How to sew a costume of Koshchei the Immortal with your own hands?

When it comes to choosing a carnival costume, people are divided into those who prefer positive characters, and vice versa, negative ones. In this article, we decided to consider how to make a costume of Koshchei the Immortal with our own hands. But let's talk about everything in order.

do-it-yourself koshchei immortal costume

The villain of Russian fairy tales

There is hardly a person who does not know who Koschey the Immortal is. In children's tales, this character plays one of the main roles. Koschey personifies the evil king, who has magical powers. In one of the Russian fairy tales, Koschey, having drunk three buckets of water, broke the chains with which he was chained to a tree. But the most amazing thing is how you can kill this villain. Koschey’s death will come if you break the needle, which is in the egg, and it is in the duck. A duck in a hare, a hare in a chest, a chest under an oak tree that grows on an island in the middle of the ocean. As you can see, Koschey was a serious enemy, and few dared to fight him.

Parts of the image

A ready-made costume can be purchased at the store, but if you prefer to do needlework, we will tell you how to make a costume of Koshchei the Immortal with your own hands. Here are the main details of the costume that will help create the full look:

  • suit or basic clothing;
  • cloak or cape;
  • crown;
  • boots;
  • additional attributes.

The first three details on the list are required when creating a Koshchei costume. And now let's move on to the direct manufacture of each of the parts of the costume.


Koschey Immortal looks like a skeleton, so we need to create the effect of bones. This can be done in two different ways, each of which we will now consider.

To begin with, we need to prepare a black set of clothes, pants and a sweater. You can use ready-made clothes or sew them yourself from black fabric. Even overalls are suitable, the main thing is to use cotton or knit fabric.

After that, we need to sew the bones on the costume of Koshchei the Immortal. With your own hands, a bone pattern can be made using cardboard. Each bone cut out of cardboard is wrapped with foil and fastened throughout the costume with glue.

You can choose another option, which is shown in the figure, and use this template.

costume koshchei immortal do-it-yourself pattern

A stencil is cut out of paper, and then, using paints, draw bones. For this option, you need a special paint for clothes. Drawn bones look very impressive using dye with phosphorus. In the dark, such a suit will glow.


Now we turn to the question of how to sew a cloak that will complement the costume of Koshchei the Immortal (with his own hands). Pattern one of the options of the cloak is shown in the following figure.

how to make a costume koshchei immortal do it yourself

As you can see, there is nothing difficult in the pattern of the cloak, you just need to take the measurements correctly. The material from which the cloak will be sewn is selected in black. It is advisable that the costume and wrap are made of the same material. But if this is not possible, then the satin cloak looks good.

The hem of the cloak can be processed, but this is not necessary - the bottom of the cloak may be torn. Such a cape will be fixed with an elastic band or braid, which must be sewn to the cloak using a machine or manually.


The crown must certainly complement the costume of Koshchei the Immortal, with whose own hands it will not be difficult to make. You can use a ready-made crown, if any. If not, then we will now tell you how to make it yourself.

For this, thick cardboard is used, which is used to pack the goods. From it we cut a strip with denticles to fit the size of the head. We chose black color in order to sew a costume of Koshchei the Immortal with our own hands. The crown pattern shown in the figure has no color, so it must be painted. It is better to choose a gold or silver color. Spray paint will be the best choice, since it can be used to completely paint the crown. After painting, we connect the strip with teeth with a stapler.

costume koshchei immortal do-it-yourself pattern

But you can choose another option for painting the crown, which will complement the costume of Koshchei the Immortal. You can decorate a cardboard crown with your own hands using foil. We have obtained a beautiful shiny crown, which is recommended to be decorated with rhinestones or one volumetric stone.


If you decide to sew a New Year's costume (Koschey the Immortal) with your own hands, we advise you to decorate it with tinsel. The headpiece can be decorated with foam to create a snow effect.

From shoes it is better to choose boots, but if this is not possible, black shoes or sneakers are suitable, which, of course, can also be decorated if desired.

If you want to make an original Koshchei Immortal costume with your own hands, then you can use the following tips. You can make an egg, where, according to the plots of fairy tales, there is a needle with which you can kill a koshchei. The egg should be cut out of polystyrene foam or made using papier-mâché technique. And, of course, paint with any color you like.

do-it-yourself immortal christmas costume koschey

In fairy tales, Koschei acts as a villain and a robber, who always has a saber with him. That's it, we advise you to choose it as an additional attribute. Ready-made plastic sabers are available for sale, but you can make it yourself. To do this, brown cardboard is suitable, which must be painted silver, and we recommend highlighting the handle with a darker shade. The main thing is to observe the proportional ratio of the saber and the height of the person.

It will be useful to use black gloves made of thin material to complete the image.


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