How to pump fast in Clash of Clans: a short guide

The question of how to quickly pump in Clash of Clans is of interest to all players who have just begun their development path. There is no certain tactics in this direction, but there are many tips that will help create a magnificent kingdom without investing money.

Initial development of the settlement

As in any other mobile game, here everything hints that real investments will greatly help in development. That is why experienced players, when asked about how to quickly pump in Clash of Clans, will be told to deposit money. It is not necessary to do this at all, but you should properly manage your resources. It is very difficult to extract crystals and should be saved only by a builder who will help in the construction of all buildings.

how to quickly pump in clash of clans
In addition, improving the main building in the first place is a very unfortunate undertaking. With an increase in its level, it becomes more difficult to rob opponents, and more expenses appear. In addition, try to plunder enemies in the surrounding area as much as possible. In this way, it will be possible to accumulate the necessary resources, and leave the extraction of the Cups for later.

Defense and offensive

If a player wants to know how to quickly upgrade to Clash of Clans with security, then it is worth paying attention to the army and defending his fortress. Your warriors should always be pumped at convenient moments. Do not save up a lot of weak unimproved units. It is better to have a small number, but powerful defensive and attacking groups. In the defense of the settlement will help a lot guns. Estimate the location of the village and find out for yourself where it is best to put these rifle guns. After that, focus on the organization of the army.

clash of clans how to pump
Leveling matters, but if squads are formed incorrectly, the question of how to quickly level up in Clash of Clans will remain relevant. Do not form an army only according to your preferences. Make squads motley and view reports of all battles. So you will understand which units best show themselves against various types of enemies. Such an approach to assessing one’s strength will allow you to get the maximum benefit from each battle. Research will give a result and show where to move the player.

Other important information

Clash of Clans is installed on a computer or smartphone - it doesn’t matter, the rules of the game remain the same. One of them, initial in importance, is the use of a shield. A player will never reach a certain level if he is robbed and constantly destroys the settlement. Under ordinary circumstances, this can be done only by 40 percent, because then a shield appears.

clash of clans to computer
It falls off only if the defending side attacks an enemy. That is why it is so important to always keep an eye on when you send an army to attack. Insidious neighbors can only wait a moment and watch the activity of the shield. The final piece of advice on how to quickly upgrade to Clash of Clans is joining a clan. It is definitely worth finding for yourself a worthy company that will brighten up the time in the game, help at the right time with troops or resources. The guild provides a large number of benefits to the user. The sooner the player gets access to them, the faster he will take advantage and raise his settlement to the proper level.


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