Remastered - what does it mean in games? Call of Duty: Remastered

Everything new is well forgotten old! According to this, many old phenomena are returning. At the moment, we rejoice at the advent of the new Spider-Man performed by Tom Holland and the revised Mummy. Forgotten games marked as Remastered are also reborn. What does this term mean? We will answer in detail in this article!

Remastered - what does it mean?

Remastering (reissue) - the release of new versions of obsolete music tracks, films and games. According to the majority, this is always a momentous event. Of course, who would be against the resurrection of the old game? Imagine that your favorite game on the Sega console platform will be remade and released on the Windows operating system. “Fiction,” you say. But such cases exist, because remastered games often go to the computer, the basis of which are the Sega and Dandy consoles. Also an example is David Bowie's track "Star Man", which was remastered for the movie "Martian."

Of course, this phenomenon has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's analyze them!

remastered - what does it mean

Advantages of remastering

A remastered translation from English is "reissue." This is the main advantage - a game or music track takes on a new life. In addition, it allows young people to get acquainted with a piece of bygone times. Teenagers will be more willing to listen to David Bowie if the sound of a music track is edited.

The second advantage is the increased quality of the product. Listening to music with improved sound or enjoying a computer game with maximized graphics is nice, isn't it? Sadly, there are no remastering versions of “Shocking Blue” yet.

remastered translation


The disadvantages are much less than the advantages. The most important minus is the loss of originality. True punks and rockers will be furious if the songs of the famous Civil Defense band are remastered. A similar reaction among fans of retro games, when the project "Streets of Fury", released on "Sega", was republished on computers. Unfortunately, the originality of this game was killed; it is better to go through the original on a television set-top box. Indeed, for gamers, Streets of Fury should by no means be in the category of Remastered Games.

call of duty remastered

More on Call of Duty

The most commonplace example for this category of games is Call Of Duty Remastered. Reissued this game company "Raven Softvare". The graphics were fixed in everyone’s favorite "cold", some textures, sound and lighting were fixed. Innovations were added: an improved reward system, an increased arsenal of weapons and ammunition. The new version of the game, compared to the old one, is like candy in a shiny wrapper, because it is nice to play it.

More recently, Activizhen announced the release of a new Call Of Duty. The old part of Call Of Duty: Remastered Modern Warfare has also been announced. The developer claims that the graphics will be in the highest quality, as well as the sound. The graphics will become more elaborate, and the most popular maps in multiplayer mode will become much cooler than previous versions. Fans will also enjoy the new Russian voice acting. The guys from Activizhen promised that replicas such as “the engine made a boom” would not be used. Thanks to the announcement from Ativision, the fans realized what Remastered means in Modern Warfare. We hope that playing in the redone part will be as pleasant as in the original one.

skyrim remastered

Unfortunately, to play the reissued version of Modern Warfare, you will have to purchase a new part of the series - Unlimited Game. In the story, the protagonist must perform operations on the planets of the solar system. According to the developers, the game will be realistic, no alien races will be added. But an exciting backstory is expected, telling about the confrontation between the Settled Defense Front and the UN space alliance.

Innovations have also been introduced. Now the player can move in an unusual way, performing flips, high jumps, flips in the air and other tricks. Recall that in the previous installment of Black Ops 3, the protagonist also had the ability to perform parkour-style stunts and move around walls. Since actions take place on planets, spaceships and jetpacks are expected in the game.

remastered games

Now about the Middle Ages

Many people know that in Skyrim the graphics were not worked out in places. If on personal computers this problem can be solved by just using all kinds of patches, then for consolers it is unsolvable. Most recently, Skyrim developers at the E3 exhibition announced a modified version of the game for the Playstation and X-Box consoles. Now, consolers can install mods.

The fourth “Fall Out”, released in 2015, showed that players like various modifications. In addition, playing with them is more interesting and more fun.

Skyrim Remastered will allow us to enjoy improved lighting, sharpness, reflections. Imitation of natural precipitation looks better than in previous versions of the game. Thanks to them, the situation in the game has become more realistic. Also, the graphics of the vegetation are corrected and look livelier.

skyrim remastered

The only thing that has not undergone changes is the original plot and exciting turns of events. It is for these qualities that players all over the world adore this game.


Now you know what Remastered means. Here are a few important points you need to know:

  • Remastered is a reissued version of the game in which graphics, music and voice acting are improved.
  • Translation remastered from English into Russian - "update".
  • Remastering is used in the music and gaming industries. This method allows you to improve the quality of the product.
  • But there is a small flaw. Sometimes in remade games there is no originality. An example is games like Streets of Fury and Sonic on the Japanese console Sega.

You also met with such computer games as Call of Duty and Skyrim. Of course, remastering did not make them worse, but, on the contrary, slightly improved their graphic components.

Games and music help us to relax, having fun. Remastering allows you to exaggerate this pleasure. But do not forget about the legends of the gaming industry, as they contain an indescribable atmosphere of gameplay and no less epic plot. Play games and upgrade skills! Thanks for reading!


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