Landscape agate: description and application. Agate slices

There is a fair saying: we see what we want to see. The picture of the world, perceived by the eyes, is generously supplemented and modified by our brain. That is why we see outlines of various animals in the clouds in the sky, and drawings and bizarre patterns on the stones. All this is nothing more than the fruit of our rich imagination.

In this article we will talk about an amazing stone - landscape agate. His "drawings" are striking in their realism and brilliance. Considering various sections of agate, it is sometimes very difficult to believe that we have before us an ordinary mineral, and not a picture of a skilled artist.

Common Agate Properties

Agate is one of the varieties of quartz, a chalcedony aggregate with a layered texture and a unique color. The name of the mineral probably comes from the rivulet Agates (now Dirillo), which flows through the territory of the island of Sicily. Agate is also often called the "eye of the Creator" or "happy stone."

Basic physical and chemical properties of agates:

  • Hardness: 6.5-7 (on the Mohs scale).
  • Density: 2.6 g / cm 3 .
  • The fracture is conchoid, uneven.
  • Gloss matte, the line is white.
  • The mineral is opaque (visible at the edges).
  • Differs in high durability and viscosity.
  • Resistant to various acids.
  • It is characterized by banded zoning of colors.
agate slices

In terms of chemical composition, it is silica (formula - SiO 2 ). However, the structure of agates is very heterogeneous. It includes a large number of various impurities, which determine the specific pattern of the stone.

Varieties of Agate

The palette of this mineral is extremely diverse and is represented by almost all colors and shades. About 150 varieties of agates are distinguished depending on the specific pattern on the stones, color and the presence of inclusions in mineralogy. Here are the most famous of them:

  • Ophthalmic agate is a mineral with concentric layers located around one or more points. The drawing of the stone is very similar to the eye, where the name comes from.
  • Star agate is the rarest variety of this mineral, it is distinguished by a pale coloring with a white star pattern in the center.
  • Dihedral agate (or flower) is a stone with distinct plant motifs. In his drawings, tree branches, shrubs and grasses are clearly visible.
  • Moss agate is a stone with numerous inclusions of manganese and iron oxides, which in their drawing are very similar to forest moss.
  • Lace agate is, perhaps, one of the most β€œgentle” representatives of the mineral. It features incredibly thin patterns and pastel, calm shades. Widely used in jewelry.
  • Iris agate is one of the most magical. Its sections are distinguished by a unique optical effect, creating flicker and overflow under bright light.
iris agate

Landscape agate and its features

One of the types of agate, characterized by incredible drawings, is worth telling in more detail. Stone landscape agate is a real artistic miracle. And miraculous. By the way, some scientists do not attribute it to agate due to the lack of one of the main features of these minerals - layering. However, this does not in the least reduce its beauty and originality.

Sometimes it’s hard to believe that these drawings on stones are not a work of any artist, but only natural formations. As a rule, they are formed as a result of the interaction of particles of iron and manganese. Often, landscape agates (they are also called landscape agates) are located in the earth's crust next to other chalcedony.

From time immemorial, healing and magical properties have been attributed to this stone. Many still believe that he protects a person and helps him make the right decisions in a given situation. Landscape agate is very much appreciated by jewelers. And this is understandable, because he practically does not need any cut - he is magnificent in itself.

patterns on stones

How drawings are created

Craftswoman nature worked hard on these minerals. Each of them is a whole story. In this case, none of the plots is repeated! You will never find in nature two stones with the same pattern.

Landscape agate is a mineral of volcanic origin. When the mouth of a volcano falls asleep, a real creative process begins in its depths: a wide variety of minerals gradually settle and solidify in the form of bizarre lines, stripes, ribbons and strokes. Different chemical elements paint these patterns in different colors and shades.

Landscape agates are most often bluish or pale gray in color. Moreover, almost all of them are slightly transparent at the edges. Drawings on slices are contrasting and clearly visible.

Geological origin and major mineral deposits

In most cases, landscape agate fills the cavities and cracks of volcanic rocks. Often they are found in sands or weathering products. By the way, even ancient Roman scientists wrote that this stone came from fire, air and water. And they were close enough to the truth. According to one version, the formation of agates is closely related to the processes of crystallization of silica gels.

Landscape agate is a fairly common mineral in nature. It is mined on almost all continents of the Earth. One of the oldest agate deposits on the planet is called Moko and is located in Yemen. Rich deposits of this mineral are found in Uruguay, Brazil, Mongolia, India and Germany. Agate is also mined in Russia (in particular, in the Urals and Chukotka).

Agate slices: a true work of art

In the visual arts, there is a special technique of watercolor painting on wet paper. This is when a drawing is applied to a sheet moistened with water, allowing the paints to be arbitrarily distributed on the paper. Something similar can be observed on sections of landscape agate. Let's see how it looks.

On these stones you can see the most diverse subjects: starry sky, mountain ranges or sand dunes. Here, in this section, nature depicted a fiery sunset over the steppe scorched by the summer sun.

stone landscape agate features

And here we see a forest lake with a strip of trees. At the same time, plants seem to be reflected in water. The game of colors at the same time is simply mesmerizing!

drawings on stones

There is a special kind of landscape agate - the so-called "bastion" or "ruin". This is a stone with numerous cracks, bends and creases resembling the silhouette of a ruined ancient city.

Bastion Agate

Products from landscape agate and their price

It is easy to guess that the main field of application of this beautiful mineral is jewelry. Agate is an excellent material for artistic carving. Numerous jewelry is made of stone - pendants, beads, bracelets, earrings, rings. Sometimes they are decorated with countertops, furniture, interiors and church altars. Landscape agates, as a rule, are polished and framed in a beautiful frame, thereby obtaining original miniature paintings.

The jewelry of their landscape agate is not too expensive. So, slices can be purchased at a price of 500 to 2000 rubles. The simplest cabochons (smooth polished pebbles) are even cheaper - from 250 to 500 rubles. Pendants, rings, bracelets and earrings made of agate are more expensive - an average of 2500 rubles and above.

agate jewelry

In addition, agates are also used in industry. For example, parts for watch movements, as well as tools for chemical experiments are made from them.

Who should wear such jewelry?

Landscape agate is a stone that fits all the signs of the zodiac, except perhaps Aries. He is especially supportive of athletes and artists, as well as all representatives of creative professions. Many people are sure that agate reduces pressure, relieves headaches and promotes the speedy healing of wounds and fractures.

It is believed that this mineral is able to put in order your thoughts and your deeds. He makes humble and insecure people more resolute and firm, and quick-tempered, on the contrary, calms and balances. The stone also protects from the anger and envy of other people, protects from the negative influence of the so-called energy vampires.


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