The roof of the house with an attic. Types of roofs with an attic in private houses

For more than a dozen years, attics have been very popular. The attic is called the attic type living room , which is equipped between the upper floor and the roof.

roof device with attic

The use of attic roofs

The mansard roof is an additional living room that can be used for a variety of purposes, for example, for equipping a gym, guest room or bedroom, and so on. And if vapor barrier, waterproofing and glazing are correctly performed, this area can be adapted for a winter garden.

attic roofs

The device of the roof of the house with an attic

The attic floor can occupy both an insignificant part of the attic, and its entire space. In addition, they make structures that extend beyond the boundaries of the walls of the house. If the protrusion is small, they are based on the console extension of the lower building. With a large extension, as well as if there is a possibility of collapse of the walls, the attic structures are placed on additional support, such as, for example, columns or walls.

The geometric proportions of the attic are completely dependent on the shape of the roof, which makes it possible to use the most daring solutions in its design. For example, a room can be located both on the entire area of ​​the attic, and on its small part. It can be either symmetric or asymmetric, and have a broken or triangular shape. If a broken shape is chosen, experts recommend making the upper part of the attic structure more gentle (about 15-30 degrees), and the lower one with a large slope (60-70 degrees).

If you plan to make the device of the roof of the house with an attic on a finished building, then you must definitely assess the condition of the foundation and load-bearing walls.

When choosing building materials, it is necessary to proceed from the fact that the design must have a minimum weight. The roof nodes of the attic are made of wooden beams pre-treated with flame retardants and antiseptics, or from a metal profile.

roof installation

The benefits of attics

To the main advantages attics include:

  • The possibility of increasing the area under the living room through the use of additional space.
  • You can equip a room that is not entirely appropriate in a residential building, for example, a creative workshop or a smoking room.
  • If it is an office building, an additional the area can be leased.
  • Due to the attic, heat loss through the roof is reduced. In the event that all technological rules and norms are observed during its construction.
  • The construction of the roof of the attic is quite quick and possible without evicting residents from the building. Communication is not difficult, since they are already in the house, it is only necessary to fulfill some technical points.
  • The attic gives a beautiful silhouette to the roof, making the appearance of the house more aesthetic.

roof installation

Attic disadvantages

The attic is not recommended for use under a nursery or office. According to psychologists, a prolonged stay in a room with inclined walls can cause a sense of danger. In addition to the disadvantages Such premises include:

  • The problem with natural light. Special windows for the attic require additional financial investments. If light enters the room through vertical window openings, then such lighting will not be enough.
  • It is required to correctly choose materials for roofing, heat, hydro and noise insulation. In case of non-compliance with the construction technology, certain problems may arise associated with moisture condensation and freezing.

roof of the house with an attic

Roofs of houses with an attic: projects, types

When choosing a future building project with an attic, you must first determine the roof structure and its shape. A properly selected project of a house with an attic will not only save building materials, but also use the area with maximum benefit.

The following main types of roofs of houses with an attic can be distinguished:

  • pitched roofs;
  • gable gable or broken roofs;
  • half-hip;
  • hip.

Each of these types of structures has its own advantages and disadvantages.

When developing a project, it is necessary to take into account the load of the roofing system on the walls and foundation of the house, as well as how effectively it will withstand atmospheric stresses (wind, snow).

Mansard under a pitched roof

The shed roof of the house with an attic is one of the simplest roof options. It has the form of an inclined plane, which is mounted on load-bearing walls with different heights. This roof option allows you to perform a fairly comfortable and spacious attic floor.

When designing a pitched roof, a very important point is the correct calculation of the angle of inclination. Installing a roof with an insufficient angle of inclination will contribute to greater snow loads and increase the risk of roof deformation due to the severity and moisture ingress. Also, this design reduces wind resistance.

From a pitched roof with an angle of inclination of more than 45 degrees, the snow will completely slide due to its own weight. The most optimal is the angle of inclination of a shed roof of 35-40 degrees.

types of roofs of houses with an attic

Attic under a gable roof

The gable roof of the house with an attic is considered the most common, since it has a fairly simple type of frame . The gable roof has rafters parallel to each other at a certain angle. The process of its construction due to the simplicity of the design does not cause special difficulties.

The following types of gable roofs are distinguished: gable and broken. The symmetrical gable shape of the roof is the simplest. Her pediment is made in the shape of a triangle.

The main advantages of the attic gable roof:

  • simplicity of design;
  • reliability;
  • available materials;
  • installation of such a roof does not require the use of lifting equipment.

The sloping roof of the house with an attic is less common due to the complexity of its design. Each of its slopes is divided into two sections. The top slope is about 30 degrees, and the bottom is about 60 degrees. The space under such a roof is quite large. It can be used as a living room. The sloping roof of the house with an attic is an economical and easy to install option for private houses that have a width of not more than 6 meters.

Semi-hip roofs are gable varieties. Their frame is made as an ordinary symmetrical rafter structure, which is based on a Mauerlat. Their distinguishing feature is the presence of small slopes above the pediment.

roofs of houses with attic projects

Attic under a gable roof

There are many different types of four-pitched roofs, allowing you to equip a spacious and fairly comfortable additional floor under them. Installation of a roof with four slopes is more complicated than the installation of gable systems. It requires strict adherence to the technology of work at all stages.

Four- hipped hip roofs have a number of advantages:

  • Due to the fact that such roofs do not have vertical elements (pediments), they are able to withstand significant wind loads. Such constructions are most common in those regions where severe hurricanes often occur.
  • Corner ribs converging to the support ridge beam provide rigidity to the frame. Such structures are not subject to deformation during their operation.
  • The hip roof of the house with an attic makes it possible to make large overhangs that will protect the walls of the house from precipitation, which will significantly extend the life of the building structure.

Hip roofs are not without some drawbacks:

  • installation of a roof of such a design is more complicated and expensive than a gable device;
  • the slopes from the short ends, so to speak, eat up a certain part of the attic space;
  • placement of window openings for natural lighting in the attic requires a special approach.


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