The name for the girl is Greek. Beautiful rare Greek girls names and their meaning

Choosing a name for a girl is always not easy. Many do not like to bother and give the simplest ones that are always on hearing - Alexandra, Anna, Julia, Natalia.

name for the girl is Greek

But there are very vivid and memorable Greek names that, among other things, promise a happy and long life. If you believe that a name is not just a sound, and you want to give your girl a beautiful and successful name, then you have come to the address.

How to choose a name for a Greek girl?

The Greeks believe that if the name suits their child, they will certainly bring success, joy and longevity. Below are the most interesting and harmonious Greek names that can be called a girl:

  1. Agatha.

  2. Adelph.

  3. Xenovia.

  4. Isis.

  5. Melina.

  6. Elissa.

In Russia, these are pretty rare Greek names for girls, but they are charming. Now we will analyze what each of them means and what fate will bring a person.

Good Agatha

From Greek it is translated as “good”. If we talk about the nature of the girls who were named by that name, then they are quite complicated. The name for the girl, Greek Agatha, will bring the child perseverance and firmness in his intentions and desires. Aggie, as you can affectionately call, will always strive for independence.

rare greek names for girls

Of course, one parallel between the different girls who were named that way cannot be drawn, since in many respects everything depends on the date of birth, as well as the family tree. But most often, Agatha will be restrained in taking blows and gifts of fate, she does not like to show her emotions openly and expose them in front of random passers-by and even friends.

Easy enough, Eggy can become a leader in the company of friends, and at work. This will be facilitated by her predisposition to the ability to capture the audience with her clever speech. She will be a skilled speaker.

The Greek name Agatha for the girl will bring the child a particularly strong sense of justice and equality, and it will be easy for her to prove her innocence even to a stranger.

Thanks to the innate thirst for knowledge, Eggey will be able to easily and hard study, developing rapidly and growing morally. Whatever it costs her, she will certainly succeed.

Heart Adelpha

This name can be translated as "sacrificial." This means that the woman who bears the name Adelf is able to sacrifice her interests in favor of another person. Altruism is just about her.

The name for the girl is Greek Adelfa from childhood will make a child demanding of her appearance. She can stand by the mirror for a long time, pondering what to wear. Adele at first sight will make a favorable impression with a beautiful and sophisticated appearance.

Strongly enough, the owner of this name will express ambitiousness and determination. Feelings will always be in the background, and in the matter of choosing a life partner she is ready to be determined for a long time. Your choice will stop at that person who will fully share her vital interests with her, provide full support.

Greek girls names and their meaning

Adelpha wants to have everything at once. But this does not mean that she will sit back. She is ready to succeed. However, in order to go successfully in one direction, it is worth abandoning the others. And this choice will be very difficult for her.

Pious Zinovia

Considering the beautiful Greek names of girls and their meaning, it is impossible not to mention the name of Zinovia. Literally, it is translated as "charitable."

Adult Zinovia is easy enough to gain the trust of loved ones and those around them. Associated with this is the predisposition to successful public and political activities. They also make good scientists.

greek names for girls

All her words will be confirmed by real deeds and actions, which is especially valuable in these areas of activity.

The girl Zinovia will be kind and will always try to follow true life values. She will believe that only through good deeds can she succeed and become happy.

She will have a good imagination that will give her a touch of reverie. Bad things will bypass her. There will be no negativity in her life. More precisely, he will, but she will not want to notice him, to focus on him.

Queen Isis

This name means “queen of the throne”. The girl who will possess it will become the standard of reliability. You can always rely on her or trust something. It will be difficult enough for her to determine her appearance: choosing her own style is not an easy task for Isis.

This will be a very sensual girl who will need the love and care of her parents. Over time, as she grows up, she will need a guy who can love her as much as her mom and dad.

beautiful greek names for girls

The most important thing for her is sensuality, so she will always demand tenderness for herself. For happiness, it is necessary to have a loved one nearby, at a distance she will feel overwhelmed, self-doubt.

To argue with Is, how you can affectionately call her, is simply impossible. After all, she will always be sure that she is absolutely right. And considering that she is rather touchy, any statements and facts that would not correspond to her opinion may seem to her complaints and accusations.

Sociable Milena

The list above that contains the best Greek names for girls contains the name Milena.

This girl will be very sociable. She easily meets new people, finds a common language with everyone. However, she will not love people who throw words to the wind.

Milena will have a large charge of energy that she will need to achieve her goals. She will only look forward and constantly set herself new tasks. She will not have time to look back or stop. Because of this, she sometimes will not appreciate what she already has.

Milena's health is rather precarious, especially in childhood. Her parents should take care of strengthening the baby’s immune system. In adulthood, striving to move on, she is also able to forget that she needs to pay attention to her health.

Talented Elissa

Beautiful Greek names for girls make their owners special. That is exactly what the name Elissa can serve for a child.

They say that such girls have some kind of innate feature or talent, as well as charisma. These are creative people.

Even if her talent is not revealed in childhood, she will notice it already at a more mature age. Elissa will strive to develop it and look for new ways of application. She can be called a person passionate about something beautiful, which is characteristic of creative personalities.

greek names for girls modern

In the desire to improve herself, she can briefly forget about her relatives and friends, which can cause conflicts. In order to love and be loved, she needs a man who is ready to pluck a star from heaven for her sake. And her beloved will have to do it almost every day.

Do not rush to choose

Indeed, given the diversity and good consonance, it is difficult to choose Greek names for girls. Modern parents try to approach the issue extraordinary, focus on the date of birth and the behavior of their children. It is very important that the chosen name is suitable for the child.

Be sure, having a special name of Greek origin, your girl will certainly be happy and will achieve everything she wants.


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