Monuments of Saransk: attractions, interesting places, description, photos and reviews

Saransk is a small and very cozy town, fairly well-landscaped, with developed infrastructure. The capital of the Republic of Mordovia stands on the banks of two rivers - the Insara and Saranka (the latter was previously called Sarley). The city is relatively young, it is slightly less than four centuries old, but there are many interesting sights, including monuments.

A bit of history

Like most other cities in Russia, Saransk grew out of a defensive fortress, which was built to protect the Moscow kingdom from raids by nomads. The life of the village was not remarkable until the second half of the 18th century: people traded in meat, honey, leather, were engaged in agriculture and developed crafts. The inhabitants were a little startled in 1772, when the leader of the peasant liberation movement Emelian Pugachev entered Saransk through the fortress gates. They greeted him with royal honors, the rebel put things in order, ruining wealthy households and giving good to ordinary people. However, he did not manage for long - only three days. Following the Pugachev who left Saransk, tsarist troops arrived, and the troublemaker returned to the city only two months later. This time he was shackled and rode to Moscow for his own execution.

In the revolutionary years, almost a third of the population joined the ranks of the Red Army. During the Second World War, residents, without waiting for mobilization, were the first to join the ranks of defenders. The population remaining in the city worked under the all-Union slogan "Everything for war, everything for victory."

Modern Saransk

The capital of Mordovia is one of the few cities in the Russian Federation where the administration did not consider it necessary to spend money on renaming streets and squares. Therefore, here and today you can see the Soviet Lane, Dzerzhinsky Street or Bolshevik.

The outskirts of the city, divided into three districts, are distinguished by more modern architectural structures, and typical buildings are found mainly in the center. There are three universities, four theaters - this is quite a lot, given that a little less than 300 thousand people live in Saransk. Repeatedly, the city received the title as one of the most comfortable in Russia.

Places the city is proud of


This, of course, is the Cathedral of the Holy Righteous Warrior Theodore Ushakov, which rises 60 meters near the Opera and Ballet Theater. A grandiose building in light blue tones with columns, a huge gilded dome was lit in 2006. The interior of the temple is striking in its beauty no less than the majestic appearance. Here eclecticism, empire style and Byzantine style are harmoniously interwoven.

Near the park in the center you can see the monument of Saransk "Forever with Russia", in front of which there is a small fountain. Sculptures of two women in Russian and Mordovian national costumes stand on a high pedestal framed by marble. This monument of Saransk was erected in honor of the accession of Mordovia to the Russian Empire.

Forever with Russia

In 1970, a memorial to the Fallen Soldiers was erected on Victory Square. Before the eternal flame, you can see the Motherland, she strictly looks at the warrior, kneeled before her, and hands him a sword.

Judging by the reviews of tourists, the most popular place for walking is Millennium Square. Residents are very proud of this place, acquired in 2010. In the very center of a large area near the House of Unions, decorated with colorful tiles, there is a fountain about 40 m high. The whole area is beautifully illuminated by spotlights at night.

Nearby is a beautiful and modern building of the National Mordovian Theater in red and lilac colors and national symbols. By the way, the inhabitants of Saransk are distinguished not only by a high level of intelligence, but also by culture - theater actors never perform in half-empty halls. No less remarkable is the building of the musical theater on ul. B. Khmelnitsky.

Sights associated with Emelyan Pugachev

monument to Pugachev

Stop on the street Volgograd is called the "Pugachev Monument". In Saransk, they could not but perpetuate such an important milestone in history, so visitors to the city can see an interesting white statue of the famous troublemaker. It was no coincidence that a place for sightseeing was chosen; it was on this place at the end of the 18th century that its stake was located. The manufacture of the monument in Saransk was worked by G. D. Glikman, A. G. Pliskin. Pugachev turned out to be like an epic Russian hero. Carved from concrete, he proudly stands on improvised fortifications, decorated with cast-iron cannons.

A description of the monuments of Saransk dedicated to the great troublemaker would not be complete without the famous Tent Pugachev - the oldest building of the city, of course, restored and updated. This is a small building-monument of white color, standing on the spot where Emelyan made loud speeches-appeals to the people.

How many monuments in Saransk?

monument to Pushkin

The city has about 20 sculptural and monumental structures. One of the most famous is the monument to Pushkin in Saransk, erected as a thank you to the poet, who mentioned the name of the city in his work.

Monuments related to the Great Patriotic War can be called a monument to the T-34 tank, Podolsk cadets, the MIG-17 fighter plane, the iconic obelisk "Escape from Hell", a grandiose monument of Eternal Glory. Monuments of Saransk, made in the XXI century, are symbolic, make you think and reflect.

In memory of the brave conquerors of the stratosphere

Monument to the Stratonauts

Back in 1934, three brave heroes rose to a record height for that time - 22 thousand km in a stratospheric balloon, but the device crashed, and all the men crashed near Saransk. The monument to the Stratonauts, erected in memory of these people in 1963, reminds residents and guests of the capital of Mordovia of heroes conquerors of heaven. Today we can see a young man poured out of bronze, stretching out his arms in a flight. He is wearing a helmet, fur boots, and a jacket is casually thrown over his shoulder. There are similar sculptural structures in Donetsk, on Volokolamsk highway in Moscow.

Modern sculptures

2008 was declared the year of the family, it was during this period in Saransk that the youngest, but no less famous and popular sculptural composition of a large family appeared as a symbol of unshakable values. It is located near the Cathedral on Sovetskaya Street, the author is N. Filatov. The monument to the Family in Saransk has an interesting history, its sketch has not been approved for a long time. The fact is that initially he was conceived in the form of four family members - a mother, leading her sonโ€™s hand, and a dad, who has a second child on his shoulders. The commission members considered that there were not many children, so the sculptor added another girl to the right of his father, but the monument was not approved again. Only when Filatov added to his mother's belly, enlarged from pregnancy, the option came to everyone's taste.

Family Monument

Thus, we can see a happy family with three children in anticipation of the fourth.

Guest reviews

According to the unanimous opinion of travelers, Saransk is a very clean and interesting city, markedly striving for improvement, better landscaping. Guests enjoyed the large number of places to visit with their children. This is a zoo, a cultural and entertainment park named after A.S. Pushkin, as well as PKiO in the Proletarsky district, museum of local lore, puppet theater. Very exciting are excursions in the museum to them. Erzi is a sculptor, known not only in the republic, but also in many European countries.

The Cathedral received the most positive reviews from tourists, travelers were struck by the monumentality and grandeur of the structure. They note that the interior is very pious and solemn. Residents of the city themselves consider Ushakov Cathedral (as they call it) the main attraction.

Musical Theatre

Some guests visiting Saransk with a difference of 20 years note that the city has changed for the better, has become more modern, clean, well-groomed. People like that there are many places in the city where you can brighten up your leisure time or just take a walk. In the evenings, residents often go to deliveries to their theaters, they love them very much, so they always bring their relatives or friends with them. The musical theater is very popular, the building of which is very beautifully illuminated by searchlights in the dark. Its interior is compared with the palace, the audience appreciated the ballet troupe of the capital of Mordovia.


Each city of Russia has its own unique charm, rich cultural heritage, attractions. The excursion program of Saransk, of course, is not as saturated as in Moscow or St. Petersburg, but the guests will definitely remember it for a long time. After all, great importance to the general impression of the city is rendered not only by architectural masterpieces or unique monuments, but by the attitude of the inhabitants themselves to their city. Of course, much has been done in the city for the World Cup (the games were held on June 16 and June 19, the next will be June 25 and June 28), but this does not detract from the beauty of the capital of Mordovia.


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