Leafy Pumpkin: Growing and Care

Pumpkin is a classic vegetable in the garden of any gardener. In garden plots, summer residents cultivate hard-bark and large-fruited fruits.

Gardeners are experimenting and starting to grow crops that did not grow in our region before. So the fig-leafed pumpkin came to us - a rare one on the territory of Russia, but such a useful product.

Foliage pumpkin

Botanical certificate of the plant

Another name for this kind of fruit is "phycephaly." Leafy pumpkin is rich in useful vitamins and minerals, whence its positive properties. It is widespread in cooking, used in folk medicine.

Black seed, or foliage, pumpkin belongs to the pumpkin family. This is a perennial plant. Leaves are externally similar to figs: large and petiolate, lower slightly grooved, upper - heart-shaped. This is where the name of the crop comes from. The leaves differ not only in their unusual shape, but also in color - the green background of the leaf is covered with small bright spots that give the plant a decorative and attractive appearance.

The stems are pentahedral, capable of reaching 25 cm in length. The flowers are no different from any plant in the pumpkin family, are painted in a yellowish-orange color.

Pumpkin seeds

The fruits of the foliage pumpkin with its extravagant pattern look like watermelons, oblong, often curved. The pulp is white and juicy, of moderate sweetness. Inside, the fruits reliably store black seeds.

Figolate pumpkin is resistant to a number of pathogenic soil fungi. Gardeners learned to plant a number of other cultures sensitive to root rot to this species. Crossing with other species is not subject to pumpkin.

Useful properties of culture

Black seed pumpkin (leafy) is actively used not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine for medicinal purposes. Delicious and healthy dishes are prepared from ripened fruits. The pulp can be preserved, jam is cooked from it, stewed, marinated, fried, salted, added to salads fresh.

Ficephaly pumpkin

Application in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, foliage pumpkin is used to prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, pancreas. It is useful for diseases associated with problems of the kidneys, liver, gall bladder. "Ficephaly" promotes the production of insulin, the removal of cholesterol from the body.

Pumpkin leaves are rich in useful trace elements and differ in the content of calcium, phosphorus, sodium, iron. Contains a complex of B vitamins in large quantities in fruits and seeds. Black seeds are used for arthritis, rheumatism. Figolist pumpkin has a positive effect on the skin with skin burns, psoriasis, and other skin diseases by applying the pulp as part of masks and compresses.

The culture is actively used in the treatment of gout and obesity, has a good anthelmintic effect.

Leafy pumpkin as a dietary supplement

As a dietary supplement, black seed pumpkin is introduced into the diet of those suffering from gastritis, ulcers, colitis. They are used in the form of fees, decoctions, for the preparation of which they use the root system, stems, leaves, pulp and seeds.

Features of cultivation of foliar pumpkin from seeds

The agricultural technique of cultivating "ficifolia" (foliar pumpkin) is not much different from growing the rest of this family. Of the features of care, it is necessary to pay attention to the drainage and irrigation systems, the degree of lighting. Pumpkin is unpretentious to the soil - this is their distinguishing feature.

Pumpkin leafy photo

Growing pumpkin from seeds

Before planting the seeds in the soil, they are placed in water at room temperature for 72 hours. Pumpkin, unlike its other relatives, has frost resistance and can withstand frosts of -3 ยฐ C. Seed germination occurs while maintaining the temperature regime within 10-12 degrees. At this temperature, the foliage pumpkin seeds are best taken in the ground.

For planting, make small pits (holes). They are fertilized by introducing 3-5 kg โ€‹โ€‹of humus and 1.5 cups of ash per plot. The mixture added to each well is mixed with soil and sowing begins: 2-3 seeds are placed in a hole, to a depth of 5 cm. Each of the holes is mulched with humus, peat or sawdust. This will help prevent crust formation from above and increase the thermal regime inside the pit by several degrees, which will contribute to even better germination of seeds.

Good growth and development of young pumpkins are observed at a temperature of 20-25 degrees Celsius. About 14 days elapse from the time of sowing to the appearance of the first seedlings.

Selection of a place to grow

A calm area with a large area is suitable. The soil is well suited where potatoes, cabbage or onions were grown last year. In areas where other vegetables were cultivated, growing pumpkin leaves is undesirable.

Cultivation of seedlings of "ficephaly"

To obtain the early fruits of pumpkins, you can not only sow seeds, but also grow seedlings. To do this, prepare a nutrient mixture with the following composition: turf land + peat + humus. Soil with high acidity must be liming.

In small containers, pots or containers, seeds are sown 14-21 days before the alleged planting in open ground. The earth in pots is pre-moistened well. After seed germination, the sprouts are laid with the leaves down and covered with a nutrient mixture.

After the appearance of the first shoots, the daily temperature is reduced to +17, and the night - to +13 degrees Celsius. Conduct enhanced ventilation.

The soil in which seedlings are found is systematically moistened, producing rare, moderate watering. Before planting seedlings in the ground, it is fed with manure, urea or a weak solution of mullein.

Pumpkin seedlings are planted on an open garden at the end of the last frost. This procedure can be carried out two weeks earlier, but cover the seedlings from above with a film. Young pumpkin sprouts are placed in the soil to a depth of about 13 cm, after which they are watered.

Pumpkin leafy cultivation

In areas with poor and fresh soil, you can put plants deeper, 15 centimeters, adding a soil mixture, mineral fertilizer and an organic additive. Plants are planted at a distance of 1 meter from each other.

Harvesting foliage pumpkins

The fruits are harvested in late autumn, when the foliage from the trees has already fallen. Pouring and ripening of fruits can be accelerated by pinching each of the growth points and sprinkling it with earth. Fruits are stored in a cool place. The term of savings is up to 4 months.

Ficephaly pumpkin

Growing such an agricultural crop as foliar pumpkin, the photo of which is presented in the article, follow the above rules for caring for the plant. Then at the end of the season you will be able to boast of a selective harvest of fruits and stock up on a healthy product for the whole winter.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7593/

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