Choose mulch for strawberries. Mulching strawberries with sawdust, straw, needles or covering material

The method of growing strawberries using mulch came to us from abroad. This method is most common there in large farms. However, summer residents use it quite often. Owners of suburban areas in our country also appreciated it. In this article, we will talk about how to choose mulch for strawberries.

What is mulching for?

Mulching refers to sheltering the soil around plants, in our case strawberries and wild strawberries, with a film, cloth, or organic material. It is used mainly for such purposes as:

  1. Reduced evaporation of water from the soil. The use of mulching material can significantly reduce the number of irrigations per season. Moisture will be stored in the soil for a longer time, which is certainly very useful for plants.
  2. Containing weed growth. Applying mulch for strawberries, you can save yourself from the need for periodic weeding. This is especially true when a film or fabric is used.
  3. Warming up the soil and, accordingly, the roots of plants. Covering material - both organic and artificial - prevents heat from leaving the ground. This is especially useful in spring, during nighttime cooling.
  4. Enrichment of the soil with humus using organic material. Rotting, sawdust, needles and straw saturate the soil with nutrients necessary for plants.
  5. Prevention of contamination of berries. During rain or watering, dirty drops of water fall on the berries and leaves of plants. As a result, the crop loses its presentation. Using mulch for strawberries, you can rid yourself of this problem once and for all.
  6. Protection against diseases. Berries lying on the ground often get gray rot. The covering material prevents them from touching the ground.

mulch for strawberries

What material to choose

As you can see, mulching can increase strawberry productivity and at the same time reduce the time to care for it. Most summer residents prefer to use organics for this purpose, since this material is affordable and often does not cost a dime. If there is nowhere to take sawdust, needles or straw, you should spend a little money and get a special film or fabric.

Mulching Strawberry Wrap

Film is a material suitable for mulching strawberries. Today there are varieties of polyethylene designed specifically for this purpose. Such a film already has holes for planting and watering plants. The best way is to mulch strawberries with a black film. The fact is that this material retains heat much better on the soil surface. In addition, sunlight does not penetrate through the opaque film. As a result, weed growth is completely inhibited.

mulching strawberries with covering material

Film mulching is performed before planting. Previously on the site make a bed under the strawberries. Lumps and weed roots are removed from it. Next, organic fertilizers are added to the soil. After that, the surface of the beds is very carefully leveled with a rake. In the event that there are no already prepared holes in the film, they are made independently. They use a very sharp knife or blade. The film is cut in the necessary places crosswise. The distance between the holes should be about thirty centimeters in rows and fifty in between rows. The film is neatly spread on the bed. In order not to lose the place of the holes, they should be marked with chalk. The film must be pressed along the edges of the ground, sawdust or bricks. Otherwise, it will simply be carried away by the wind.

Mulching strawberries with covering material can be done not only in open beds, but also in greenhouses. In this case, moisture will evaporate from the soil more slowly. In addition, the use of artificial material is a guarantee that mice will not start in the greenhouse.

Strawberry Mulch Fabric

Very often, a special fabric is used to mulch strawberries and strawberries. Of course, with ordinary textiles it has nothing to do. In fact, this is a non-woven material made from the same polyethylene in a special way. The fabric used for mulching is called spanbond. Compared to black film, this material has one undeniable advantage. The fact is that water during irrigation passes through it freely. Spanbond does not allow moisture to evaporate from the soil. Mulching strawberries with the covering material of this variety makes it even easier to care for. Just as in the case with the film, pre-prepared beds for strawberries with loosening, moistening and fertilizing.

straw straw mulching

The feasibility of using sawdust

Sawdust is a very suitable material for mulching strawberries. There is an opinion that they take nitrogen from the soil, thereby impoverishing it. However, in the case of mulching, this is not entirely true. If sawdust is mixed with the ground, various kinds of bacteria can develop in them, which use nitrogen in the process of their life. As a result, the soil is depleted. But when mulching, sawdust is on top. Therefore, they cannot “pull” nitrogen from the soil in principle. Also, sometimes summer residents refuse to use sawdust, because they acidify the soil. It really is. In the event that the soil on the site is already acidic, it is not recommended to use this material for mulching. In extreme cases, you can make additional liming of the soil. On ordinary soils, you can safely use such a mulch for strawberries.

How to mulch the soil with sawdust

mulching black strawberries

The beds must first be weeded and loosened. Then, between the bushes of strawberries, old newspapers are spread in 2-3 overlap layers. Then they need to pour filings with a layer of about five centimeters. They cross for about two years, after which the procedure will have to be repeated. Of course, you should not use sawdust from chipboard to mulch. They contain tar harmful to the human body. Hardwood sawdust crosses faster than conifers. Therefore, for mulching, they are considered more preferable.

Application of needles

strawberry mulching fabric

If pines or spruces grow near your site, you can use needles for mulching. It is believed that it, like sawdust, acidifies the soil. However, some summer residents, having experimented with such a mulch on their site, were convinced that this was not so. But in order to be safe, it is necessary to pour a layer of overripe foliage or humus under the needles in the fall. Mulching strawberry needles - the procedure is not at all complicated. The raw material collected in the nearest fishing line can be laid between plants both in pure form or previously mixed with other plant residues.

Straw straw mulching

mulching strawberry needles

This option is also quite common in personal plots. Straw or grass for mulching strawberries and strawberries are just perfect. Such covering material does not acidify the soil. In addition, decaying, it serves as an excellent organic fertilizer. Grass or straw must be slightly dried before use. If fresh material is laid between plants, it may begin to rot.

Straw straw is mulched with a layer about five centimeters thick. It is best to cover the soil during the period when strawberries begin to bloom. Mineral fertilizers should first be added to the beds and, of course, all weeds should be removed from them.

As you can see, mulching is a completely uncomplicated procedure. Having spent a little time once a season, you can significantly increase strawberry yield and facilitate the care of it.


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