Long braid: description, photos and reviews

On the vast territory of our Russia, you can always find places that are not known to every inhabitant, but unique, interesting and beautiful. One of such amazing corners of nature is the Spit Dolgaya (Krasnodar Territory) - part of the Yeisk Peninsula that separates the Taganrog Bay from the Sea of ​​Azov.

Long braid


The long spit, consisting of sand and shells of mollusks, is a landscape natural monument, a unique formation characterized by high dynamics associated with the constant change in area under the influence of winds and wave-breaking phenomena. In the middle of the last century, the length of the spit reached 17 km. Then it was reduced as a result of the export of shell rock for the construction of the Tsimlyansk reservoir and numerous erosions and now amounts to about 9.5 km.

The width of the land strip gradually decreases from several kilometers at the beginning to several tens of meters in the end. Spit rises above sea level by 1-1.5 m, and small freshwater lakes form in its lowlands. At the base of the cape is the Cossack village, which gave this place a second name - Dolzhanka, or Dolzhanskaya Spit.

The long one is characterized by a peculiar combination of marine, steppe and forest zones in its landscape, richness and diversity of flora and fauna.

Climatic conditions

Nature generously endowed the Azov coast with a special soft marine microclimate, an abundance of heat and sunlight, a sea that quickly warms up due to its shallow depth. In the temperate continental climate here, even extreme heat is easily tolerated, and unpleasant manifestations of acclimatization do not accompany tourists either upon arrival here or upon returning home.

The water temperature in the sea is comfortable for swimming from mid-May to early October, and the air in the beach season warms up to 25-30 ° C. Precipitation here falls mainly in the winter and spring months, in the summer there is practically no rain. Two drawbacks of weather and climate conditions - strong wind and lack of shade - cancel each other out: summer heat is not felt so much, and intense air movement seems to be a gentle breeze.

Dolzhanskaya Spit is long

Flora and fauna

A vast territory at the base of the spit is occupied by an artificially planted dense coniferous forest in which hares, foxes and wild boars live. This pine forest is a real paradise for mushroom pickers. Mushrooms, butter and mushrooms are harvested here. In places where forest plantations approach the coast, vacationers can hide in the shade and escape from the sun.

The vegetation of the spit is very diverse - you can meet Canadian spruce and poplar, and thickets of tamarisk, sea buckthorn, rose hips delight the eye during flowering. At the same time, there is no abundance of constantly flowering plants, characteristic of the resorts of the Black Sea coast, which provokes an exacerbation of allergic diseases.

Many birds, mainly gulls and cormorants, prefer islands for their habitat at the end of the spit.


Dolzhanskaya Spit is essentially one large boundless beach that washes the Taganrog Bay on one side and the Sea of ​​Azov on the other. Spit Dolgaya attracts vacationers primarily for its wonderful beaches, studded with small shells, completely intact and differing in size, shape and color. Tourists enjoy swimming in clean clear water and a beautiful, even tan. You can’t swim only at the very end of the spit - where two water areas meet, coping with whirlpools and waves is not always possible even for experienced swimmers.

The beaches will delight lovers of both active pastime and a calm and measured family vacation. There are places where the sea is deep, and just five meters from the coast to the bottom can no longer be reached. And there are gentle slopes and shallow areas of beaches with a sandy bottom - something that couples dream of with small children. Almost always one can observe an amazing phenomenon: on the one side of the spit the sea is smooth and calm, and on the other the wind and waves are walking.

spit long Krasnodar Territory

Wellness on the Spit Long

Natural and climatic conditions on the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov contribute to the treatment of diseases of the skin, respiratory system, cardiovascular system. It is very good for health to swim in the purest sea water rich in trace elements, to take sunbaths with a small amount of ultraviolet radiation and low humidity. The beaches also give health to their visitors thanks to shell rock and sand containing minerals. Do not forget about the beneficial effects on the body of seductive ionized sea air, saturated with plant volatile and aromas of fragrant flowers and medicinal herbs.

There are also conditions for mud treatment on the spit - along the shores of salt lakes and fresh estuaries there are muds that have the most valuable healing properties.

Scythe Long: rest

Holidays here will be magnificent and unforgettable for a variety of categories of people. A variety of accommodation options can satisfy both the most demanding and the most unassuming tourists. On the spit there are both comfortable recreation centers with all amenities and a high level of service, as well as budget hotels of economy class, summer houses and car campings, as well as places for wild vacations in camps. Many visitors rent housing in the station. Dolzhanskaya, Spit Dolgaya is visited by them only for the purpose of a beach holiday. In the village rooms for rent in hotels, houses and rooms in the private sector, there is a market, shops, cafes, a pharmacy and ATMs.

Due to the conditions that are perfect for windsurfing and kiting, the Long Spit has become a resort for outdoor activities. At its tip, the Surfpriyut recreation center is waiting for everyone who wants to spend their holidays enjoying exciting and exciting sports.

braid long rest

Attractions: Spit Long

Dolzhanskaya village invites guests to the Museum of Cossack Life, where you can join the old traditions. For lovers of educational tourism, excursions are organized from the village to the city of Yeysk, where the local history museum, dolphinarium and oceanarium are located, as well as to Lake Khan, the fortress city of Azov and the ancient Greek settlement of Tanais.

The water entertainment industry has developed widely on the spit: catamarans, scooters, water parachutes, "bananas" and water skis are being rented. Windsurfing competitions and various festivals are held regularly.

spit long village Dolzhanskaya

Long braid in reviews of tourists and photos

Tourists who visited this village note favorable climatic conditions, a lower price level compared to other popular resorts, especially the Black Sea, the lack of fuss and a large number of people on the beaches, good environmental conditions due to the lack of industrial facilities, the beauty of untouched, reserved, virgin nature. Among vacationers there are those who complain about the lack of resort entertainment and developed infrastructure, as well as the garbage left by savage tourists.

Photos taken on the braid are amazing. The water surface of the Sea of ​​Azov and the Taganrog Bay is distinguished by color and texture, and the local sunsets are especially impressive.

the Sea of ​​Azov spit is long

Almost everyone who has ever visited a place like the Long Spit plans to come here again.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7539/

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