oooh (surprised or admired);
  • aaaa (the baby sings, portraying a singer or singer).

It is important to ensure that all sounds are pronounced as you exhale. Proper breathing helps to avoid swallowing words and sounds.

Finger games

The most popular method is hands-on games. The famous teacher Sukhomlinsky argued that the mind is located at the fingertips.

Hand movements, which are accompanied by short rhymes, favorably affect the development of speech of babies. Using the games “Ladushki”, “Magpie-Belobok”, “There is a horned goat” and many others will be an excellent addition to train your memory.

In addition to the above games, you can use alternate touches of the fingertips with the baby, explaining this as a sign of greeting.

Finger paint

Drawing with special paints works out brush movements well, which not only has a positive effect on the development of the speech zone of the brain, but also prepares the crumbs for writing.

It is very effective to bend fingers alternately accompanied by explanations (index, ring, little finger, etc.).

We use available tools

All activities with a child who teach him to speak should be fun. A variety of cards with pictures and names, of course, an interesting and interesting thing. But kids are often very attached to their parents and more interested in the process of their activities.

Sand play

How to teach a child to speak? During the preparation of dinner, mom can show little vegetables and talk about them. Together they can count the number of fruits on the table, name the colors of the products.

All of the above methods and exercises have a good effect on the teaching of children's spoken language. In addition, another nuance can be highlighted. When a baby points a finger at an object that he wants to take, you should not immediately give it to him. The child should try to make requests: this will speed up the learning process.

When a child begins to speak, it is a great joy for parents. And what a pleasant and entertaining process it is to develop this skill in a small student! And it is not necessary to buy expensive toys and gadgets, because the kid wants to learn when he is interested in this process.


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