What are shoe dryers?

In the spring, autumn and winter, everyone is faced with the problem of wet shoes. It is unpleasant and dangerous. This means that a shoe dryer should appear in any home. There are many offers on the market, but out of all the variety you need to make your choice. The most relevant options are UV shoe drying and electric.

for shoes drying

How to choose an electrical device?

This is the easiest way to dry your shoes. Outwardly, these are two small designs with cords and a socket. Such electrical appliances are placed in each boot, and drying begins. They are created in the form of various animals, and a heating element is located inside. Most often, the base is metal. But modern models are made of plastic. It takes at least five hours for a shoe dryer to do its job.

In addition, there are designs that blow warm air. Basically, they work autonomously, which is more convenient to use. As a rule, this is a pipe on which shoes are put on and air preheated to 50-60 degrees is supplied. It turns out that an electric shoe dryer with this principle of action copes with the task faster.

for shoes drying photo

What to look for when choosing?

So that the device does not disappoint after the purchase, you need to follow simple rules:

  • The first is external data. It is better to give preference to reliable material. On the case there should not be any cracks, spots of glue and other.
  • It is better to choose a shoe dryer with a ceramic heater. After all, such a device is more reliable and will last quite a long time.
  • The operating temperature of a shoe dryer is a key indicator. After all, if it is excessively high, then you can spoil the shoes. And low - will not lead to the desired result. Therefore, this factor will have to pay special attention.
    shoe dryer

What you need to know about an UV shoe dryer?

It is not always possible to remove moisture from the shoe when placed on the battery. So special dryers come to the rescue. One such option is a device with an ultraviolet effect. In addition to the main quality impact, it fights bacteria and germs. Any smell will leave the shoes after drying. Devices can be in the form of lamps and simple inserts.

Since the shoe dryer works autonomously, it can be used not only at home, but also on travel, at work, etc. The process itself takes place automatically. After about 10 minutes, it turns off, while completely destroying everything unnecessary and harmful to the legs. At the same time, moisture is absorbed completely without harming the material of the shoe. So the device is suitable even for expensive models. In addition, such a lamp is completely safe for the human body.

UV drying


The most popular on sale are ultraviolet liners, which in shape resemble a foot. In a couple of hours they completely remove moisture. In this case, there is ultraviolet radiation (under a temperature of 60-70 degrees). As a result, all bacteria are destroyed. In order to accomplish all this, a large amount of energy is not required. The temperature is as balanced as possible. If there is a protective case, no misunderstandings will occur.

The application process itself will not cause difficulties. It is necessary to place each part of the device inside the shoe. After that, turn on the device. Once 5 hours have passed, you can turn off the device. But even if a person forgets to do this, nothing happens. There is one point: UV drying for shoes is expensive. But as practice shows, the price always pays off.

Such a device should be in any family. Because there is no more convenient way to dry shoes. An electrical appliance will help in the off-season to take care of products and maintain them in excellent condition. When a person spends a lot of time on his feet, he simply needs such a dryer.

UV shoe dryer

What else do you need to know about the device?

It’s easy to buy an electric or ultraviolet shoe dryer. After all, they are in many stores. Especially such a purchase will be relevant for people living in places with a cold or humid climate. Today they can be of any shape and with different temperature indicators. Therefore, before buying, you need to understand for what purposes it is purchased, how many products will be processed.

It is believed that the drying shoe for electric or any other can be used for other purposes. Some owners use this device for animals. They place the appliance in a bed or pet house. If the device is in the on state for several hours, it completely eliminates unpleasant odors.

It is clear that electric shoe drying is beneficial to any person, but everyone decides which one to choose. Ultraviolet performs several basic tasks at once, which is a great advantage for her. And the cost will be justified after several applications.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7547/

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