Guide to the Bludsicker (Dota 2), or the Bloody Hero

The game "Dota 2" (Dota 2) has a large number of characters: already at this stage there are more than 100 heroes, each of which is unique in his own way. In this article we would like to make out the guide on the Bludsicker. Dota 2 is a game where only with the help of your skill and understanding you can get a strong hero.

Guide to the fordsicker DotA 2

Blood mania

To begin with, let's say how the story of Bludsicker began. "Dota 2", as you know, loves such subtleties, so that interest in the origin of the character is obvious. The hero was born on the mountains of Xakatokatl, where he was quickly picked up by a mysterious clan worshiping blood. Strigver (and this is the original name of our hero) had no choice, because this Bezkozhy clan threatened to destroy his native clan, and therefore he just had to conclude an agreement with them, according to which he fills them with blood, becoming a Mad Dog. This is how the Bludsicker begins his journey. Dota 2 habitually divides all the heroes in their roles: carry heroes (dependent on artifacts), supports (that is, team assistants) and initiators (starting the battle). All these branches are further divided, but we will not leave the topic.

what to collect for the blodsicker dota 2

Fast and furious

Who does Bludsicker belong to? "Dota 2", or rather, its developers, attributed it to the carry heroes, who are very dependent on their artifacts and manifest themselves, as a rule, in a late game. True, our character has rather strong abilities, so he is also a “ganker" (a hero who must constantly hunt for enemy heroes), so these features must be taken into account. We will try to make the right guide for the Bludsicker. “Dota 2” at the same time focuses on team play and on the correct purchase of items.

the story of the floodsicker dota 2

Skill build

To begin with, it is worth remembering that at the early stage of the game, we still have to kill enemy creeps (monsters running along the lines) in order to get some money for which we will buy the necessary items, and only then go hunting for heroes. Therefore, the first skill should be exactly Bloodrage, which allows us to restore HP when we achieve any creature (the number of life points). The more the enemy we killed had the lives of everything, the more we will recover (in percentage terms). In addition, this ability increases our damage. At the second level, you should take Blood Rite, with its help we inflict Pure damage to all enemies within its radius of action, and also apply the effect of “silenced” on them, which prohibits casting any spells. Remember that this ability has a delay of 3 seconds, so be careful!

fordsicker dota 2

Thrist’s ability should be taken only from level 4, and improved by 12, 13 and 14. Before that, it’s worth constantly tapping into Bloodrage, Blood Rite and Rupture — our ultimate that inflicts as much damage as the enemy ran.

Do not leave anyone!

In general, there are different ways of approaching this hero, and you will not find the best guide for the Bludsicker, “Dota 2” always leaves a field of thought for its players. Nevertheless, I would like to move on to the item-build (the correct collection of items). What to collect Bludsiker? “Dota 2” is always based on acting out its role, so we will “dress” as a carry hero. The first item you will need to purchase is Poor Man's Shield, then Power Treads. If the enemy team has a lot of heroes that can stun you, it’s better to immediately collect the Black King Bar, which gives immunity to magic, and then Sange And Yasha, which will significantly add speed to you (and with the help of its effect will prevent opponents from running away). Poor Man's Shield will soon become useless, so it’s better to buy Butterfly instead. Next up are Mjolnir and Linkin Sphere. With such items, the Bludsicker will become an extremely dangerous opponent, whose defeat will be incredibly difficult.

How to use it

Of course, it should also be said about how to properly use the abilities of this hero. To begin with, it is worth remembering that the effect of Blood Rage should always be kept on your hero, so that he beats harder, and there was something to make up for his HP, which will inevitably be quickly spent in a fight. Further, it all depends on the type of fight. Our hero can perfectly initiate it by imposing his ultimate on the opponent (preferably the main carry hero of the enemy team). The enemy will be forced to stand still, because the further he tries to escape from you, the more he will lose his life. Now, so that he could not use his abilities, and also so that his team could not help him, you should immediately use the ability of Blood Rite. It is applied to a certain territory, so try to calculate, given the delay, its effect so that the enemy is under its effect or he simply has nowhere to go. Press Black King Bar so that the enemy team cannot stun you, expel you to another world or drag you away from the battle, and you can calmly destroy enemy heroes, and then just start to beat the enemy.

Let's say a little more about the heroes we should be afraid of:

  1. Void - if we get into his Chronosphere, then little can already save us.
  2. Phantom Assassin - One critical hit by the Lady Veil can decide the outcome of the battle, killing us too quickly.
  3. Phantom Lancer - this hero very quickly creates his own copies, and with proper use, we can never understand where the real one is, while they will smoothly kill us.

In a late game, your hero becomes a serious threat, the main thing is to use it correctly. This completes the Guide to the Bludsicker. "Dota 2" - a game without boundaries. Play and win!


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