Fireplace hood: overview, features, types and installation technology

A hood in the kitchen is an essential attribute. The cleanliness and microclimate of the entire housing depend on how correctly selected this equipment is. A wide range of devices allows you to purchase the right model for any design project. One of the most interesting options is a fireplace hood. What types of it exist, how to choose and mount correctly, we will consider in more detail.

Why a "fireplace" hood?

The equipment received this name due to its similarity to the casing over the fireplace. Variants of performance, material, type of application of the facing layer allow you to choose a device for any stylistic solution.

fireplace hood
A fireplace hood will easily fit into retrostyle and country, modern and classic. In addition to this, the equipment has good technical characteristics that make it easy to cope with elevated temperatures, food odors and fatty deposits. This will make the stay in the kitchen and the cooking process as comfortable as possible.

A fireplace hood is also called a dome hood. The shape of the casing may also be trapezoidal and rectangular. The lining of such devices can be found in simple stainless metal, glass and precious wood.

Design Features

Any fireplace hood has a number of common parts:

  • casing;
  • false pipe;
  • fan;
  • control unit with switches;
  • backlight system;
  • filter;
  • decorative elements.

As you can see, the standard hood device is quite simple. There are more complex systems with touch controls and advanced functionality. Consider what classification of models exists.

Types of hoods by the way of work

I distinguish two types of devices:

  • Flowing. One of the most popular types of equipment. The principle of operation is the removal of polluted air flows from the premises to the street. Such models require installation in a general ventilation system or directly to the street.

inclined fireplace hood

  • Circulating. Such devices do not require integration into ventilation systems. Their principle of operation is based on the filtration of the incoming air and its return (recirculation). A distinctive feature - the quality of work is determined by the frequency of the filter change and the right performance.

The flowing fireplace extract has a high efficiency, and this is the basis of its popularity.

Types of hoods at the installation site

There are only three options for such devices:

  • Wall. Mounting is made over thermal equipment to the wall.
  • Island. Often stoves are placed in the center of the kitchen. For such cases, an island hood of a fireplace type is provided.
  • Corner For small kitchens, every useful centimeter of space is necessary, therefore, for a number of projects, heating equipment is placed in a corner. You can emphasize the unique style and perform the main task of air purification with the help of an angle hood. These types have a number of design features of the work surface.

fireplace type hood
The design can be straight and with a slope. In the second case, it is an inclined fireplace hood. Separately, we note another type of device - built-in. Such designs are hidden in the kitchen furniture (wall cabinets), so they are not a type of fireplace. The offered assortment line will make it easy to choose a unique model for any kitchen.

Features of choice

In order for the purchased equipment to successfully cope with the tasks, when choosing it, attention should be paid to such characteristics and features:

  • The exhaust hood should be larger than the surface of the thermal structure in terms of parameters.
  • Performance. For this, the volume of the kitchen room is calculated, which is multiplied by 12 (the normalized number of times the air changes per hour in the room). Then you should lay the stock: as a rule, multiply by a factor of 1.3. The performance of the hood is the volume of the kitchen, multiplied by 12 and 1.3.
  • Placement height above thermal equipment. According to the norms, it should be 650-850 mm. A larger parameter requires a larger margin of productivity.
  • Filter. It can be metal and replaceable elements. The first is easy to clean and serves for a long time. The second option will have to be periodically changed.
  • Backlight (how ergonomic it is).
  • Power equipment. The more powerful, the higher the performance.
  • Control system. There are a lot of variations, but the more additional functions, the higher the price.
  • Noise level.

fireplace hood reviews

As you can see, the list of characteristics is quite large. But taking into account these features, you can choose a quality hood.

Preparation for installation

For classic dome hoods, an exit to the ventilation duct and connection to the electrical network should be provided. What are the features of connecting to the ventilation duct? If two separate systems are provided, then one of them will have to serve for natural ventilation of the premises, and the second should be used for forced installation.

If we consider a private house, it is better not to touch the vertical ventilation, and for a flow hood to provide a direct opening to the street. It is necessary to install a check valve device in the ventilation duct so that cold air does not penetrate the house.

wall-mounted fireplace hood

It is also necessary to place the grille on the inlet to protect it from rain and insects. The ventilation system should be firmly fixed to the building structure and sheathed with soundproof materials. As for the connection to the mains, for dome structures provide a wire outlet for direct connection or an outlet with grounding.

Installing a fireplace hood

First you need to unpack the equipment and see what comes with the kit. The following elements must be present:

  • casing fastening strap;
  • set of hardware;
  • air duct of the required length;
  • adapter flange with check valve.

installation of a fireplace hood

If necessary, buy the missing kit, the equipment is installed in stages:

  • Markup. A straight line should be drawn at a level at a height of 650-850 mm from the surface of the heating equipment. Mark out locations for fasteners.
  • Drill technical holes for dowel nails.
  • Install and secure the cover to the wall.
  • It is connected to the network using a power distribution box or by simply connecting it to a grounded electrical outlet.

The duct (corrugation) is attached to the adapter flange and sealed, and the free end is pushed further into the ventilation shaft and foamed with foam. Wall mounted fireplace hoods are easy to mount. All work takes a maximum of 1.5 hours. Island equipment is attached to the ceiling space. Often used decorative chains.


According to the numerous responses of the owners, it is the fireplace hood that is most popular. Reviews note that it is better to choose flow options. In addition to beautiful design, such devices are distinguished by high efficiency. But it is noted that you should carefully consider the calculation of performance. Otherwise, the equipment will not live up to expectations.

wall-mounted fireplace hood
The correct selection and installation of a fireplace hood will save the prudent housewife from the hassle of washing greasy plaque from furniture and combating ingrained kitchen odors. Do not forget about the timely maintenance of equipment: cleaning and replacing filters. A wide range of hoods will add a stylistic zest to any design, which will give the kitchen coziness and comfort.


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