How to breed cement correctly

Concrete mixtures in the construction of buildings and structures are used everywhere. Without them, it is impossible to build a foundation, brick walls, screed, etc. In connection with this, many owners of suburban areas who want to build a house on their own often have the question: “How to build cement so that the finished structure is strong and durable? "

How to choose a brand of cement

how to breed cement
The brand of cement is selected based on what it is needed for. For example, to perform screed, you can use the material M400. To build the foundation, experts advise taking Portland cement 400-500. However, this option is quite expensive. Therefore, for the construction of the foundation for a small building, you can use a slightly cheaper slag Portland cement (PPC) or pozzolanic (PPC) Portland cement. Such a material is quite durable and at the same time is resistant to aggressive environments in the ground. The difference between it and the usual PC is that it grasps longer.

How to dilute cement for the foundation?

For the foundation, the norms provide for the following proportions.

how to dilute cement for the foundation
Coarse river sand (fraction 0.14-5 mm) * gravel or crushed stone (fraction 5-70 mm) * 400 = 2 * 2 * 1. Not only cement, but other components must be selected correctly. Sand is not difficult to check for suitability. To do this, take a small amount, fill it with water and stir. If after a day the mixture remains cloudy, such material for the construction of the foundation should not be taken. Rubble should be carefully sieved in order to remove too small fractions.

To prepare the concrete mix, it is best to use a concrete mixer. Such a device nowadays is very inexpensive. Meanwhile, it can more than significantly facilitate the work during the construction of various kinds of concrete structures.

how to dilute cement for screed
At the same time, the question of how to build cement quickly and efficiently will not be in front of the owner of the summer cottage.

If a concrete mixer is not available, you can use the old-fashioned method - mix sand, gravel and cement in a strong metal container with a shovel or chopper, then add the required amount of water and mix again. The result should be a composition that does not flow down from a shovel and does not fall apart into pieces. Do not cook too much concrete at a time. Mixing a small amount of components is much more convenient.

How to dilute cement for screed

Preparing a mixture for screed is even easier than for the foundation. The fact is that in this case crushed stone is not used. The proportions of sand * cement M400 are 3 * 1. Previously, a durable metal sheet spreads on the floor. 1/3 of the sand is poured onto it. Next - 1/3 part of the cement, everything is thoroughly mixed. Then, 1/3 of the sand and a third of the cement are poured on top again. Again, everything is thoroughly mixed. Do the same with the remaining parts of both materials.

The question of how to dilute cement with water is not difficult to solve. The resulting dry mixture is raked into a pile and a notch is made from above. A small amount of water is poured into this peculiar “container”. Then part of the dry mixture is mixed with it. Thus make the solution as needed. After the entire mixture has been worked out, prepare a new one.

As you can see, the question of how to build cement is quite simple. If there is a concrete mixer, everything can be done as quickly as possible. In its absence, you should not try to breed a large amount of concrete at once. It is important to mix all components as thoroughly as possible.


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