Diseases of the skin in cats: a list of diseases, a description with a photo, causes and methods of treatment

The skin of pets is regularly exposed to various negative effects, they are bitten by fleas, ticks and various blood-sucking parasites. As a result of this, various skin diseases in cats can occur, as well as problems with hair. It is very important to accurately diagnose and treat. This will prevent the occurrence of dangerous complications.

Varieties of skin diseases

In their variety, all skin diseases in cats are divided into several large groups, namely:

  • parasitic;
  • bacterial infections;
  • allergy;
  • other pathologies.

Diseases provoked by parasitic invasion can be such as:

  • ringworm;
  • flea infection;
  • tick damage.
skin diseases in cats symptoms and treatment

A fairly common skin disease is infection with fleas. If you do not pay attention to the presence of a problem in time and do not remove parasites, then this can be complicated by dermatitis, which is allergic in nature. The main symptom is severe itching throughout the body of the animal.

Fleas do not live on cats' skin, they only feed on blood. The whole basic process of life and reproduction takes place in secluded places of the apartment. This must be taken into account when treating the animal. Therefore, the treatment process includes the treatment of the skin of the cat and the premises. For this, special preparations are used. Processing is carried out in several stages to destroy adult individuals and their eggs.

Fungal diseases

Among fungal skin diseases in cats (see photo in the article), ringworm must be distinguished. It can be transmitted to humans from animals. Microsporia is characterized by a high propagation speed, gradually involving in the pathological process all new areas of the animal’s body.

Tick ​​diseases also include tick infections. It is very important to learn to distinguish between them, since each has its own separate therapy regimen. These include such as:

  • scabies;
  • demodicosis;
  • otodectosis;
  • sarcoptosis.

Scabies is a tick-borne lesion of the skin of animals. It is provoked by microscopic scabies mites. They are present at any time on the skin of animals, but are activated only when the body's resistance decreases.

Demodecosis is a dangerous tick-borne lesion. The risk of infection is mainly in the warm season. Its symptoms are rather painful, since the disease covers significant areas of the skin. Parasitizing under the skin, ticks cause hair loss, the formation of pustules and redness.

The cause of otodectosis is often the lack of good care for the animal. Accumulation of sulfur in the ears and dirt can become a breeding ground for ear mites. The cat constantly shakes its head and suffers from severe ear itching. If you do not take the required measures, then the condition of the animal deteriorates sharply.

Skin diseases in cats, provoked by a bacterial infection, have two forms of development, namely dry and wet. These include eczema, acne, bedsores. If the animal suffered a serious illness or complex operation, the recovery period requires immobility from it, which is fraught with the occurrence of pressure sores. They are formed at the place of prolonged contact with the litter tissue.

The main causes of skin disease in cats

Diseases of the skin in cats are quite common, and this is due to various provoking factors. These include such as:

  • allergic reactions;
  • pathology of internal organs;
  • insect bites;
  • poor environmental conditions;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • infections caused by pathogens;
  • poor-quality food;
  • low physical activity.

Often, owners feed their pets poor-quality food, which can lead to allergies in the animal. The allergen is able to accumulate in the body for a long time, and then it is manifested by itching, rashes, hair loss.

Some skin diseases in cats are hereditary. The disease is transmitted to offspring. Sometimes it can manifest itself through a generation. The most dangerous factor due to which violations appear is the effect of infection. Most viruses, bacteria and fungi penetrate the body of a pet and provoke serious skin lesions that are transmitted from cat to person. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the condition of the animal and promptly seek help from a veterinarian.


This is an infectious skin disease in cats, a photo of which shows the peculiarity of its course, provoked by mold fungi. It can affect not only animals, but also humans. Infection mainly occurs after close contact with the diseased individual.

Alopecia in cats

Mushroom spores are very stable in the environment. At risk are mainly animals in a state of immune depression, having a poor diet, elderly and young cats.

It is important to diagnose the disease in a timely manner, since it requires a long, comprehensive treatment. Among the main symptoms, it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • thinning of the hair;
  • itching
  • the appearance of white flakes in the wool;
  • nails may become deformed and acquire a yellowish tint.

Treatment for ringworm should be started immediately after detection, as there is a high risk of human infection. To accurately diagnose, you need to contact a veterinary clinic for research.

For the treatment prescribed ointment "Miconazole" or "Tiabendazole." It is forbidden to bathe a cat that suffers from lichen, as this contributes to the spread of fungi throughout the body of the animal.


Among skin diseases in cats, dermatitis is especially necessary. Depending on the causes, it is divided into the following types:

  • thermal;
  • chemical;
  • traumatic and medical;
  • parasitic and infectious.

Regardless of the type of disease, purulent inflammation of the skin is observed. A serous secretion or an alternating throat may also appear. The most common is miliary dermatitis. It is an allergic reaction that appears in response to bites of blood-sucking parasites.

Scabies mite

Symptoms of dermatitis can be different. Basically, the disease manifests itself in the form of various redness, cracks in the skin, swelling, purulent discharge, peeling of the skin.

Treatment is selected depending on the cause of dermatitis, as well as the severity of the inflammatory process. For injuries, apply external dressings with an ointment that has an antiseptic and astringent effect. Propolis preparations have a good healing effect. If the damage is provoked by chemicals, then initially it is necessary to neutralize its destructive effect.


Allergies are considered a fairly common skin disease in cats. It can occur against the background of any provoking factors, in particular, such as chemicals, new feed, plants, dust, cosmetics and perfumes. Among the main symptoms, it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • itching
  • temperature rise;
  • rashes;
  • decreased immunity;
  • ulceration.

If the cat is on a free range, then the likelihood of allergies increases, since on the street the animal meets with many provocative factors. Treatment of allergies in cats should only begin after consultation with a specialist.


The spread of inflammation can be due to many different factors, which include:

  • poor animal care;
  • reaction to the collar or synthetic clothing of the animal;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • the presence of bacteria and parasites;
  • unbalanced nutrition;
  • liver, stomach, or kidney problems.

The first symptom of skin disease in cats is the appearance of redness and itching. Hot spots appear to the touch. After combing, the skin of the animal is covered with bubbles filled with liquid. With dry eczema, they burst and dry out, then a crust forms, which begins to peel off. This type of disease often becomes chronic.

With wet eczema, the contents of the vesicles flow out, which provokes the formation of pustules. The disease proceeds in an acute form, but with its timely detection, it is treated very easily. The hair in the affected area is sheared, and then ointment and antiseptics are treated. The pet is prescribed a vitamin complex and antibiotics.


It is very important to recognize the symptoms of skin diseases in cats in a timely manner. A photo of scabies will help separate this disease from others and conduct the right treatment. This is a rather unpleasant disease that occurs due to the violent activity of ticks. These parasites, getting on the skin, begin to make passages in it and lay eggs. This causes the animal significant discomfort. Among the main symptoms, it is necessary to highlight such as:

  • severe itching;
  • redness and inflammation of the skin;
  • hair loss.

Only a veterinarian can accurately determine the presence of scabies in a pet. Under a microscope, you can accurately distinguish many ticks. Treatment mainly consists of the use of external ointments and antiparasitic injections.

Cat fleas

If the animal’s body is sufficiently weakened due to the activity of parasites, then it is necessary to improve the nutrition of the cat and choose fortifying vitamins. Prevention is also important, as many flea drops also protect against ticks.


This disease is provoked by a microscopic tick that parasitizes in the epidermis of a cat. Basically, it occurs in spring and autumn, when there is increased humidity. Among the main signs of pathology, it is necessary to distinguish the following:

  • rashes and scratches appear on the skin;
  • hair loss occurs in some places;
  • tubercles form on the body, when pressed, a thick white liquid is released;
  • cat's skin turns red and crusty.

A demodectic tick reduces the pet's immunity quite a lot, so if a timely treatment is not done, the cat may die from a secondary infection.


Cats baldness can be congenital and acquired. In some cases, alopecia is considered the breed standard and requires absolutely no specialized treatment. Acquired baldness occurs as a result of exposure to the body of various adverse factors. The disease is manifested by loss of hair, the formation of wounds, redness of the skin, the appearance of cones on the body of the animal.

Other diseases

Autoimmune diseases, in particular, such as vasculitis, systemic lupus erythematosus, pemphigus, are quite rare. They appear in the form of numerous rashes on the skin of the animal, which eventually become pustules, sores or erosion.

Alimentary skin diseases result from an unbalanced diet of the animal. They are characterized by animal weight loss, brittleness and dryness of the coat, and peeling of the skin of the animal.

Fungal skin diseases in cats are characterized by the fact that baldness occurs. Light gray or white areas are formed on the affected area, under which thinned skin is found. The presence of itching and its intensity largely depend on the degree of damage and the type of pathogen.

Treatment of a fungal infection should be carried out with the means that the doctor will prescribe. Depending on the strain of the fungus and the degree of damage, only local treatment or a longer complex therapy with additional vaccination may be required.

Bacterial skin disease in cats is characterized by the suppuration of existing wound surfaces, folds and scratches. On the affected area, crusts, flakes, vesicles, pustules form. Basically, the pathological process affects only the surface layers of the skin. Deeper lesions may indicate more serious violations. Antibacterial therapy should be started after bacterial inoculation of scraping of the affected area of ​​the skin and determination of sensitivity to antibiotics.


To correctly recognize the violation, you need to look at the description of skin diseases in cats with a photo. Treatment should be prescribed only by a veterinarian, as some drugs are toxic and can harm the animal. In some cases, a clinical examination alone is not enough, so the doctor prescribes other diagnostic methods, namely:

  • analysis of urine and blood;
  • skin sampling;
  • allergy tests;
  • bacteriological seeding of material.

Only after an accurate diagnosis is made, the doctor prescribes the most effective treatment regimen.


To eliminate the symptoms of skin diseases in cats, the treatment must be comprehensive, and it is prescribed by a qualified veterinarian. Therapy largely depends on the diagnosis made by the doctor. With fungal infections, antimycotic drugs are effective, in particular, such as Exoderil, Lamisil, and sulfur-based ointment.

Antimicrobials are prescribed to treat cat skin diseases caused by bacteria. For external treatment, Alumisprey or Miramistin is mainly prescribed.


Viral infections are treated with antiviral drugs such as Maxidine. Local skin treatment is carried out with antiseptic agents. Allergies are treated with corticosteroids and antihistamines. However, you must first determine the allergen.

Baldness requires an individual approach for each animal. Therapy begins only after a diagnosis is made and the cause of the disease is established. To treat scabies, the drug Amitrazin is used. Autoimmune diseases are treated with steroid drugs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7523/

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