Mushroom diseases: names, photos and description

Almost everything has been heard about flower diseases, because every house has some kind of flower. And what diseases of mushrooms exist? These mysterious representatives of the world around us are incomprehensible and far to many, but some specialize in their cultivation - thanks to these people we can buy oyster mushrooms and mushrooms in stores. What are the wards of such mushroom growers sick with? Let's consider in more detail.

The most common trouble

If you turn to directories that talk about diseases of mushrooms (oyster mushrooms, champignons and others), mushroom mold will immediately attract attention. It is believed that among all diseases, it is mold that is the most common, which is really very common. At the moment, particularly effective ways to combat this disease have not yet been developed. The main idea of ​​crop protection is to conduct preventive measures. There are several varieties of mold, the separation is mainly based on color: there are yellow and green varieties, olive and yellow-green. Confetti and spider diseases are distinguished. Sometimes carmine mold appears.

Green mold

If you ask a layman about what diseases he knows related to fungi, it most likely comes to his mind about diseases caused by various fungi in humans or animals, trees and other representatives of the plant world. But few know about the fact that mushrooms are also a victim of the disease. Experienced mushroom growers often experience green mold. This is more often observed in champignons. The disease is usually observed in fungi growing in a large indoor room. Science knows quite a variety of pathological life forms that can cause green fungus mold. They are often found in nature, it will not be difficult to find them in the substrate, especially if it contains inclusions of foreign materials. These microorganisms are involved in the fermentation process.

A distinctive feature of the pathological microorganism, due to which green mold occurs, is resistance to elevated temperature. Studying the descriptions of fungal diseases (oyster mushrooms with a photo, for example), it becomes clear that for most pathological microorganisms, an increase in temperature is fatal. But the mold provoking mold does not perceive such conditions as dangerous. Moreover, it begins to develop more actively, since it is losing its competitors that impeded progress.

mushrooms disease species

Green mold: more detailed

As can be learned from the descriptions, illustrated photos, diseases of mushrooms (oyster mushrooms, champignons and others), green mold is caused by a fungal pathological life form, the mycelium of which is very thin hyphae that can pass through the substrate. It is thanks to this inclusion that the soil will acquire a moldy, cellar smell. Cultured fungal mycelium cannot grow in such an environment because there is no access to nutrient compounds. As a result, the culture soon dies, but the parasite not only progresses, but also gives rise to spores that mature in a short time.

Soon in the substrate you can find small greenish buds. Olive shades of neoplasms are possible, sometimes black specimens. Mushroom sporonos are full of greenish spores. The pathological form of life develops more actively in conditions of a lack of fresh air and a sufficient amount of ammonia in the nutrient medium. Some mushroom growers do not thoroughly mix chicken droppings used to feed crops, and this creates additional comfortable conditions for green mold.

What to do?

Green mold is a disease of the fungus that cannot be treated. The only way to deal with it is to prevent infection. To exclude risks, the substrate for growing crops is taken in adequate doses and in correct proportions. It is important to follow composting technology. Pasteurization must be monitored at each stage, eliminating overheating.

If signs of the disease are detected, the substrate is shaken once, but there is no reason to expect high yields. Before shaking, the soil is treated with superphosphate powder.

Brown mold

As you can see, paying attention to the accompanying descriptions of diseases of mushrooms, photos, champignons and oyster mushrooms quite often suffer from brown mold. This disease is due to a saprophytic fungus that affects cultural forms. There is a likelihood of infection on the substrate before coating or after this step. At first, the mold is white, rather fluffy, with time transforms into a bluish, brown cover. Visually looks like a plaque. If you touch the affected areas, treat with water, the spots will become a source of dust. Mold disappears after germination of the cultural mycelium in the cover material.

There is no cure. There are preventive measures for this disease. The most effective preventive approach is the processing of Fundazol material used for the coating. According to experts in the cultivation of cultivated mushrooms, composting on the ground leads to many health problems of crops grown, so do not organize work in this form.

Yellow mold

Studying directories that contain descriptions with photos of diseases of mushrooms (champignons, oyster mushrooms), you can find out that yellow mold is a very common species. The reason is the development of the dangerous fungus myceliophthora lutea. Currently, this form of life is considered one of the most dangerous champignons. The form is found in the wild, lives in the mycelium as a parasite. It was possible to identify this fungus in a variety of wild mushrooms. In a cultural substrate, it is detected if there is already the mycelium of a plant cultivated by a mushroom grower. First, a whitish layer appears on the boundary of the cover, substrate, then spores mature. Affected areas become yellowish, the substrate becomes a source of a specific smell - resembling copper carbide or oxide. Mushroom spores are highly resistant to temperature rise, they are not afraid of pasteurization. Distribution with soil, through human hands, tools is possible.

porcini mushroom diseases

Yellow mold is a fungal disease that can be prevented by impeccable sanitation at the workplace. It is equally important to follow the rules of composting. If the soil already contains dangerous flora, every day around the mycelium of the cultural form of life it is necessary to spray with a formalin solution (concentration - 4%). After interruption, they are treated with a copper-percent one percent solution. Before disposal, the infected soil is sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate. Use it as fertilizer is strictly prohibited. After the next cultural turn, the room in which the mushrooms are grown is treated with water vapor heated to 72 degrees for 12 hours.

Confetti mold

Such a disease of fungi, plants is provoked by a dangerous parasitic fungus. In the soil you can see whitish areas - this is a pathological mycelium. Usually appears scattered areas, which eventually acquire a yellowish tint, transform into a pronounced brown with a yellow tone. Mushroom tissue may appear in the center. Mycelium develops simultaneously with the cultivar, dominates the fungus grown by humans. The bag covering the plantation does not hide the lesion spots. You can pour a little soil from the bag, divide it into layers for testing. The mycelium of a pathological fungus is slightly different in tone from the inherent cultural forms: for example, the roots of champignon are always silver. Dangerous microflora inhibits the development of cultivated fungus. At first, its growth becomes slower, then it stops completely. Mold most actively develops by the end of the second month after sowing the mycelium. The later the fruit fungus bears fruit, the greater the loss from infection.

Directories telling what diseases in mushrooms are more common than others, how to deal with them, note: to cope with confetti, you need to warm the environment to 60 degrees or higher. The predominant pathway for the spread of the disease is soil, substrate. There is a chance of penetration when unloading nutrients for the crop from the storage chamber. Sometimes spores arrive with the wind, dust from neighboring affected areas. Soil material can also become a source of infection. There is a possibility of transferring spores to shoes, clothing, and tools. Mice and ticks, flies - the main carriers of moldy spores.

How to exclude?

Confetti is a disease of mushrooms in the workplace (champignons, oyster mushrooms), which can be excluded if you are very responsible for sanitary requirements. It is important to monitor the condition of the site where the cultivated mushroom grows, as well as the adjacent area. It is forbidden to compost on an earthen surface. The duration of pasteurization of the nutrient base is half a day. The normal temperature level is 60 degrees. It is advisable to use polymer film bags that exclude the spread of infection at the stage of placing mushrooms. It is equally important to carry out all measures aimed at the growth of the mycelium, the appearance of fruits. This reduces the risk of lower yields. Prepare the selected nutrient medium, quickly germinate the roots of the mushrooms, mix the mycelium from soils that have already passed pasteurization.

At the moment, people do not know much about diseases of fungi, plants, and this complicates the treatment of cases of infection. If mold confetti could not be prevented, you need to be very responsible about the affected areas. It is forbidden to scatter scraps, adhering cover - all waste is collected in special bags, placed in a pit prepared in advance, the contents of which are shed daily with a copper-sulphate solution. As ready, the pit is covered with earth. The room where the packaging is made is daily processed and disinfected. Ventilation holes are made with nets. The tools used in the work are washed with copper-sulphate solution, as are the shoes in which the person works. You need to constantly wash clothes and wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

About prevention in more detail

Studying the features of the course and development of diseases of fungi, plants, while scientists agree that the prevention of cases of infection is more effective and easier to implement than treatment. A preventive approach is key in the fight against mold. If infection of the site is detected, all affected areas are immediately removed. To exclude the appearance of mold on the cultivated mushroom, the production site is sprayed daily using a one percent copper sulphate solution. The already used nutrient medium is treated with copper sulphate solution before removal. The substrate can be used as organic fertilizer, but only in places where cultivated mushrooms do not grow. You need to steam both nutrient media and the entire room in which the production line is established.

fungus disease

Yellow green mold

This type of fungal disease is very common. With the development of the pathological form of life, the cultivated mushroom weakens, changes color to an unhealthy gray, the mycelium dies, and instead yellowish-green moldy fungi coated with spores appear. They have a whitish mycelium with a specific moldy odor. The mycelium is viscous. The disease is formed under the influence of several varieties of pathological microscopic life forms. There is a possibility of the simultaneous appearance of several types, and it is difficult to isolate cultural forms from pathological ones. Yellow-green mold is often found in natural conditions. It enters the nutrient medium of human-grown crops with feedstock and takes part in composting.

Yellow-green mold is activated when the temperature of the medium rises to 45 degrees. To get rid of this type of fungal disease, you need to pasteurize the soil very responsibly. If the procedure is poor quality, the substrate is poor, soon the pathology is localized in the cultural mycelium - the lesion occurs at the very early stage of the development of the fungus. There is a chance of infection of quality raw materials. The source is a spent substrate scattered near the cultivated mushroom cultivation area, as well as a compost site. Dangerous disputes spread with air currents, they are transferred to shoes, tools. There is a risk of exposure to dust. Treatment is not possible. If the infection occurred at a late stage of fungal development, when the cultural mycelium matured, the process of the appearance of the fruiting body began, the probability of losing the crop is somewhat less.

How to get rid

As can be seen from the yellow-green mold demonstrating in the reference books, this type of fungus disease is widespread, characterized by a typical appearance, and causes considerable problems for mushroom growers. To minimize risks, you must responsibly monitor compliance with sanitary conditions. It is important to implement and strictly follow hygiene rules. It is forbidden to use bird droppings that have been in storage for too long. Composting requires compliance and placement close to the shoulders. The nutrient medium must be treated at elevated temperatures. Having barely received the nutritious soil of champignon, they moisturize it. If the weather is windy, it is advisable to postpone cleaning until conditions improve. Used nutrient medium is taken out in plastic bags. Champignon should be washed regularly. For disinfection resort to fungicides.

fungal diseases

Carmine mold

As you can conclude from the directories devoted to the description and demonstration using photos of fungal diseases, such a pathology is relatively common. It is provoked by the fungus sporendomen purprescent. You can notice the infection during the period when the fruiting body of the cultivated fungus is formed. Mold manifests itself in white downy formations. A mycelial cover may appear between the blocks of material used. Moldy mycelium is notable for its rapid, aggressive growth, so it soon completely covers the material. When watering, mold does not absorb moisture. Under the influence of the disease, the ability of the cultivated fungus to bear fruit first weakens, then this function is completely blocked.

Moldy mycelium becomes yellower, then changes its color to one that resembles the color of a cherry. After this, mold generates spores. A pathological fungus grows well on nitrogen and develops rapidly if the nutrient medium is enriched with such a compound. At a temperature of about 18 degrees, the development becomes more active, while the cultural form grown by man undergoes the opposite changes - growth slows down significantly.

Carmine mold is a disease of fungi (porcini, champignons, oyster mushrooms and others), which is prevented by careful selection of a nutrient medium for the development of culture. It is necessary to exclude excess nitrogen and carefully monitor the level of humidity. If nitrogen fertilizers are put, they are applied as accurately as possible. By treating the soil at a certain temperature, they provide a constant flow of fresh air so that ammonia is completely released. During the development of the fungus, it is necessary to constantly maintain the temperature of the substrate suitable for the cultivated form.

Mold: what else happens

fungal diseases

Directories telling about diseases of mushrooms (ceps, oyster mushrooms, champignons) contain a mention of olive, spider web varieties of diseases. Among all other cultivated varieties and varieties, they most often affect oyster mushrooms, but can also be found on other types. Mold appears on the culture medium in which the cultivated variety grows. Under the influence of the pathological form, the development of cultural mycelium is inhibited, the ability to form fruiting bodies slows down. The most effective method of getting rid of mold is a simple salt, which is strewed with areas affected by the disease. Thanks to salt, infection does not spread to other areas of industrial territories.

Bacterial spotting

You can find out what diseases are, how they strongly affect agriculture, from special books. Quite interesting is the work of authorship by V. Makogon. Mushroom diseases in his work are considered in relation to breeding goslings, their feeding and growing using various agronomic approaches and practices. , , , , , , . , , , . , , , .

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what diseases do mushrooms have

Case development

The fungal disease caused by pseudomonads, as the case progresses, indicates itself as darkening spots on the surface of the fruiting body of a cultural form. The hue becomes reminiscent of chocolate, the surface becomes slime. Rounded foci of infection are possible, there is a likelihood of shapeless processes. In any case, they are superficial; they do not extend deep into the cultivated fungus. If you touch the affected area, it will be sticky. If the infection is very strong, the stain spreads along the mushroom surface. In severe cases, the fungus loses its normal shape, the hat begins to decompose in areas where bacteria are localized. The item emits an unpleasant odor. Pseudomonas can infect a young ovary. In this case, the fungus turns into a brownish object, not progressing and not growing over time.

As researchers involved in fungal diseases, in particular bacteriosis, were able to establish, pseudomonads are able to move in a water film, since bacteria have specific flagella. Wet droplets appear on mushroom caps, sometimes a film is formed from a thin water layer. Nutrient compounds penetrate into the water from the body of the fungus, and the bacteria get an excellent, comfortable environment for active reproduction. Just an hour is enough to double the colony. If after irrigation the cultural forms do not dry out for two hours or longer, if changes in the temperature regime have led to the formation of condensate remaining for such a long time, the likelihood of bacterial infection and unpleasant consequences. The first symptom of the disease will be yellowish lesions. At the same time, the vital activity of bacteria weakly affects the level of productivity, but the fungus takes on an unattractive appearance and cannot be sold to the buyer.

Bacteriosis: features

Such a disease of mushrooms in industrial conditions is often endemic, that is, it is constantly observed. The bacterium can exist on different surfaces, so at the time when there is not a single cultivated mushroom on the farm, it does not die. Bacteria live in waste, exist on the instrumental surface, cover equipment, especially in places difficult to disinfect. If infection has begun, it spreads easily between the cameras through human hands and objects used in the work, along the stairs. Mosquitoes, flies, ticks actively contribute to the spread of bacteriosis. If at first the colony appeared in one local area, irrigation provides enough resources for moving further through water droplets. The first symptomatology is usually observed in areas of hats, where water accumulates and remains the longest - and these are areas of contact.

It seems to some that fungal forms of life can cause only a disease of seedlings - the black leg. Signs of fungal disease, however, are also very common, provoked by both more dangerous and harmful fungi, and bacteria, and other life forms. Some features inherent in various diseases are noted. For example, bacteriosis is more often observed closer to the completion of the plant cycle. As a rule, at this point, the mushroom grower cannot provide sufficient care for the entire plantation, while the quality of ventilation is reduced due to an increase in hats and other reasons, as a result, conditions suitable for the development of pathology are formed.

mushroom disease photo

To exclude fungus disease, the mushroom grower should organize a working room with an optimal climate. The importance level should be no more than 85%. Bacteriosis is more likely if the medium warms up to more than 20 degrees. Climate systems must be installed to control conditions. It is equally important to monitor the condition of the mushroom caps after watering, so that no droplets remain on them, condensation does not form. To do this, use installations that provide air circulation.


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