Mashed potatoes "Diaper": reviews of parents and doctors

Baby food is an important factor in the proper development of crumbs. But before giving the child adult food, you have to worry about complementary foods. Usually they are mashed potatoes of various types. Previously, feeding a newborn brought a lot of problems. But the "Diaper" puree came to the rescue. Everyone willingly leaves feedback on this product. That is why, before buying a "Cad", parents are interested in the opinions of doctors and buyers about it. Should I pay attention to these products? What are its advantages and disadvantages?

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Convenience and simplicity

Parents claim that with the advent of puree "Diaper" the introduction of complementary foods has ceased to bring a lot of inconvenience. Before buying the goods, you had to grind vegetables and fruits yourself in order to give your child a try. And now this is not a problem! Any vegetable or fruit can be removed from a jar. In other words, "Diaper" is a real gift for those who want to accustom the child to various products, but do not want to spend a lot of time preparing mashed potatoes. If the baby did not eat all at once, you can easily close the jar and leave it for the future. These are the benefits of mashed diapers. Every parent is able to leave a review of it! Therefore, look at the opinions of buyers. They are unlikely to cheat.

Variety of choices

The next point that parents pay attention to is the variety of goods. Mashed potatoes "Diaper" offers many different tastes of its products. And not necessarily we are talking about seasonal fruits and vegetables! This means that at any time of the year you can give your baby a variety of delicious and natural purees as a complementary food. Doctors point out that such nutrition is extremely useful in the winter. After all, only a small number of products retain their properties after prolonged storage in a warehouse or after freezing. At the same time, all useful substances remain in the “Diaper” puree. Parents' feedback on the product indicates that it is made from natural and fresh ingredients.

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Moreover, the choice of products is almost unlimited. You can find mashed potatoes from:

  • zucchini;
  • apples
  • broccoli;
  • cauliflower;
  • pears;
  • peaches;
  • prunes
  • carrots and apples;
  • mango;
  • apples and cottage cheese;
  • bananas and raspberries.

This is not the whole list of tastes that "Diaper" offers. As you can see, it’s extremely difficult to cook some of them yourself for feeding. Therefore, doctors recommend this puree as the first so-called adult food. So you can provide your baby a variety of dishes at any time of the year.

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Natural composition

Another point that you need to pay attention to is the composition of the product. He pleases both parents and doctors. Baby food today contains a lot of chemistry and various additives. This product does not have anything similar. After all, this puree consists of 100% natural ingredients. Almost always, it contains only fruits or vegetables. In some cases, the addition of water and sugar can be detected. But in reasonable quantities. 100% natural lure is the key to the health and proper development of your child. Parents and doctors are satisfied that it is now possible to feed their children a purchase of puree, which consists entirely of fruits, vegetables and even berries.

Against allergies

That's not all! Often, other positive aspects of the “Diaper” mashed potatoes are emphasized. Reviews of products left by parents suggest that this complementary foods does not cause allergies in babies. That is, it can be given to children without fear.

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But doctors can argue with this statement. After all, any food, even the most natural, can cause allergies in children. And mashed potatoes are no exception. Yes, there is no chemistry in the composition. Nevertheless, this does not exclude the possibility of a negative reaction to complementary foods. Therefore, it is not necessary to state with accuracy that "Diaper" is a hypoallergenic agent. And you should not believe such reviews either. Yes, a completely natural composition reduces the risk of allergic reactions, but does not exclude them.

Availability year-round

There are some more features for which the “Diaper” puree (zucchini) gets positive reviews. And not only this product, but, in general, the entire series of products. If you look at the opinions of parents, you can see that they agree on one thing - you need to buy mashed potatoes when you simply do not have time to cook yourself. Or in the shops there is no one or another vegetable / fruit. It turns out that with baby food all year round the child can be given non-seasonal foods. Even if something is not in the store, the baby can still savor the delicacy. And this will help puree "Diaper". So worry about the scarcity of complementary foods is clearly not worth it.

Taste and quality

The taste qualities of a dish are very important for children. Especially during the introduction of complementary foods. After all, if the baby does not like something, he is unlikely to try it for the second time.

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Parents point out that their children are happy to eat mashed potatoes "Splenok". Yes, sometimes you have to choose the taste that your child will like best. But this does not mean the poor quality of the rest of the product line. It is indicated that even the "Diaper" puree - broccoli - receives positive reviews. In the future, the child will not be disgusted with this vegetable. In addition, if the baby likes food, he asks for it again and again. This helps to provide the child with the necessary amount of nutrients for proper growth and development. Parents often say that even "little ones" began to eat in full.


An important role for parents is the price of food. Usually any baby products are expensive. But this cannot be said about the "Diaper" puree. Its cost, often depends on the volume of packaging, as well as on the taste you choose. The more unusual it is, the more expensive the purchase will cost. But on average, a jar of mashed potatoes costs about 45-50 rubles. There are more expensive tastes, and cheaper. But as a kind of reference point is indicated precisely this cost.

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As practice shows, most similar mashed potatoes are several times more expensive. Given the fact that many children like "Diaper", you can not overpay for the first children's feeding.

On the amateur

But not everything is as good as it seems. The thing is that children are completely different. And everyone has their own preferences. Therefore, the diverse tastes of baby purees receive mixed reviews from parents. You can’t say exactly what kind of product your baby will like. So, for example, mashed potatoes - cauliflower ("Diaper") - not the best reviews earn. Parents indicate an incomprehensible, unpleasant taste. The smell also seems to many not the most attractive. And someone, on the contrary, indicates that such complementary foods are best suited for a child.

Therefore, one cannot believe only good or bad opinions. Any baby food has its pros and cons. Doctors also often point out that not all "Diapers" like it. But you can try to introduce this puree as a complementary food. Just try to get a few different flavors, and then give them to your child.

For different ages

There is another small feature emphasized by both doctors and parents. They argue that “Diaper” puree is often used as the first lure. Reviews of most young mothers indicate that it has a delicate texture. Unfortunately, after some time you have to give up the first feeding. A grown child’s body needs more nutrients. And in the first feeding it is usually not enough for older babies.

But the “Diaper” mashed potatoes, apple-cottage cheese received positive reviews in the field of application as baby food for a long time. That is, it is suitable for those kids who are already six months old. There is also a product from 4 months of age. It turns out that "Cad" is a universal baby puree. It is suitable for very young and older children. It will not be necessary to look for a new manufacturer of baby food over time!

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A drop of negativity

These are the reviews received by the "Diaper" puree. Pear, apple or zucchini - it doesn’t matter. The vast majority of the first complementary foods of this production are in great demand. But there are also negative sides to this product. For example, it is not sold everywhere. Some parents say so. And some tastes, especially for babies from six months, are generally almost impossible to find. It is also emphasized that some varieties of mashed potatoes are either too thin or unnaturally thick. Users sometimes indicate suspected starch in the product.

These are the reviews received by the "Diaper" puree. With or without sugar. According to the opinions of young mothers, at the moment mashed potatoes are ideal for the first feeding. It is recommended for parents who do not want to overpay. However, when allergic reactions occur, it is recommended to stop feeding the baby with this mash.


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