Vomiting in a newborn after feeding: causes, treatment, prevention

After the birth of the baby, his body adapts to new conditions of life. Various changes occur in the work of organs and systems. Very often, adaptation to new nutritional conditions provokes vomiting in the newborn after feeding. Such a manifestation is not associated with serious disorders in the body, only if it is short-lived and does not apply to the effects of bacteria.

Parents must necessarily learn to distinguish between regurgitation and signs of the disease in order to seek medical help in a timely manner. Vomiting in a newborn after feeding may be due to overfeeding. The second reason is severe pathology of the nervous or digestive system.

What is the difference between vomiting and vomiting

Spitting is a completely normal physiological condition and does not require special treatment. It appears only after feeding. It does not cause any discomfort to the child. The kid behaves as usual.

Vomiting in the baby

Vomiting can be a sign of a serious illness. It appears when overeating, coughing or crying. Vomiting can occur at any time, regardless of the feeding process. Attacks - multiple, repeated several times.

If vomiting continues in the child for a long time, then you must definitely visit a doctor for an examination. The diagnosis of a pediatrician is also important if the baby coughs, suffocates; he was injured in the abdomen or head; pale skin or fever.

Reasons for the appearance

Vomiting in a newborn after feeding can occur for a variety of reasons. This condition is not the norm, therefore, it is necessary to recognize the provoking factor in a timely manner. Experts call the following causes of vomiting a fountain after feeding:

  • congenital pathologies of the kidneys;
  • allergy;
  • intestinal diseases;
  • cerebral edema resulting from birth injury;
  • complications of a cold;
  • gastric infections;
  • lactose intolerance;
  • diabetes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • overheating in the sun.
Causes of vomiting in the baby

There are many factors that cause vomiting, but often a similar problem occurs when overfeeding the baby, changing the baby formula, or after the introduction of complementary foods.

The appearance of vomiting after the introduction of complementary foods

Vomiting in the newborn after feeding may occur in response to the introduction of complementary foods. In addition, intolerance to certain products is manifested in the form of a violation of the stool and skin rashes.

It is very important to correctly and gradually introduce a child to new food, introducing foods in a minimal amount. You need to start complementary foods with only one component. This will help facilitate the digestion process, and if an allergy occurs, quickly identify the allergen.

The introduction of complementary foods

If finished products are used for feeding, then every day you need to use a new jar. In addition, you must select products only trusted manufacturers.

Vomiting when overeating

Feeding a child is an important and responsible activity, which necessarily requires increased attention, especially if it concerns the first months of the baby's life. If there is vomiting in the newborn after feeding the mixture, then this may be due to overeating. It is for this reason that it is important to control the amount of food eaten. It is enough to simply determine that vomiting appeared due to overeating, you should only be guided by the following signs:

  • the problem occurs immediately after feeding;
  • there are no signs of the disease;
  • the child bends and screams;
  • vomiting is single.

When rejecting part of the food, you need to reduce its portion and monitor the condition of the baby. If the child continues to vomit when the portion of food is reduced, the doctor should be informed of the problem.

Vomiting for gastrointestinal diseases

If there is vomiting in the newborn with a fountain after feeding with the mixture, then this may be due to the presence of gastrointestinal problems. Similar violations begin to appear around the second month of the baby's life. They consist in constantly occurring vomiting 1-2 hours after each feeding of the baby.

Stomach problems

The amount of liquid released is usually greater than the amount eaten. Part of the milk comes out rolled up, which is explained by the constant delay of food in the stomach and untimely ingestion of it into the baby's intestines.

A consequence of congenital abnormalities may be the lack of weight gain or its rapid loss. This requires mandatory monitoring and, if necessary, hospitalization.

Vomiting in pathologies of the nervous system

With various diseases of the nervous system, vomiting in the newborn after feeding can occur constantly. Usually this is frequent, but minor regurgitation. In some cases, there is a rejection of all food consumed. Among the main diseases that can lead to a similar condition, the following should be highlighted:

  • various head injuries, including concussion;
  • cerebrovascular accident;
  • tumors;
  • high pressure.

In the case of frequent food rejection, you need to contact a neurologist, since such violations should be treated immediately after the appearance of alarm signs in order to achieve a positive result. In this case, other signs of the disease are observed, in particular:

  • hypertonicity or decreased muscle tone;
  • intermittent and restless sleep;
  • trembling hands or chin in the baby;
  • excessive excitability of the child, lethargy and weakness.

It is necessary to determine the presence of neurological diseases at the earliest stages, as this is important for a full life of the child.

Vomiting for infectious diseases

Unlike other reasons, with the course of infectious diseases, the temperature and vomiting of the newborn are observed after feeding with milk. Similar problems can be divided into acute infectious diseases and intestinal infections.

Diseases can occur due to the penetration of viruses and bacteria into the baby's digestive tract. In addition to vomiting, the following symptoms are additionally observed:

  • sharp abdominal pain;
  • diarrhea;
  • temperature rise.

If these symptoms occur, you should definitely call an ambulance. Abundant and frequently occurring vomiting, loose stools in the baby - this can be the main reason for dehydration, which requires urgent replenishment of the fluid with droppers.

Infectious diseases

Often, vomiting in a child appears with acute infectious diseases: with a cold, sore throat, otitis media, pneumonia. Basically, it occurs in response to a meal. In addition, other signs appear, in particular, weakness, moodiness, fever, lack of appetite, drowsiness. Upon examination, the doctor draws attention to a possible inflammation of the mucosa. Unexpected coughing attacks occur.

Vomiting can occur with encephalitis and meningitis. Then, as a rule, a large amount of food is rejected. The kid begins to scream loudly, hiding from bright lighting. In addition, periodic seizures are possible. In this condition, you need to urgently call an ambulance, as these symptoms can lead to death.


If vomiting often occurs in a newborn after breastfeeding, the causes of its appearance must be established. To do this, it is important to immediately visit a doctor who will prescribe the required examination. Usually it includes a laboratory test of blood and urine, as well as a biochemical blood test.


To establish an accurate diagnosis, an ultrasound examination of the digestive tract may be required, as well as an x-ray of the esophagus. Additionally, a pressure measurement, a brain examination are prescribed. In addition, an infectious disease doctor should be consulted.


If vomiting in a newborn after feeding breast milk is not provoked by serious pathologies, then you can try to help the baby yourself. Do not panic - it is important to create the baby as calm as possible and ensure complete peace.

So that the baby's body does not lose too much fluid, it is necessary to replenish its amount by inviting him to drink warm boiled water. It should be remembered that the digestive system of the baby tolerates vegetable and fruit juices rather poorly.

It is advisable to put the child to bed. In a state of complete rest, the contents of the stomach will move into the intestines, which will avoid a repeated attack of vomiting. If the baby feels normal for several days, you need to establish the usual feeding regimen.

In case of vomiting in a newborn, it is strictly forbidden to use antiemetic drugs without consulting a pediatrician. Treatment at home is allowed only if the attacks are periodic. If they are repeated for a long time and the cause of the occurrence is unknown, then you need to seek help from a doctor.

Possible complications

Vomiting in a child can provoke various kinds of complications. Among them, a rupture of the esophagus, aspiration pneumonia, dehydration, hypokalemia. Vomiting in the respiratory system can lead to suffocation and death of the baby.

Vomiting in a newborn


Prevention of vomiting is associated with the prevention of all possible diseases that can provoke it. It is important to adhere to the correct feeding technique, the age volume of food consumed, as well as the interval between meals. It is necessary to carefully monitor the hygiene of the baby and mother.

After vomiting, be sure to rinse the baby's mouth with water from a syringe without a needle. You can not massage, rocking and bathing the baby less than an hour after feeding. In the baby, the vestibular apparatus is poorly developed, which can cause vomiting.

It is impossible to independently determine the cause of the problem, therefore, after the appearance of an emetic attack, you need to visit a pediatrician.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7573/

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