Sizes of a newborn baby: normative indicators, the choice of clothes by age, the advice of experienced mothers

The first meeting with the baby is a long-awaited and exciting event. At this moment, I want everything to be perfect. Of course, the main thing that cares for young mothers is the health of their baby. But there are other causes for concern. For example, what to dress your child with?

Why is the right clothing size so important?

There is one important point. Newborn children cannot take care of themselves at all. Their body is not yet ready to take on all the functions that an adult body is capable of. Who else but parents should think in advance about what they will put on their baby?

Newborn boy

At first glance, it might seem that this topic is not so important. This is not entirely true. Thanks to the right clothes, the baby will not freeze. After all, the temperature around him will be very different from the one to which he is accustomed, being in his mother’s stomach. Incorrectly sized clothes can not only create problems with the preservation of heat, but also cause harm to the delicate skin of the baby. The child's sensitivity to external stimuli is much higher than in adults. Unsuitable clothing can easily cause skin irritation, and in some cases even cause allergies.

Clothing size in a newborn baby

Of course, in choosing the size of clothes, first of all, you need to build on the age of the baby. How to determine the size of a newborn baby? Usually his height is 51-56 cm, so when buying clothes of size 56 (newborn), you are unlikely to be mistaken.

Newborn baby girl

Note! If the doctor who is conducting your pregnancy warns you in advance of a large fetus, you should stock up on larger clothing. Also note that a baby born prematurely needs clothing up to size 56.

Young mothers are often worried about the question: what is the size of clothing for a newborn baby at discharge? As a rule, babies do not have time to gain weight during their stay in the hospital, so the size of the clothes is still 56th. It is worth considering that when you check out in the winter, you can take outerwear a little larger so that you can always put on an extra layer underneath.

The difference in size in Russia and Europe

Of course, the choice of clothes depends on many factors. For the right purchase, it is important to consider the height, age and volume of different parts of the baby's body.

Moreover, in different countries, manufacturers label clothes in their own way, confusing mothers who are already confused. For example, in Russia, during the labeling of children's clothing, growth is taken as the basis. In many countries of Europe they prefer to start from the volume of the chest of the baby. And in some companies in America, they believe that clothes will sit most accurately if the weight of the crumbs is taken as the basis.

Children's clothing store

So that you can safely buy clothes of any manufacturers, it is useful to know the size of the newborn baby.

Normative indicators

Each child is born with its own characteristics. But on average, you can still deduce the general parameters that are characteristic of most children. It is from them that parents need to push off in order to determine the size of the clothes. The size of the newborn baby also depends on the parameters of mom and dad. Therefore, if you, for example, are tall, then with a high probability your child will be a little taller than his peers.

The World Health Organization has set average values ​​for babies.

Baby girls

Parameters of girls are usually less than boys. They are born with a weight of 3200 g. The minimum weight for a healthy child is 2800 g, and the maximum is 3700 g. Body length can start from 45 cm. Girls are rarely born with a height of more than 52 cm.

Nice outfit

What is the head size of a newborn baby? In the absence of deviations in health, the head volume will be 34 cm. The parameters of the chest in the newborn are about 33 cm, the length of the leg is 20 cm, the length of the handle is about 21 cm.

Of course, in premature babies who were born weighing less than 2500 g, all indicators will differ in a smaller direction.

Newborn boys

Boys are born larger than the weaker sex. The average weight of a child is 3300 g. Although the weight can be from 2900 to 3900 g. All this is the norm for newborns.

And also there is a difference in the size of the head of a newborn baby. In boys, it can differ in a big way (34-35 cm). The circumference of the chest is 33 cm, the length of the legs is about 20.5 cm.

Winter clothes

Do not forget that in many respects the height and weight of the child depends on heredity. And, of course, each child is individual, and the WHO parameters are averaged indicators. The degree of health of the baby can not be assessed on the basis of only the ratio of its height and weight. It is worth considering all the features of the human body.

Therefore, if your baby is slightly different from the stated parameters, this does not mean that he has any health problems.

Choosing clothes for a newborn baby

Going for the first clothes for your child, you must understand exactly what size he needs. There are several ways to understand the approximate size of the crumbs:

  • Check with your doctor at the last ultrasound for your expected height and weight.
  • Find out with what weight and height the baby's parents were born.
  • Check with your doctor about the expected date of birth, because the weight of full-term babies and premature babies is usually different.

If the baby has already been born, then be sure to buy:

  • Weigh the baby.
  • Measure his height, as well as chest volume and head circumference.

As a rule, parents stock up on several options for clothing of the 56th size. In this size, you can buy various vests and body, as well as pants and overalls.

Young family

By the way, many parents care about the question: what is the size of the feet of a newborn baby? On average, the length of the foot can range from 4 to 9 cm. If you do not want to make a mistake in choosing the first shoes for the baby, it is better to measure the length of the foot with a ruler before buying and then go to the store. And at first, he will be quite comfortable in ordinary socks.

Stock up on larger clothing in advance. If your first clothes were the 56th size, get the 62nd so you don’t run to the store if your baby is a little bigger. In any case, you will need it in the future, so this purchase will definitely not be superfluous.

As for hats, as a rule, sizes 0, 1, 2 or 3 are written on them. For most children, the first size is suitable, which you can wear all the first month. Zero size will be the size of a child born prematurely.

Remember that the clothes should be fit for the baby, so you should not buy only larger suits. The kid can simply freeze in them.

If the clothes did not fit

Do not be upset if your child has exceeded all your expectations in size and just does not fit in the costumes that you have prepared for him.

Now the exchange of clothes between mothers is very popular, and you can not only give, but also sell the things you bought. There are various forums for young mothers and message boards where you can post unnecessary things.

And you can look around. Maybe your neighbors, friends, relatives or just acquaintances are also preparing for a meeting with a newborn baby. They will be happy to buy your clothes.

Tips from Moms

Do not immediately buy a large amount of clothing. Ultrasound does not always determine the exact size of a newborn baby. Children grow at an incredible rate, and most of the things you do not even have time to try on.

When choosing hats for the baby, remember that children are often born with swelling of the head, which disappears in a couple of days. But these days, the baby still needs a hat. So stock up on larger caps.

Prefer simple things without unnecessary decorations. Of course, they look very nice, but in practice all sorts of butterflies, buttons and other trinkets only dig into the skin. In the worst case, the baby will tear them off and put them in their mouths.

Be sure to take body, t-shirts and sweatshirts with fasteners on the sides or at the neck. So you will not encounter a problem when clothes are like for the future, but the head does not crawl. And putting on this option is much easier.

Do not forget to buy clothes for home. It should be simple and convenient products from a fabric that breathes well and does not hamper the baby's movement.

Never worry or doubt your choice. The answer to the question of what size a newborn baby is is not as complicated as it might seem. Parents always know better than others what their baby will do and like. Trust your feelings!

Baby and mom

The size of the newborn is usually predictable, and rarely when doctors are surprised. But all people are different! And even in such seemingly investigated things, sometimes amazing events happen.

Not so long ago, a six-kilogram baby was born in Britain. His parents never thought about where to put pre-prepared things. They were just happy that they had such a healthy and beautiful son.


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