Sergey Yesenin "The Bully". Poem as a state of mind of a poet

Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin - one of the best poets of the XX century. His poems are special. They are painful, very honest and well reflect the essence of the poet himself. We can say that Yesenin's poem is his confession to each of us.

Esenin's poem "Hooligan" is special. It reflects a turning point in the poet's soul. In general, if you track the work of Sergei Alexandrovich in 1917-1920, you can discover a lot of interesting things. But now we will talk about the poem "Hooligan."

Collection of poems

What kind of poem?

Before we move on to analyzing the poet’s mental state, as reflected in Yesenin’s verse “Hooligan,” it would be nice to get acquainted with the work itself.

Rain with wet brooms

Willow droppings in the meadows.

Spit, the wind, with armfuls of leaves,

“I'm the same as you bully.”

I love the blue thickets

Like an ox’s gait

Bellies, wheezing foliage

Trunks are dirty on their knees.

Here it is, my flock is red!

Who could sing him better?

I see, see how twilight lick

Traces of human feet.

My Russia, wooden Russia!

I am your one singer and herald.

The animal verses of my sadness

I fed reed and mint.

Shiver, midnight, moon pitcher

Scoop milk of birches!

As if he wants to strangle someone

Hands crosses the churchyard!

Wandering, scooping the hills,

The thief’s anger flows into our garden,

Only I myself am a robber and a boor.

And the blood of the steppe horse horse.

Who saw boiling in the night

Boiled bird cherry army?

I would have a night in the blue steppe

Somewhere with a brush to stand.

Ah, my bush has faded

The song captive sucked me in.

I'm convicted in hard labor

Twirl the millstone of poems.

But fear not, mad wind

Spit quietly with foliage in the meadows.

The nickname "poet" will not rip me off.

I'm in songs like you, a bully.

It would seem, what kind of mental confusion is we talking about? The poet glorifies Russian nature. But if you dig a little deeper, we will see what is hidden in Yesenin's poem "Hooligan."

Young Yesenin

Spiritual discord

What happened to the poet when in 1919 he wrote these lines? Let's reason.

The country is in turmoil. There was a revolution that affected everyone. Peasants were dispossessed, the most necessary was taken away. Sergei Alexandrovich, as a peasant poet, cannot put up with this. He is ready to defend his homeland, realizing that something terrible is going on. The former Russia will no longer be, this also becomes obvious.

Where does it come from that Esenin is ready to defend his village? Lines confirming this:

Wandering scary hordes

The thief’s anger flows into our garden,

I myself am a robber and a boor

And the blood of the steppe horse horse.

The poet was never a robber or horse thief. These lines are a kind of warning that it is not worth contacting Sergey Alexandrovich. He himself does not bast, has a robbery past. And stand up for your house can.

However, in the verse of Sergei Yesenin "Hooligan" there are other lines. In them, the author admits that he would like to stand with arms in his hands, but he is only a poet.

The revolution and people's moods could not help but touch the young soul. There is a rapid search for yourself. On the one hand, the poet is very well acquainted with God. From his early work, we can conclude that Yesenin was a believing youth. And here suddenly a whole new world. Declare that there is no God, and power passes into the "hands of the people." Power is given to those who were previously at the very bottom, by and large. So why not show yourself and take this chance?

Sergei Alexandrovich emphasizes that he is a bully. Hooligan forced to be a poet. His soul is rushing around. He begins to deny God, succumbing to the innovation that happens everywhere. Russia is storming. Not a handful in power, but every Russian peasant is concerned about what is happening. Someone accepts this with joy, someone realizes that this is not possible. And others, like Sergei Yesenin, young and hot, rushing around.

Looking ahead, it is worth saying that Yesenin’s verse “Hooligan” is not the last one that will reflect the changes that have occurred with the poet. They will be very serious, and the Bully is just the beginning. The beginning of Sergei Alexandrovich’s own spiritual end.

Yesenin Sergey Alexandrovich


We talked about Yesenin's poem "Hooligan." What the poet felt when he wrote it. What kind of mental torment he went through at that moment. Sergey Alexandrovich rushed about, this is obvious. What his throwing led to, and the split in his own soul, is known to every student.


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