Where to relax in October? Tips & Tricks

The long-awaited vacation! Agree, this is actually a reason for joy. Finally, it will be possible to escape from work at least for some time, soak in bed in the morning for longer, take care of yourself and your home, and maybe go on a trip. Everything seemed to be great, but there is one big β€œbut.” Season ... Where to relax in October? In summer, everyone rushes to the sea, in winter - to the ski resorts. But what to do in the offseason?

I propose to deal together with the question of where it is better to relax in October, and, finally, come to a consensus.

Section 1. And whether to go to conquer the unknown?

Where to relax in October
According to experienced tourists, mid-autumn is perhaps the best time for various excursions and trips abroad. Therefore, if you like to travel, get acquainted with new countries or unfamiliar corners of your homeland, then the question of where to relax in October is practically resolved for you.

I will offer only a few, in my opinion, the most successful options.

  • Mysterious and unique France. The temperature favorable for walks remains here for a long time, so it will be possible to wander along the quiet streets decorated with crimson leaves, climb the observation deck of the Eiffel Tower, relax with a cup of tea or coffee on the Champs Elysees, take a picture against the backdrop of the Arc de Triomphe, and if there is time desire to visit the numerous cathedrals, churches and museums of Paris.
  • When planning their vacation, lovers of delicious food and sweet tooth need to remember such amazing destinations as Spain and Italy. Why names
    Where to relax in October
    but about them? Because it is here, in addition to exploring medieval castles and walking along the old streets, there is a chance to enjoy delicious local dishes. By the way, the sweet tooth is very interested in the information that it is in the second half of October in Italy that the annual chocolate festival opens, which certainly can not be missed.
  • In addition, choosing where to relax in October, one cannot but pay attention to such very popular tourist destinations as Greece, Bulgaria, Croatia and Montenegro. The fact is that in summer, unlike autumn, it is better to get acquainted with the culture and traditions of these countries, as a rule, the scorching sun and high air temperature interfere with tourists. True, you can’t even count on the opportunity to swim in the open water.

Section 2. Where can I relax in October at sea?

If you belong to the category of travelers who, even in the fall, can not live without the white sandy beaches, the gentle sea ​​surf and the hot sun, then a trip to the coast, of course, is absolutely necessary for you.

Where to relax in October
How about going to Egypt? Beach holidays in this country can be combined with excursions. For example, to see the famous pyramids, visit the ancient temples or tombs of the pharaohs, and those who are not keen on history will gladly take a walk in one of several nature reserves or go on a well-known oriental shopping.

A good place could be Tunisia. The air temperature here will be slightly lower than in Egypt, but it will still remain comfortable and favorable.

At this time of the year, perhaps the hottest thing will be in the United Arab Emirates, the most popular resort of which is the city ​​of Dubai. In addition, the entertainment infrastructure in this country is superbly developed, and nightclubs and discos are looking forward to new guests.

Finance and time allow you to go somewhere far away? Why not opt ​​for the USA? Miami and Hawaii have always been considered great places to recuperate.

So, I sketched an approximate and, of course, a very incomplete list of places to relax in October, and then everything depends on the preferences of the traveler himself, his imagination and creativity.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7491/

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