Who is the author? ā€œThe marriage of Balzaminovā€

The plays of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky many and peculiarly describe the petty bourgeois and merchant life, presented in the form of a good and cheerful satire. One of such wonderful works has the name ā€œThe Marriage of Balsaminovā€, but it can be recognized by another name - ā€œWhat you follow, you will find.ā€ The play is part of the Balsamin trilogy. The second part - ā€œA festive dream before dinner,ā€ the third - ā€œYour dogs are biting, do not bother someone else!ā€.

author marrying balsaminov

ā€œMarriage of Balzaminovā€ - a play that was written by the author in 1861. In the same year, it was published in the journal Vremya, which was led by Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

Author. ā€œThe marriage of Balzaminovā€

Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky, sending the work to St. Petersburg, expressed his apologies to Dostoevsky about the delay in work due to illness and asked for his sincere opinion about the play, which would be very important for him. Fyodor Mikhailovich did not take long to wait and replied that he received true pleasure from reading the plot. Everything is very realistic and lively written, the heroes are incomparable and charismatic, these typical images seem to be familiar to him from childhood and will never fade in his mind, but Krasavinā€™s matchmaker is in the first place.

the marriage of a balsamin piece

The author himself must not have suspected such success. ā€œMarriage of Balzaminovā€ received a worthy assessment of the great master.

Hero characterization

So, the main character Misha Balzaminov is a petty official, represents a big dreamer and romance, a childishly kind, naive and simple-minded person. Because of this, others take him for a sort of eccentric fool.

Immediately the impression is created that Balsaminov lives in his illusory world, and therefore he does not have any mutual understanding with others. What is remarkable, this young and naive person also has to somehow survive in his very simple philistine life, in which he turned out to be the will of fate.


The only talent of this ā€œworthlessā€, it would seem, person was the ability to fly away from reality and dream. Blond-skinned, thin and short outside, in his fantasies he saw himself as a full, tall brunette. Shy by nature, he shuddered and embarrassed at any stern look. However, Balsaminov could very quickly transform. He suddenly imagined himself a brave officer who boldly walks along the street. And sometimes, in moments of great enthusiasm and enthusiasm, he even imagined himself king.

plays by alexander nikolaevich ostrovsky

Misha is absolutely unsophisticated, and about his wealth all his ideas come down only to a good waterproof stroller, gray horses and a blue cloak on a velvet black lining. Every day he dreams of a decent life, but he has no ways, sir, which means that there is only one thing left - to marry a rich bride.

Three attempts

The author is very interesting and funny with his hero. ā€œMarriage of Balzaminovā€ ironically tells how the main character walks in vain under the windows of wealthy brides in the hope that today a happy event will happen to him and he will be noticed by magnificent unmarried young ladies. And suddenly one of them will like him, and then he will be rich, and if not, then that's it - he will have to live in misery all his life.

In general, three times Balzaminov was close to his goal, and three times fate fatefully laughed ironically at him. In the first part, he is expelled from the house where he came for the bride, with exclamations: ā€œCome in!ā€ We are bored without fools. " The second part is just the story according to the proverb about ā€œfriendsā€, ā€œstrangersā€ and dogs.

Ostrovsky marriage of Balsaminov

ā€œThe Marriage of Balzaminovā€ is a very funny play, in the third part of the main character they made such a fool that it was easier to fall through the ground.

But our grief-groom also has a very necessary quality - he is absolutely not inclined to despondency. From despair and longing, he switches very quickly and again soars in his dreams. He sees clues about his prosperous future in his rainbow dreams. He began to walk along Zamoskvoretsky streets and alleys as a guard on duty, being afraid to miss the chance. But all in vain.

A. N. Ostrovsky: ā€œThe Marriage of Balzaminovā€, short story

And so the arrangement of his personal life is taken by his mother - Pavel Petrovna Balzaminova. Misha himself wants to find a rich passion for himself, but does not know at all where to look for her. And then his mother invites the matchmaker to the house, who really began to acquaint him with the local unmarried girls, and often this ended with big welds and insults.

plays by alexander nikolaevich ostrovsky

But one day, nevertheless, Mishenkaā€™s dream came true. One of the most respected and richest merchants, being a widow, dying of boredom and tired of longing, asks the matchmaker to start looking for her groom. And then Balsaminov accidentally tucks up. One day, he fell right into her manor yard. The widow was good-natured, after this meeting she sends him a matchmaker with a golden watch. Balzaminov does not remember himself for joy, only shouts that he is no longer what he was before, but a completely different person.

This is how the author ended his story. The marriage of Balzaminov still took place. Right "fools - happiness"!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7519/

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