Fascinating needlework: felting wool toys for beginners

If you like to do with your own hands and have not yet tried to felting wool, this article is for you. There are two main techniques: dry and wet felting. Felting wool toys for beginners is a very exciting experience. However, if you are faced with this for the first time, it is better to start with the dry method, this technique is simple and suitable for people who are just starting to learn the basics of this needlework.

Very often, felting wool toys for beginners grows into a favorite hobby and brings a good income to the craftswomen. The possibilities of dry technology in terms of creativity are endless. You can make funny soft toys, exclusive souvenirs and jewelry.

felting wool toys for beginners

Do not be alarmed if you come across other names, for example: filter-bed, felting or felting, it's all one and the same.

In the process, special needles with notches are used, thanks to which the wool fibers become tangled together and gradually form felt. With it, you will work wonders.

In order to learn felting from wool for beginners and begin to practice, you will need: wool, needles, foam sponge.

Now let us dwell in more detail on the necessary materials.

felting toys

The wool should be special, not spun, for felting. The color scheme to your taste. A little tip: if you have planned a voluminous product, get a synthetic winterizer for the middle base, it is much cheaper than natural wool.

The needles must be of different thicknesses: thick, medium and thin. To get started, take the most common, if the lesson is carried away, then you will already know what is preferable.

Foam sponge can be any.

How to determine the right amount of wool for your product?

With dry felting, the wool falls down by about a third, respectively, more source material needs to be taken. And determine the quantity by the sketch you will be guided by.

To make felting toys made of wool for beginners fun, take on a small item. To train, start with beads.

felting for beginners
From the wool of the color you like, form the approximate outlines of the product (roll the ball). Put the lump on the foam and start poking a needle into it. At the same time, do not forget to turn it. The needle, clinging with notches to the fibers, will begin to tangle the wool, and the bead will become denser. Try to make the circle perfect.

Important! Do not hold the workpiece in weight so as not to injure yourself. Work must begin with the thickest needle, as your work is compacted, replace it with thinner ones. Hold the tool strictly perpendicular to the workpiece.

We figured out the beads, and if the product involves several parts, then you need to roll them separately. And then, when the result satisfies you, attach to each other with a small piece of wool. In some cases, it’s even more advisable to sew the details. Great opportunities are provided by felting from wool. Toys can be made plain and subsequently painted with acrylic paints as your imagination tells you. And you can immediately work with multi-colored fibers.

Where to start felting wool toys for beginners?

You need to try strength on simple things and gradually move on to complex ones. For example, make multi-colored beads for a girlfriend or a heart for a loved one. Train later on small characters. Felting does not require large space and substantial costs. This hobby is an excellent remedy for stress, the process itself calms the nervous system. And the finished work is the guarantor of a good mood.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7541/

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