GKN - is ... State Real Estate Cadastre

In any developed state, property and resources are kept records. Russia is no exception. Accounting results are recorded in the appropriate inventory. This term has Latin roots. In most languages, the word has one meaning. A cadastre is a list, register, inventory, etc. It is considered a universal form of accounting. One of the largest registries in the Russian Federation is the State Real Estate Cadastre (SCN). Let us further consider its features.

gkn this

Cadastral registration of real estate

Many are aware of the existence of a real estate registry. GKN is a systematic set of information on immovable objects recorded in accordance with the law.

This register contains information about the passage of the state border, lines dividing regions, municipalities, settlements, zones with a special regime of use, etc.

The base of this list is the land registry. Land is the most important resource ensuring the existence and activities of the population. Many economic sectors are associated with it. In addition, land is an object of civil circulation.

The need for land registration in the State Property Committee arose in connection with the need to have information on allotments as objects of taxation. With the development of the state system, the registry began to fulfill a protective function. The introduction of information in the State Committee on State Property allowed to identify the owners of allotments.

Normative base

Cadastral registration of real estate has been conducted in Russia since ancient times.

At the present stage of development of the state, work on the systematization of information has intensified after the adoption of a number of regulatory acts. One of them is the Law on the State Real Estate Cadastre .

cadastral registration of real estate
Activities for the registration of immovable objects is also carried out on the basis of:

  • Constitution.
  • Civil, Forestry, Urban, Water, Housing codes.
  • Other federal laws and regulations adopted in accordance with them.

The geodetic basis of GKN is a geodetic network of national and special significance. The cartographic basis of the inventory is maps and plans.

The Law "On the State Real Estate Cadastre " regulates relations related to the maintenance of the register. The provisions of the normative act apply to the direct accounting of objects.

Maintaining GKN is a rather laborious and responsible work. Activities on the accounting of facilities are constantly being improved through the development of science and technology. Innovative achievements are successfully applied in the work of government agencies. With the development of computer technology, it became possible to keep an inventory in electronic form. However, paper documents still have priority today .

State Real Estate Cadastre Act

GKN: principles of reference

Work on the registration of immovable objects is carried out according to a single technology throughout the country. This is due to the large area of ​​the state and the presence of a large number of regions.

One of the most important principles of maintaining SCN is the comparability of registry data with information contained in other official information databases.

Equally important is the principle of updating information. The registry is being improved taking into account the constantly changing needs of the population for information support.

Accessibility is another principle of maintaining GKN. The provision of information from the registry, with the exception of those that constitute a secret protected by law, is carried out at the request of the person concerned. In this case, the response to the request can be sent both in electronic and in paper form. The MFC network is actively operating in the Russian Federation, which allows to quickly obtain all the necessary data.

Authorized body

Rosreestr is the federal executive body responsible for the cadastre, accounting of immovable objects and providing information to interested parties. The duties of this body, among other things, include state registration of real estate, transactions with it, resolving issues in the field of cartography, geodesy, etc.

provision of information to the State Committee

Registry structure

The state real estate cadastre has 3 sections:

  1. Objects
  2. Cards.
  3. Affairs.

The register of immovable objects is a systematic collection of property data.

The section of cadastral affairs contains information about the documents on the basis of which information was entered into the State Property Committee.

Cadastral maps are intended for reproducing in text and graphic forms information about immovable objects, the borders of the Russian Federation (internal and external), zones, cadastral division of the country. They also indicate the location of the reference geodetic networks.

Composition of registry information

The state real estate cadastre contains a fairly large amount of information about each registered object. Unique characteristics and additional data are provided. The first include, for example:

  1. Type of object - a piece of land, a structure, an object under construction , a room.
  2. Cadastral number and date of entry in the register.
  3. Description of the location of the borders.

If the premises are the objects of registration, the number of the structure / building in which it is located, the floor (if any), and a description of the location are included in the register. Without fail, the area of ​​the object is indicated in the cadastre.

land plots

Cadastral number

It is a unique set of numbers. A number is assigned to each registered object. For this, the country's territory is divided into cadastral quarters, regions and districts.

Additional information about the object

Including information on:

  • Previously assigned number (cadastral, conditional, inventory).
  • The address.
  • The owners. The registry, in particular, contains data on the postal and electronic address of the owner.
  • Property rights to the object.
  • Restrictions / burdens.
  • Cadastral value, the engineer (or organization) that carried out the cadastral work.

Of particular practical importance is information on the category of land and the permitted use of the site. If the object is the allotment on which the structure or building is located, their cadastral numbers are also indicated in the register. If the house (structure) is taken into account, the cadastre provides information on its number of storeys, purpose, material from which the external walls are made.

documents of the State Committee
For incomplete objects, the degree of their readiness (in%) and the intended purpose are indicated. In addition, the cadastre provides the main characteristics of such objects. This can be the depth, length, volume, height, area, and also indicate the cadastral number of the allotment, within which it is located.

Openness of information

Most of the information of the state cadastre is available to any interested subject. As mentioned above, you can obtain the necessary information by contacting the Rosreestr or the MFC with a request. The application can be sent electronically or filed on paper.

The requested information is provided in the form of:

  • Copies of the document in accordance with which information was entered into the state cadastre.
  • Extracts.
  • Passports of the object.
  • Plan of the territory.
  • Information on the cadastral price of the object.

The statement contains only the information requested by the applicant.

The cadastral passport contains unique characteristics of the object, as well as (if necessary) and other information.

A plan is a diagram of a quarter or a certain section within its borders.

entering information into the SCN

The content of the cadastral value certificate

The document contains the following information:

  • Name of the authority issuing the certificate.
  • Dates of providing and determining the value of the object.
  • Cadastral number of real estate (if it is registered in the state cadastre).
  • Address of the object.
  • Cost on the date of issue of the certificate. In the absence of a dash.

The main difference between a certificate and a passport is the appointment of documents. Cadastral certificate is a fact-finding paper. The passport, in turn, is a longer document. It is possible to make a deal with real estate without a certificate, but without a passport - no.

Subjects of law

Who can send a request for information about the cadastral value of an object? This right may be exercised by any interested person. It does not matter if it is the owner or a stranger.

As a rule, a certificate is requested before making a real estate transaction.

Grounds for obtaining information on the value of the object

The request may be sent in connection with:

  • By making a deal.
  • The need to pay property tax.
  • Losses of documents for an immovable object.
  • Start of construction on the site, redevelopment of the structure.

The issue of a cadastral value certificate is free of charge.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7544/

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