What to bring from Vietnam: tips for shopaholics from Russia

Russian tourists, having long mastered Egypt and Turkey, began to penetrate further and further in search of adventure and relaxation. Exotic countries, including Vietnam, are gradually being mastered. It is much cheaper than the promoted Thailand, and at the same time offers good products of light industry, handicrafts. What to bring from Vietnam, our article will tell.

What to bring from Vietnam
Naturally, souvenirs in memory of this wonderful country. It’s best to buy them not in stores where the guide takes you (he receives a certain percentage of sales, which is calculated from your own pocket), but in the market. One visit to such a colorful oriental open-air bazaar is an unforgettable tour. But unlike the museum, you can buy the most liked exhibits here. Prices in Vietnam in 2013 pleased Russian tourists. Everything is so cheap that it simply cannot be believed: a handmade painting on silk costs from three hundred to one and a half thousand rubles (the cost depends on the size of the canvas).

If you consider the vulgar tastelessness of fridge magnets ($ 0.4) and painted ceramic plates ($ 2-3), you can opt for something exotic and original. What to bring from Vietnam that which is not in other countries of the world? Of course, national cone-shaped hats. True, they are voluminous, poorly fit in luggage, so you have to enter the plane directly into them.

What to bring from Vietnam photo
In Southeast Asia, snake tincture is considered a panacea for all ailments, as well as a powerful aphrodisiac. Therefore, such bottles are sold not only in markets, in souvenir shops and stores, but also in pharmacies. In addition to snakes, local residents spirits of different insects, lizards, toads and even birds. The price ranges from the volume of the bottle, the animal enclosed in it, the alcohol strength. In general, such a souvenir will cost you from 65 to a thousand rubles. In the assortment of such alcoholic products it is just right to get confused, and if you have not yet decided what to bring from Vietnam, then it is better to stop at the so-called "Cobra with Scorpio". In this pot-bellied half-liter bottle, a snake is enclosed holding in its mouth a black poisonous beetle. The strength of this drink sold in pharmacies is 45 degrees.

Getting to the grocery market, tourists simply freeze with delight. Mountains of fruits that fellow countrymen not only did not see in their eyes, but did not hear such names, are towered by pyramids on the shelves. I would like to please my relatives with mangostins, longans, the dragon's eye ... What to bring from Vietnam? The photo of the market where you bought the fruit is first. And secondly, what is easy to transport. Haggle, as sellers often overcharge their product for Europeans. Do it politely but persistently. Then, perhaps, you will be able to buy a kilo of durian for 87, mango for 60, and coconuts with tangerines for 50 rubles.

Prices in Vietnam 2013
What should knowledgeable people bring to Vietnam from their wife or girlfriend? Of course, pearls or sapphires. But if the first ones are cheap (since the whole country is covered by a network of oyster farms), then precious stones need to be bought only in licensed jewelry stores. The same goes for gold. The cheapest pearls are where they are grown. It is of the highest quality in Mui Ne, on the coast of the Chinese Sea. You can also not be afraid to buy silver in ordinary shops - in Vietnam the lowest prices in the world for this metal. You can get a pair of jewelry with inserts of pearl or ivory, as well as dishes. Clothing and shoes of good quality will cost you four times cheaper than in Russia.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7548/

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