Vacuum caps and pump VAKS: reviews (photos)

From year to year, the popularity of canning vegetables, fruits and other products in a vacuum way is growing in Russia. A little earlier, eating for the winter was closed with an ordinary seaming machine. But this method was too troublesome, and the number of damaged cans sometimes exceeded 30-40%.

vacuum caps and vax pump reviews

If you tried to use vacuum caps for preservation with a VAKS pump for preservation of sauerkraut, pickled or fresh products, then you will surely be convinced that this is more practical, economical and convenient.

Innovative system

Many housewives and lovers of preparing meat, vegetable or fruit stocks for the winter have left in the past a laborious and rather complicated process of rolling semi-finished products with metal lids. Thanks to sensible domestic developments, the VAKS (vacuum preservation system: 9 caps, pump) replaced iron keys.

About ten years ago, the Istok Samara enterprise was the first to put on the conveyor this unique system, which gained almost universal popularity. Let’s try to analyze in more detail what vacuum covers and the VAKS pump are: reviews, completeness, advantages and which products can be preserved with this system.

Why is vacuum preservation necessary?

Vacuuming any product allows you to store vegetables, meat, fruits for a long time, and not only in salted or pickled form. The airless environment will easily provide a natural and fresh look for fresh mushrooms, tomatoes, fish or greens, preserving their properties.

Vacuum caps and wax pump photo

The VAKS vacuum system (9 lids, a pump) eliminates the hassle of housewives: there is no need to fill cucumbers, peppers and berries with pickles or some marinades before rolling them all into a glass jar. It is enough just to rinse the products, dry, put in a container and close with a special lid. After the evacuation procedure, no germs and air will remain in the banks. Scientific tests have proved that conservation in airless and microbial space can be perfectly preserved for many months. All that you need for successful procurement of products (except for the products themselves) is the vacuum caps and the VAKS pump.

System description

The miracle machine for homemade food production for the winter has made a real revolution in the field of canning. The Samara system from the Istok enterprise breaks all records for sales in the regions, and culinary forums are full of laudatory articles describing vacuum covers and the VAKS pump. Reviews about the system leave extremely positive, and if there are any disadvantages, then, as a rule, because a person just did not fully read the instructions for use.

vacuum covers and wax pump

What is the reason for such a huge popularity of this device? Let's try to identify the main points due to which the domestic consumer chooses vacuum covers and the VAKS pump.

Owner and expert reviews highlight the following system advantages:

  • Price availability of the kit (cheaper than Western and even Chinese counterparts).
  • High quality materials and the product itself as a whole.
  • There is no need to additionally purchase any plastic containers or other accessories.
  • All components are made of safe for health and high-quality plastic.
  • Universality of the system (any banks are suitable, regardless of volume, including screw ones).
  • Many awards at specialized exhibitions.
  • Reusable vacuum caps and the VAKS pump are durable, wear-resistant and trouble-free.

Using this system, you can easily and relatively quickly prepare conservation for the winter, and not only at home. The device is used in production workshops, and in cottages, and in any other garden or garden conditions.

System Options

The standard vacuum caps and the VAKS pump (photo below) have the following equipment: 9 reusable plastic caps, type , device for pumping air -3 (key), and detailed operating instructions.

VACS Vacuum System 9 Lids Pump

The manual contains a step-by-step guide with photos for the correct use of the system. There is also a convenient table that shows the shelf life of different products after evacuation. Getting confused in the device is very difficult: any housewife can easily figure out what's what after reading the instructions. Vacuum caps and VAKS pump reviews on the quality of packaging and completeness as a whole get only positive, so you can safely order the system from any authorized dealer.

Advantages of the VAKS system over analogues

Let's try to figure out why in an apartment, a private house or a garden house you can not do without this system. Vacuum lids and a pump from the Istok enterprise in Samara, according to reviews, have an impressive list of advantages over an ordinary rolling machine and will compete with Western and Chinese counterparts.

  1. It is relatively easy to preserve the WAX ​​system, and for all stages you do not need to exert great physical effort.
  2. Fast, and most importantly - high-quality preservation of cucumbers, tomatoes, meat, mushrooms and other products both at home and in production conditions.
  3. Reusable lids will exclude additional annual expenses for disposable metal counterparts (one lid is designed for 300 preservation).
  4. The versatility of the system allows the use of cans of different volumes (0.5, 0.7, 1, 2 and 3 liters) in the canning process.
  5. Plastic covers, unlike metal ones, never oxidize or rust, retaining their shape for the entire operational period.
  6. The system does not damage the neck of cans, significantly extending the service life of containers.
  7. Preservation using WAX equipment eliminates explosions, and the products are stored for many months.
  8. The airless storage process allows you to save not only the nutritious, but also the palatability of the products, leaving vitamins and useful minerals intact.
  9. Using a well-thought-out VAKS pump, you can open and close a can of canned food any number of times.

This list of advantages applies only to the standard set of vacuum systems. If you are engaged in canning on a large or even industrial scale, then more expensive models will easily add a few points to the advantages of WAX equipment.

What can be preserved and in what form

The uniqueness of the system and the specificity of the vacuum medium allows you to close the products of different varieties, quality and condition. The wide range of applications of VAX equipment opens up many opportunities for housewives and industrial enterprises.

vacuum caps for canning with a wax pump

You can preserve products in glass containers in the following types:

  • in raw and natural form;
  • pickled;
  • in brine;
  • smoked and half-smoked;
  • in fermented condition;
  • boiled;
  • roast;
  • dried and dry;
  • in a salted state.

The list is quite impressive, so you can recommend VAX to any housewife who dreams of a satisfying and “tasty” winter.

Conservation Products

Let’s list the main products that can be preserved using the VAKS vacuum system without harm to health and the processed foods themselves.

WAX Vacuum Preservation System 9 Lids Pump

The list of products for termination:

  • milk, cheeses and dairy products;
  • vegetables: radishes, tomatoes, onions, squash, cucumbers, zucchini, bitter and bell peppers, beets, carrots, cabbage;
  • stewed fruit, jelly, tomato paste, jam, St. John's wort (horseradish), lecho, jelly;
  • mushrooms: honey mushrooms, chanterelles, boletus, white, butterfish, champignons;
  • flour, oatmeal, semolina, dried fruits and crackers;
  • meat: sausage, chicken, lard, beef, bear meat, pork, goose, venison, ducklings, horse meat;
  • seafood: mackerel, catfish, burbot, sprat, herring, smelt;
  • berry: raspberries, strawberries, berry berries, cherries, blueberries;
  • greens: sorrel, dill, celery, onions, lettuce, garlic, parsley;
  • herbs: coltsfoot, mint, plantain, St. John's wort, sage and other meadow, garden, mountain and forest;
  • fruits: cherry plum, apricot, sweet cherry, apple, pear, grapes.

The list is quite impressive, and therefore the VAKS vacuum preservation system can truly be called universal.

Additional use of equipment

In addition to homemade blanks, the Samara vacuum system is useful in other cases. You can easily close in a glass container second courses, soups, drinks and other products for long trips on intercity transport, in trains or in a personal car.

If there is unbearable heat outside the window, then canned products (fried, boiled or raw) will remain for a much longer time. The same applies to baking, eggs, meat, lard, various smoked meats and drinks. In any case, you will save a lot by not buying third-party food at the railway parking lots or at roadside eateries. And most importantly, exclude the possibility of poisoning with low-quality products, which are sold in huge quantities by unknown traders at various stops.

Daily use

If you take lunch from home to work, then food prudently closed with vacuum equipment is much more convenient and safer to transport. Tightly closed soup will not spill on the bumps or in the morning crush, and opening a plastic lid is much more convenient than nylon.

vacuum caps and vax pump description

Are you going to relax in nature? On hunting, fishing, a picnic or on a long camping trip, meat, fish, vegetables and drinks will not go bad for a long time after evacuation.


The VAKS vacuum canning system is enviable, which is why numerous fakes filled the market. Moreover, cheap and far from good quality consumer goods are produced not only by Chinese, but also Russian craftsmen.

Be careful when purchasing suspiciously cheap equipment. Dealers can go for various tricks like a huge sale or wholesale discounts. Remember that there is no free cheese, and what you buy under the guise of a good vacuum system will crumble after a few hours of operation.


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