Why is the child pooping in his pants? How to wean?

Everyone knows that teaching a baby to use a pot can sometimes be a daunting task. This applies to children of one or two years who still do not know how to control the act of defecation. Sometimes loving and caring parents are faced with the fact that it is no longer a very small child pooping in his pants. However, completely different demands and expectations are put forward to the preschooler.

baby pooping in his pants

Typically, this behavior causes uncontrolled bouts of anger in the mother and father. An act of a child is regarded as a manifestation of bad manners and disrespect. Meanwhile, the reasons why the child poops in his pants can be different. First of all, you need to calm down and look at the situation from the side.


Psychologists note several reasons why a childโ€™s behavior can change for the worse. In each case, it is necessary to analyze the situation separately, to consider it from different angles. There is no need to simply blame and shame the baby, without offering him a solution to the problem. Such attacks do not lead to good results. You need to understand the situation, and not scream. Otherwise, there is a high risk that the child will become isolated and stop responding to your comments.

child 5 years old pooping in his pants

You should also take into account the fact that if, at a conscious age, a child poops in his trousers in a kindergarten, then he can be punished there for his behavior with indignation of the teachers and ridicule of classmates. The employees of educational institutions, unfortunately, do not always have enough time, tact and endurance in order to delve into the problems of each individual preschooler. Children - classmates often call different insulting nicknames for those who for some parameters do not correspond to generally accepted behavior.

Inability to ask

A baby can not always tell parents that his intestines are full and requires immediate emptying. If we are talking about the crumbs of a year and a half, then for him this is normal behavior. When an older child craps in his pants, then there is a certain problem. Do not think that over time everything will go on its own. It is necessary to take conscious measures in time. Sometimes a child is so busy playing that he simply does not notice some physiological needs of his body. If feces occur involuntarily, some children may get used to it over time. As a result, a bad habit is formed not to go to the toilet on time. In the future, this may entail social problems. Few kindergarten teachers will like this behavior.

why the child began to poop in his pants

The child may be shy in time to ask for a toilet while at a party, which may cause an unpleasant embarrassment. It is unlikely that he should be blamed for it; rather, it is necessary to conduct a conversation in a timely manner so that such things never happen again. It is necessary to explain to the child that the process of defecation is natural for all people and the need to urgently visit the toilet can arise in any person.

Crisis period

If a child at the age of 3 craps in his pants, almost always this circumstance indicates some kind of internal dysfunction of the person. Perhaps the baby is seriously getting used to the kindergarten, does not want to part with his mother until the evening, or he does not like the group. The crisis period, as a rule, is characterized by increased anxiety and is often accompanied by suspiciousness. In this case, one should not be surprised that the child is pooping in his pants, you just need to slightly adjust his behavior so that everything works out. Surviving a crisis of three years, children experience tremendous stress. This creates an additional burden on the psyche; accordingly, behavior necessarily changes. Now, if a child in 4 poops in his pants, then the problem lies in completely different aspects.

Collective fear

In some cases, irrational behavior indicates social difficulties. When parents sincerely wonder why the child began to shit in their pants, they should analyze whether the child is happy to attend kindergarten and whether he has additional problems with addiction. Very often we do not pay attention to what is happening with the children, considering their little experiences nothing. But in vain! A child poops in his pants when he wants to attract attention. He lives with inner fears and cannot overcome them on his own.

why the child began to poop in his pants

The fear of the team arises when the baby spends a lot of time surrounded by relatives. If you send a child to a child care institution not at 2-3 years old, as is usually the case, but at 4-5 years old, then it is likely that there will be serious problems with adaptation. Children do not understand that their fears are part of the natural process of addiction and therefore become self-contained.


This problem includes the fear of parting with mom, although it is temporary. The kid does not want to lose the closest person until the evening. Strong affection for the mother often does not allow children to adapt normally in kindergarten. Parting seems to them the worst thing that can happen. With an already developed neurosis, neither screaming, nor conversation, nor exhortation will help. One must look deep in the root to notice the problem. In some cases, it happens that a child of 5 years old poops in his pants. He just can not cope with his inner state, let go of fears and doubts. His body rebels, refuses to obey generally accepted rules. If the problem is not solved, it will only get worse over time. So the child will become the subject of ridicule and discussion by the children's team, he will develop an inferiority complex, self-esteem will fall.

how to wean a child poop in his pants

Do not forget about how children are sometimes cruel to their peers, if only someone begins to be different from others. If a 5-year-old child pokes in his pants, this can in no way be considered the norm. By his behavior, he rather calls adults to active actions, literally begs to draw attention to himself. Parents should not be comforted by the thought that everything will pass by itself. Sitting idle in this case is simply criminal.

Incomprehensibility problem

Some children, due to different circumstances, feel some loneliness, being in a team. They cannot find a place for themselves there; they are not friends with classmates. Such children are often offended and teased, without even looking for a special reason. And if the child began to poop in his pants and can not control this process, at least he needs the help of an adult. Such a reaction can follow the persistent rejection of the baby by the children's team. I must say that after others become aware of the problem of the child, he can remain in isolation for a long time. And then it really will be much more difficult to help. No parent wants his child everywhere to feel lonely, unnecessary and abandoned. If the difficulties that have arisen are not solved on time, but constantly put off until later, then there is a great risk of growing a person who is not able to take responsibility under any circumstances. Such a person will remain independent and extremely dependent on the assessment of others.

Digestion problems

If the child began to poop in his pants, one can find an explanation from the point of view of physiology. After all, the problem is not always hidden in psychological aspects. It happens that everything looks much more prosaic. Some difficulties with the digestion of food, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can provoke fecal incontinence. If a child systematically suffers from constipation, then this means that it is difficult for him to maintain natural reflexes. Sometimes it can happen that digestive problems, on the contrary, make him suppress the urge to the toilet. From constant overvoltage, encopresis may develop. The digestive system is very delicate. Any disturbances in the activity of these organs can provoke fecal incontinence. You should be extremely attentive to your own child to understand this.


In fact, itโ€™s not enough to understand why the child began to poop in his pants. It is important to take measures in time so that the encopresis does not progress. Otherwise, your child will have problems in the future, not only physical, but also psychological. You must admit that in our society it is not customary to discuss problems of this nature. Fecal incontinence looks like a very large deviation from the norm and characterizes a person only on the negative side. In addition, it is usually very difficult for such people to constantly maintain hygiene, which is why they in every possible way avoid communication. Children, unlike adults, do not know how to hide their feelings. They will not be sensitive to a peer who has such problems, but will express to him all their thoughts directly, without a bluff.

what to do if the child poop in his pants

It is hard to imagine how much moral suffering a little person experiences who has not found a way to deal with such non-standard difficulties. You should be patient in advance and solve this problem as soon as it appears. That is why parents never need to run a situation. It will be just a crime against your own child. While the child is still small, it is not so difficult to eliminate the existing drawback. Let us consider in more detail what solutions exist for this problem.

Children's toilet

At home, you can teach your son or daughter to regular bowel movements with this simple device. Finding such a thing on sale is not difficult. If your child has certain difficulties with using the toilet, do not despair. Remember that nothing is impossible. It just takes time and patience. It is enough to purchase a special children's nozzle, which is mounted on a regular toilet, or buy a baby potty for sending natural necessities. Moreover, it is worth considering the fact that the more attractive the subject itself is, the more often the baby will tend to use it for its intended purpose. It is important for children to be surrounded by beautiful things with a good design. Thinking about how to wean a child poop in his pants, it is worth starting with simple measures. If they do not help, you need to look deeper.

Work with fears

Half of all problems that arise in a person at one time or another in life have a psychological basis. This is a fact that today is recognized by leading specialists in personal growth and self-improvement. Difficulties based on the psychological component are sometimes very difficult to correct. Here you need to act subtly, thoughtfully and competently. Working with fears makes it possible to understand why such complexity arises at all, what the problem itself is. The best solution is to contact a psychologist and work out all the important points.

the child began to shit in his pants

Only in this case will it be possible to assert with complete confidence that the problem has been resolved. The more effort we put into something, the really easier it becomes to perceive the changes that are taking place. It is necessary not only to wean from a bad habit, but to understand what to do if the child poops in his pants.

Power control

This issue should be given special attention. Child nutrition should be the responsibility of parents. The more carefully the mother and father watch the baby, the sooner it will become completely healthy. Such products as cottage cheese, kefir, yoghurts, any fruits and vegetables, cereals prepared in milk will help establish the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Limit in use is white bread, pasta, pastries, sweets. This does not mean that the child needs to refuse everything. You just have to be more demanding and adamant about everyday nutrition. Do not give your baby the opportunity to eat prohibited foods in between meals. This is very harmful with encopresis. Otherwise, they will have to be treated even longer and more persistently. The digestive system depends on how much quality food a person eats. If you let this thing go by chance, there is no need to be surprised at the fact that the child has difficulties of this kind. Every time you want to feed your child something harmful, remember how difficult it is to be different from other people, especially if it causes great psychological discomfort. Other children will not want to communicate with their peers, from which an extremely unpleasant smell constantly comes.

Art therapy

This is an extremely useful thing, which is often underestimated by those who do not understand psychology at all. Art therapy is an effective method to cope with many disorders. It restores the emotional background, helps to overcome focus on the problem, perfectly removes fears. A child who has difficulty in having a bowel movement on a psychological basis needs proper therapy. Here, just heart-to-heart talk will not help. It is necessary to choose an effective method that meets all the requirements of modern psychology. This may be art therapy. With the help of drawing fears, it is possible to get rid of all sorts of "monsters" who have settled in the subconscious of the child. When the work is in full swing, sometimes it turns out that the baby reacts in a similar way to some kind of parental behavior that does not suit him. Unfortunately, not always the closest people generally turn to specialists for help. And you need to be more attentive to your own child.

Joint activities

In modern reality, children see their parents no more than two or three hours a day. Naturally, this is very small, the child is bored. Against this background, he may manifest any emotional disturbances, including those associated with the process of defecation. Joint classes with children will help to solve this problem. It is only necessary to relate to the needs of the baby more carefully, to take into account his psychological state. Restoring full communication, you can help overcome any difficulty. Start drawing, sculpting, reading together!

Thus, if a child empties the intestines in his pants, parents need to think seriously. Such behavior is not the norm and should necessarily be alarming.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E7601/

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