Children's snowboats: reviews. Winter shoes for children

When choosing winter shoes for babies, such parameters as reliability and practicality are primarily taken into account. In boots, the baby's legs should always remain dry and warm. Model design also plays an important role. After all, they follow fashion trends from an early age, both girls and boys. Popular today are children's snowboats. Reviews about these shoes can be heard the most diverse.

What are snowboats?

In recent years, the domestic winter does not please with a lot of snow and severe frosts. Precipitation, as a rule, is replaced by warm sun and positive temperature. As a result, the snow melts, and "porridge" forms under the feet. In such weather, you will not be able to walk in classic boots made of leather. But winter snowboats will be simply irreplaceable. This is a hybrid of rubber boots and boots. In such shoes you can have a great time on frosty and rainy days.

baby snowboats reviews
Today, snow boots are offered by many manufacturers of children's shoes. Models differ in design and color scheme. Such shoes are incredibly practical and comfortable. It is no coincidence that today every mother wants to buy it for her baby. Great snowboots are also offered for adults. Some brands produce a line of large-sized shoes.

Benefits of Winter Snowboots

Most manufacturers make the upper part of boots from natural materials, impregnated with a moisture-fighting compound. Thanks to this, the baby’s leg always “breathes”. Along with this, moisture does not get through the boots. The child is not afraid of puddles and wet snow. Shoes are usually insulated with natural sheepskin. This makes it possible to use snow boots even in the most severe frosts. Dutiks look very stylish with a down jacket. A beautiful model can be easily selected for a children's jacket in color.

Many models of boots have a rubberized bottom. This is an additional protection against moisture. The sole has a ribbed structure. Even in the most severe ice, the baby can run for a walk without fear of slipping. The legs in such shoes never sweat thanks to the "breathing" upper layer. A healthy microclimate is created inside the snowboats. Shoes of such a plan can be worn both at a plus temperature (from +5 degrees) and in frost (up to -15 degrees).

Are there any flaws?

Like any other types of shoes, snowboards for children have their drawbacks. First of all, this is the design of models. The boots look very stylish and fit perfectly under a down jacket or a sports jacket. But such a shoe will not fit the classic style. You can put on dutiks under school uniforms or jeans, but they look pretty rough. Therefore, it is not worth buying snow boots as the only option for winter shoes for a child . There must be classic replacement boots.

Due to the fact that snowboots for children are made from natural, environmentally friendly materials, their cost is quite high. This is another significant minus. If the store manages to meet inexpensive dutiks, you should not buy them. These boots only look like high-quality snow boots. Faking can be completely impractical. Shoes made from synthetic materials will not be able to warm the baby’s leg. Cheap dutiks have a slippery and non-ductile sole. Walking in them is not only uncomfortable, but also unsafe.

snow boots demar
Many manufacturers today offer children's snow boots. Reviews of some companies will be presented below. So study and decide.

Snow Boots Demar

The Polish company Demar produces children's shoes for winter colds and bad weather. A wide range of snowboots is presented for children who are just starting to walk, and up to 7 years old. There are models for more adult consumers. However, they are less popular. The company offers bright winter boots that are perfect for both boys and girls. Shoes are presented in various colors. Each mom will be able to choose a model without any problems to taste. The most popular are blue and pink models.

snowboots zebra
Reviews about boots can be heard the most diverse. Some mothers claim that Demar snow boots are very practical and easy to use. Baby feet are always dry and warm. Other mothers note that it’s not very convenient for the children to walk in the boots of this manufacturer. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the model was incorrectly selected. It is worth noting that the snowboots of this manufacturer are perfect for kids with a large leg lift. Velcro and lace models are presented.

Boots "Kotofey"

This manufacturer specializes in the manufacture of children's boots. However, relatively recently, a line of dutiks was also launched. Like boots, Kotofey snow boots are of high quality. The production uses only natural, hypoallergenic materials. A feature of the shoe is a flexible sole. Kids in these shoes are comfortable running and jumping. Parents claim that the legs of the babies remain dry and warm after a long walk.

snowballs kotofey

The company "Kotofey" offers a large lineup. A suitable option for your child will be able to choose any mother. However, buying boots without first trying is not worth it. Kotofey snowboats are more suitable for kids with a low leg lift. Most models have a lock on the side or simply drawstring on top.

Kapika Snowboots

This is a domestic brand that in a short time managed to gain the trust of many parents. The company produces children's shoes for any weather. There is also a line of snowboots. In the manufacture of winter boots, only natural materials are used. The top of the shoe is additionally saturated with a moisture repellent. Models are warmed by a natural sheepskin. Such children's snowboots perfectly keep heat. Parents' reviews show that the legs of the kids after a walk always remain dry and warm.

snow boots for children
A significant drawback is the narrow range. Dutiks in red and blue colors are popular. The main direction is shoes for children under 8 years old. Parents of older children will have to pay attention to the proposals of other manufacturers. Snowboots for a boy or girl can be found in almost every specialized store. The manufacturer also has its own website where you can order boots in real time.

Winter shoes "Zebra"

Fine children's boots for a cold season are let out by Zebra firm. The manufacturer offers a wide range for boys and girls. Snowboots "Zebra" are insulated with natural sheepskin. However, the outer material is synthetic. The boots have a flexible sole and do not slip at all in ice. A distinctive feature of the models is reflective tape. This item is sewn onto the back of the shoe.

Snowboots "Zebra" can also be made in the demi-season version. These boots are insulated with fleece and can be used at temperatures from +15 to 0 degrees Celsius. Demi-season models are less popular, so you can rarely find them in stores. Parents prefer to buy winter snow boots right away. The price of Zebra boots is relatively low. A bright model can be purchased for just 800 rubles.

Winter daggers Crocs

The manufacturer makes models for different seasons. Crocs summer sandals are very popular. However, the dutiks of this company have a huge number of advantages. Boots are made in various colors. A beautiful model can be selected for both boys and girls. The top of the shoe is made of raincoat fabric, the fleece is insulated. There is an additional layer of synthetic winterizer.

winter snow boots
Very practical are such children's snowboots. Parents' reviews show that boots can be used without problems for several seasons in a row. At the same time, they practically do not lose their aesthetic appearance. Dutiks are very light and comfortable. Kids in them run perfectly and are not afraid to slip. Models of this manufacturer do not have fasteners and Velcro. The boots are only tightened with a lace on top. This option of shoes without problems will be able to wear even a one-year-old child.

How to choose winter snow boots?

A dimensional grid is the first thing you should pay attention to when choosing children's shoes for the winter. It should be borne in mind that kids grow up quickly. In the cold season, you will additionally have to wear a warm sock. Therefore, it is worth acquiring boots, the insole size of which is 5 mm larger than the baby's foot. Choosing snow boots, it is worth giving preference to brands that have managed to establish themselves in the market on the positive side. The above firms will be an excellent choice. It is better to buy shoes in specialized stores. Unfortunately, in the spontaneous markets you can find many fakes.

snow boots dimensional grid
Snow boots are primarily shoes for active winter walks. This option is not suitable for kids who still do not know how to sit. For babies it is better to buy special booties on a sheepskin. But for the first steps, such boots are perfect. Preference should be given to models with a stiff heel and a flexible sole. Snowboots will reliably protect the legs during the first hiking in winter.

Adult Snowboots

Young mothers also have to spend a lot of time outdoors in the winter. This is especially true for those who have kids sleeping for a long time in a stroller in the fresh air. Good snowboots will also help protect your legs. Large sizes for moms and dads are offered by manufacturers such as Crocs, Demar and Zebra. As in the case of children's boots, preference should be given to trusted manufacturers.

Adult snowboats are not always found in stores. However, in branded online stores, quality models can be purchased without problems.


Snow boots are a great option for shoes for winter weather. Neither wet snow nor icy are scary for such boots. However, schoolchildren should additionally purchase classic winter shoes made of genuine leather or suede.

It is worth remembering that high-quality snowboots will not be cheap. Their production uses high-quality natural materials. If the boots cost less than 500 rubles, this is most likely a fake.


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