Herzen, "Past and Thoughts": a summary of the chapters. Past and Thoughts: Characters

The book of Alexander Ivanovich "The Past and Thoughts", a brief summary of which we will consider, was published in 1868. It begins with the stories of the author's nanny about how the Herzen family wandered around Moscow, occupied by the French in 1812. Alexander Ivanovich himself was then still a little boy. The work ends with the events of 1865-1868, Herzen's impressions of a trip to Europe.

Actually, it is impossible to call memories in the full sense of the word "Past and Thoughts". The summary of the work does not give a complete picture of the structure of the narrative, therefore, we first note that only in the first five parts (a total of 8) do we find a consistent presentation of events. Further, after the author moved to London in 1852, a series of journalistic articles, essays, though arranged in chronological order, follow. It must be said that some chapters of the work were first published as independent things (Robert Owen, Western Arabesques). Herzen compared his creation with a constantly being built house with a combination of outbuildings, superstructures and extensions.

First part

past and thoughts summary part 1 chapter 3

"Children's and University" - this is the name of the first part of the work "Past and Thoughts". A summary of its following. It tells about the time from 1812 to 1834. The first part of the work describes mainly Herzen’s life in his father’s house. It was a smart hypochondriac. He seems to his son (as, by the way, both his uncle and friends of his father’s youth) to be a typical product of the 18th century.

A great impact on the imagination of the child had the events that occurred on December 14, 1825. In 1827, Herzen met N. Ogarev, his distant relative. This is the future poet, with whom Herzen will later lead the Russian printing house in London. Both boys are fond of Schiller. They look at their friendship as an alliance of two political conspirators. Once, on the Sparrow Hills, they swear to sacrifice their lives for freedom.

past and thoughts summary

Herzen continues to preach radical views on politics and growing up when he becomes a student at Moscow University (physical and mathematical department).

Note that the events after the death of Alexander I are told by the author of the work “Past and Thoughts”. Summary (part 1, chapter 3) cannot dwell on this in detail. However, we note that, as the author writes, political persecution during the reign of Alexander was rare. However, Nikolai who replaced him was hated for petty pedantry, cold cruelty, vindictiveness. Arrests began. The wives of those who were exiled to hard labor were deprived of civil rights. They had to abandon all their wealth and go to Eastern Siberia, under the supervision of the local police. All this is noted by Herzen in the work "Past and Thoughts." The summary (part 1, chapter 3 has just been presented) continues with the events of the second part.

Second part

It is called Prison and Link, which describes the years from 1834 to 1838. Ogarev (his photo is presented below), Herzen and other members of the university circle are accused of insulting his Majesty. In a fabricated case, they are arrested and exiled.

herzen past and thoughts summary

Life in prison is described in detail by the author of The Past and Thoughts. The summary (chapter 3 of this part gives an idea of ​​prison life) continues with the fact that Herzen serves in Vyatka, in the office of the local provincial government. He is in charge of the statistical department. The chapters of the work have collected a lot of sad and anecdotal cases on the topic of managing the province. In the same part, A. L. Vitberg is described. Herzen met him in exile. Herzen in 1838 was transferred to Vladimir. In this city there are further events of the work, which is devoted to this summary. "The Past and Thoughts," part 1 and part 2 of which we have already described, continues with the events of 1838-39. At this time, Herzen met his beloved. The following part is devoted to the development of relations with her.

The third part

“Vladimir-on-Klyazma” is the third part of the work “The Past and Thoughts”. A brief summary of it introduces us to the author’s love story with Natalia Alexandrovna Zakharyina, who was the unlawful daughter of his uncle and was brought up by an evil and half-mad aunt. But not only Herzen introduces us to her. For example, the chapter “In Moscow Without Me” refers to the work “The Past and the Thoughts” (chapter 4). We will not give a summary of it, since this time has already been described in the second part. We turn to the description of the author’s relationship with Zakharyina Natalya Alexandrovna.

past and thoughts are very brief

Consent for marriage from relatives do not get lovers from the work "Past and Thoughts." The summary (chapter 3 of this part is called "Separation") ends with the departure from Vyatka. Herzen (his portrait is presented above) came to Moscow in 1838, although entry was forbidden to him. He takes away his bride and marries her secretly. This concludes the third part of Herzen ("Past and Thoughts"). A summary of further developments following is presented below.

Fourth part

The period from 1840 to 1847 is described in the part "Moscow, Petersburg and Novgorod". It tells about the intellectual atmosphere of Moscow at that time. Ogarev and Herzen, who returned from exile, are getting closer to the Hegelians - Stankevich’s circle. Bakunin and Belinsky become their friends. Herzen in the chapter “Not Ours” (about Chaadaev, K. Aksakov, Kireevsky, Khomyakov) talks about what brought Slavophiles and Westerners closer in the 40s . He further explains why Slavophilism should not be confused with official nationalism. Herzen also discusses socialism and the Russian community.

For ideological reasons, in 1846 Herzen and Ogarev moved away from many, especially from Granovsky. A personal quarrel occurs between the author and Granovsky due to the fact that one did not recognize, and the other recognized the immortality of the soul. After that, he decides to leave the country of Herzen. The Past and Thoughts, a brief summary of which we describe, is a large-scale work. Therefore, we can talk about it only in general terms.

past and thoughts summaries chapter 3

Fifth part

It describes the years from 1847 to 1852. The author talks about the first years that he spent in Europe. Herzen talks about the first day in the French capital, about the impressions of Paris. He discusses "Young Italy", the Roman national liberation movement, the revolution in France in February 1848, and others.

Describing the summary of the story "Past and Thoughts", we note that the consistent presentation of events in this part is interrupted by articles and essays by Herzen. The author speaks in an interlude entitled "Western Arabesques" about the death of Western civilization, so dear to the Russian liberal or socialist. The bourgeoisie that has taken over everything with a cult of material well-being is ruining Europe. This topic can be called the leitmotif of the whole work. Herzen sees the only way out in building a social state.

The author in the chapters on Proudhon talks about the impressions of getting to know him, notes the unexpected gentleness of this person in communication. He also speaks of Proudhon's book On Justice in the Church and in Revolution. Herzen cannot agree with the author of this work, because he sacrifices a human person to a just state. Herzen constantly argues with similar state models, bringing such revolutionaries closer to Arakcheev (for example, in the sixth part, in the chapter "Robert Owen").

Herzen does not like and attitude to the woman Proudhon - possessive. He believes that the author of the book judges such painful and complex things as jealousy and treason, too primitive.

Drama in the life of Herzen

The fifth part ends with the story of the Herzen family, the last years of the life of Natalia Alexandrovna. The accession of Napoleon III, and then the daughter’s severe illness greatly affected this woman, who is prone to depression. She enters into close relations with the famous German socialist and poet Herweg. This man was at that time Herzen's closest friend. The woman was touched by Herweg complaints of loneliness, that no one understands him. Natalia continues to love her husband. She is tormented by the current situation and, finally, having understood the necessity of choice, the woman explains herself to Herzen. He is ready to get a divorce, if Natalya Alexandrovna wants this. However, she breaks with Herweg and remains with her husband.

The Herzens spend some time after reconciliation in Italy. In a shipwreck in 1851, the author’s mother and his little son Kolya die. Herweg does not want to accept defeat. He pursues seven complaints, threatens to kill the Herzen or to commit suicide. In the end, he notifies common friends about what happened. Friends stand up for Herzen. Next come unpleasant scenes with assault, recalling old debts, publications in periodicals. Natalya Alexandrovna is not able to bear all this. After another birth, probably from consumption, she dies in 1852.

The fifth part ends with essays on Russian emigrants presented in the Russian Shadows section. Herzen at that time talked a lot with them. His university friend NI Sazonov, who wandered around Europe, is a type of Russian man who in vain destroyed the "abyss of forces" in himself, which was not in demand in his native country. Remembering his peers, the author here demands “justice” and “recognition” for these people who sacrificed because of their beliefs everything that traditional life could offer them. For Herzen, A. V. Engelson is a representative of a generation of Petrashevists with a “painful break” characteristic of him, “immense pride”, which developed under the influence of “small” and “crappy” people who made up the majority at that time.

Sixth part

It is called "England", it describes the years from 1852 to 1864. Herzen after the death of his wife moved to England. Herweg made his family drama public, and the author needed the European Democratic Court to acknowledge his innocence. However, Herzen found reassurance not in this court, but in his work. He began to write "Past and Thoughts", and also took up the device of a Russian printing house.

summary of the work of the past and thoughts

Herzen (his portrait is presented above) notes that the loneliness of London life had a beneficial effect on him. England of that time was filled with emigrants, which are mainly mentioned in the sixth part. It was a motley audience: from the leaders of the national liberation and socialist movement of Europe, with whom the author was familiar, to spies and criminals who, under the guise of political exiles, are asking for a allowance.

Herzen, convinced that a national character exists, devotes some essays to emigration of various nationalities ("Germans in exile", "Polish immigrants", etc.). The chapter "Germans in exile", in particular, gives an assessment of Marx and his supporters - "sulfur gang." The author considers these people dishonorable, for the sake of destroying their political rivals ready for anything. Herzen is curious to observe how national characters manifest themselves in a clash with each other. For example, the chapter “Two trials” provides a humorous description of the consideration in the English court of the case of French duelists.

Seventh part

This part of the work is devoted to Russian emigration. In particular, individual essays about V. Pecherin and M. Bakunin, about the history of the "Bell" and the free Russian printing house are presented. The author begins by describing how some colonel unexpectedly paid a visit to him. Apparently, he was an ignorant person and not at all liberal. However, he considered it his duty to come to Herzen as a boss. The first chapter, Apogee and Perigee, tells about the enormous influence and popularity of the Bell in Russia that comes after the Moscow fires. It is also said that the author decided to print support the Poles in 1862, during their uprising.

Eighth part

A summary of the work "Past and Thoughts" goes on to describe the 8th part. It presents the period from 1865 to 1868. It has no name, no common theme. It is no coincidence that the first chapter of this part is called “Without Communication”. Herzen describes the impressions that various countries of Europe made on him in the late 60s. At the same time, the author still sees Europe as the kingdom of the dead. He speaks of this, in particular, in the chapter on Venice and on the "prophets" denouncing imperial France. The chapter "From the Other World" of the 6th part is devoted to old people who were once famous and successful people. Herzen believes that Switzerland is the only place in Europe suitable for living.

"Old letters"

"Old Letters" complete the work "Past and Thoughts", a brief summary of the chapters of which is described in this article. These are the texts of letters to the author from Belinsky, N. Polevoy, Chaadayev, Granovsky, Carlyle, Proudhon. Herzen in the preface to them contrasts their book. The past in letters does not crush with all its strength, which cannot be said about the book. Their easy ease, their casual content, the everyday worries of letters bring us closer to the authors.

past and thoughts chapters summary

Of course, within the framework of one article it is impossible to describe in detail the work "The Past and Thoughts". A very brief summary is only suitable for the first acquaintance with him. This work is worth studying, as it gives a visual representation of the era. The Past and Thoughts, a summary of chapter 1 of which begins in 1812, and ends in 1868, covers time rich in historical events.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7550/

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