Thermal conductivity of drywall: coefficient, types, comparisons and material properties

Among the main advantages of drywall, its ability to conduct heat is low. Plates are able to breathe, which means they absorb and give off moisture. Cloths comply with environmental standards, and they are based on dry gypsum, paper and starch. All this provides good thermal insulation, and also allows you to create a comfortable temperature in the room.

Thermal conductivity

Knauf drywall thermal conductivity

The thermal conductivity of drywall is the property of a material to transmit heat and transfer it to cold areas. This ability of the described material determines the coefficient of thermal conductivity. Typically, the characteristic varies from 0.21 to 0.34 W / (m Γ— K). The best indicators of thermal conductivity are with Knauf drywall. In this case, they are 0.15 W / (m Γ— K). According to this parameter, the material can be compared with one of the most environmentally friendly and warm materials - wood. If it compares with gypsum plaster or plywood, then the thermal conductivity of gypsum will be lower.

But due to its small thickness, even such thermal conductivity of drywall (it is used quite often for insulation) is not able to provide good wall insulation. The sheet has an average thickness of 12.5 mm. With its help it is impossible to provide complete thermal insulation. However, if you combine the canvas with other heaters, the materials will retain heat well.

Additional advantages

As one of the main advantages, it should be noted that sheets can be used to create structures installed on the basis of the profile. As a result of this, a layer of air is formed inside, which contributes to the fact that the thermal conductivity of GCR becomes less. This also provides additional ventilation of the walls, which eliminates the accumulation of moisture and prevents the formation of condensate. At the junction, where warm and cold temperatures are in contact with each other, a dew point, condensation, is formed. An air gap is necessary for ventilation of the wall, which prevents the accumulation of condensate.

In confirmation, it can be noted that air is the best heat insulator, therefore it is customary to use it together with GCR everywhere. In addition, this can also provide sound insulation of structures and partitions, which are often installed in small studio apartments.

Species, their comparison and properties

drywall thermal conductivity

Drywall is a multilayer plate made of paper and gypsum. This design allows you to use the material in the role of decoration, as well as create interior partitions from it. If you follow certain rules during installation, it will be possible to hang shelves and wallpaper on walls.

But the thermal conductivity of drywall is not the only indicator that should be guided by the choice of paintings. It is important to pay attention to the types of material. He can be:

  • standard;
  • fire resistant;
  • moisture resistant;
  • fire and moisture resistant.

After visiting the store, you will see Knauf drywall, the thermal conductivity of which is the lowest among the other varieties. In addition, this material is offered for sale in a variety of "superlist". It has a fibrous structure, which improves the properties of the sheets, facilitates the cutting process and increases strength. The superlist is convenient when installing interior partitions.

In general, the thermal conductivity of drywall is not the only characteristic that you should pay attention to. You must choose one of the many options for paintings, among which:

  • acoustic
  • arched;
  • vinyl.

For example, arched cardboard has a smaller thickness and weight, which allows you to create curved complex structures. When using vinyl, you will feel that the material is convenient to use, because its surface is ready for decorative finishing and does not require puttying.

The thermal conductivity of drywall was mentioned above, but you should also know about other properties of GCR, among which:

  • security;
  • smoothness;
  • ease of handling;
  • high noise insulation characteristics;
  • low cost;
  • relatively light weight;
  • mechanical strength;
  • environmental friendliness.

GKL special purpose

If we compare the insulated sheet with the standard one, the first one will have a layer of polystyrene foam on one side, which will reduce thermal conductivity. Such material does not have a cardboard coating, which makes it resistant to open fire and moisture. Such sheets resist fire well due to reinforcing fiberglass inclusions. As for moisture resistant sheets, they contain special additives against mold and silicone. Sheets are made in a different color scheme and can be green or pink.

Properties of Knauf drywall and its comparison with standard drywall

Knauf drywall thermal conductivity

The thermal conductivity of the GKL β€œKnauf” is already known to you. Now is the time to learn about sheet density. It is 10.1 kg / m 2 , which is 30.3 kg per sheet. If we compare with ordinary GCR, then the one described in this section also has a green cardboard shell. This material has a standard thickness of 12.5 mm and is usually used for interior decoration of rooms that are operated at high relative humidity. It can be:

  • showers;
  • bathrooms;
  • pools;
  • Laundries.

This compares favorably with this drywall with thermal conductivity, which is much lower than that of standard sheets. The latter are usually not used in high humidity. An additional difference is the presence of water-repellent modifiers and antiseptic impregnation in moisture-resistant sheets from the manufacturer β€œKnauf”. The cardboard layer is covered last. This allows you to protect the sheet from damage by mold and fungus.

Another difference is that the Knauf drywall core does not lose its geometric shapes and does not swell at high humidity. Normal breathing drywall, if the humidity exceeds 70%, begins to lose shape, and when dried, crack and crumble. Moisture-resistant sheets are deprived of this property, so they can be used for wall decoration indoors, where the relative humidity can reach 90%.

Comparison of drywall types for additional properties

hk thermal conductivity coefficient

The coefficient of thermal conductivity of GCR is one of the important characteristics, however, when choosing this material, you must also pay attention to the purpose. Different types of GCR have their own properties. For example, a standard sheet does not contain additives, and its color may be light gray or blue. Such sheets are intended for operation with humidity not exceeding 70%. Decorative materials, partitions are created from this material, it is used for cladding ceilings and walls, as well as when creating a large area structure.

The thermal conductivity and density of drywall are now known to you, but you must also take an interest in the basic properties of some types of this material. Among the latter, a moisture resistant sheet should be distinguished, which has fungicidal and hydrophobic modifiers. This allows you to use the material in wet rooms. You can recognize such canvases by marking in blue. GKVL operation is possible in damp rooms. Most often, such sheets are installed on balconies, loggias, kitchens and bathrooms. You can use the material for installation of window slopes, installing together with waterproofing.

The thermal conductivity coefficient of drywall is now known to you, but it is also important to know that there is a fire-resistant material on sale, the color of which can be red or light gray. The marking is red. The sheet contains fiberglass, which prevents fire. The material is used for passive protection of premises from fires. You can find out the sheets by marking GKLO. They are recommended for the construction and repair of structures in crowded places. It can be train stations or shopping centers. Such canvases proved to be excellent as fire-prevention partitions. With their help, you can form boxes and ventilation shafts, sheathing the latter.

The coefficient of thermal conductivity of drywall is not a fundamental characteristic when choosing a material that will be used under special conditions. In this case, we are talking about sheets, which are subject to increased requirements for fire and moisture resistance. Such sheets are green and red marked. This variety is quite rare in the market and is not manufactured by many companies. The material is universal.

Another variation is designer drywall, which has the ability to bend. It is usually used to create arches. This view is being developed to create complex designs of arbitrary shapes. With it, you can decorate the living area by making various elements of the interior and even furniture. The sheet has a small thickness and high flexibility due to the reinforcing layers of fiberglass. Thickness varies from 6 to 6.5 mm.

Among the main advantages should be highlighted the absence of the need to soak the canvas to give them the desired shape. Sheets have fire fighting properties. On sale you can also find acoustic drywall, which is distinguished by 1 cm openings. The reverse side has a sound-absorbing layer. This type is used in those conditions where protection against external noise is necessary, here we can include concert halls or recording studios. Puttying the surface of such drywall is not recommended, but painting is quite possible.

The thermal conductivity of drywall when comparing some types of this material may vary. This was discussed above. However, before choosing a material, it is important to pay attention also to the properties. You can purchase material of increased strength, which is labeled as GKLVU. The material is reinforced and can withstand high mechanical stresses. Heavy household appliances, like a TV, are hung on a wall or ceiling. Use in different rooms is allowed. Such a sheet may be moisture resistant or fire resistant.

Comparison of drywall by edge type

thermal conductivity hl

If you look at a drywall sheet, then note that the long side has an edge, which is necessary to create precision mating. Its length reaches 5 cm from the outside. Depending on the type of edge, the putty can be applied with or without reinforcing tape. You can find out about the type of edge if you pay attention to the back of the canvas. On sale there are sheets with the following edges:

  • straight;
  • semicircular;
  • rounded
  • thinned.

The choice of type is determined by the preferences of the consumer, who will putty the surface.

Additional properties: disadvantages and advantages

hl for walls

Among the positive properties of drywall, it is worth highlighting high bending strength, poor combustibility, ability to tolerate low temperatures, high thermal conductivity, environmental friendliness, low weight, and ease of installation. This material also has its drawbacks, namely, poor moisture resistance, fragility during transportation and installation, as well as insufficient strength. In addition, without a frame, the sheets are quite difficult to install.

As for the bending strength, it can be said about this property that a square meter of the web is able to withstand up to 15 kg of load at a thickness of 1 cm. Poor combustibility is also an important characteristic. It is provided by a gypsum base. The material is poorly flammable and belongs to group G1 in terms of combustibility and B2 in terms of flammability.

The material can withstand low temperatures. In frost, it does not crack and does not burst, but if the temperature rises, then the physical properties are restored. It is impossible not to mention the coefficient of thermal conductivity. Cloths regulate the level of humidity, which is especially true for GKLV.

Comparison of the thermal conductivity of drywall with other materials

thermal conductivity coefficient of drywall

In order to more thoroughly understand the issue of thermal conductivity, you should compare this indicator with the corresponding indicators inherent in other materials. The thermal conductivity coefficient of drywall from Knauf is 0.15 units. When compared with other materials, this figure is much lower.

For example, the thermal conductivity of reinforced concrete is 1.5 units, while in wood, the thermal conductivity is still the same 0.15 units. This applies to plywood and other wood finishing materials. But with regard to plaster - for her this indicator can vary from 0.21 to 09, which depends on the type of material.


Drywall is a universal material that is used in many areas of human activity. This should include construction, repair and decoration. You can even create partitions from drywall, which allow you to cope with the work much faster and help save money.


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